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NeutralBuried Blades
Start Master Craftsman Omarion
End Master Craftsman Omarion
Level 15-30
Category Eastern Plaguelands
Experience 4800
Reputation +325 Argent Crusade
Rewards Inv misc token argentdawn [Omarion's Gift] or
Inv helmet 186v4 [Cowl of the Noxious Glade] or
Inv jewelry amulet 03 [Light-Touched Pendant]


Bury the Light-Touched Blades in the bodies of 10 Slain Scourge Troopers.


The Noxious Glade is a quagmire, both literally and figuratively. There's enough Scourge up there to give us trouble for the rest of both of our lifetimes.

They can re-animate the weaker ones when they die, <name>. They will never stop coming if we don't do something.

Take these blades and drive them through the corpses of any Scourge troopers you find. The blade is simple, but its enchantment will prevent the dead bones from being reanimated. Forever.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc token argentdawn [Omarion's Gift] Inv helmet 186v4 [Cowl of the Noxious Glade]
Inv jewelry amulet 03 [Light-Touched Pendant]

You will also receive: 55s


Are you still here?


Our duty for the day is done.

It is only a matter of time before we defeat the Scourge. Today, we made progress.


Slain Scourge Troopers are skeletons you can find on the ground at the mill, and in the Noxious Glade. Inanimate, of course.


Optional breadcrumbs: A [15-30] Hero's Call: Eastern Plaguelands! or H [15-30] Warchief's Command: Eastern Plaguelands!

  1. N [15-30] Into the Woods or N [15-30] Visitors
  2. Both of the following, in either order:
    1. N [15-30] Just Encased
    2. N [15-30] Greasing the Wheel
    1. N [15-30] What I Do Best
    2. N [15-30] A Gift For Fiona
  3. N [15-30] Onward, to Light's Hope Chapel
  4. Both of the following, in either order:
    1. N [15-30] Cenarion Tenacity
    2. N [15-30] Postponing the Inevitable, N [15-30] Amidst Death, Life
  5. N [15-30] The Trek Continues
    1. N [15-30] Dark Garb, N [15-30] To Kill With Purpose
    2. N [15-30] Catalysm
    3. N [15-30] Just a Drop in the Bucket
  6. N [15-30] Boys Will Be Boys
  7. N [15-30] A Boyhood Dream
    1. N [15-30] Gathering Some Grub(s)
    2. N [15-30] An Opportune Alliance
  8. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Trial of the Crypt
  9. N [15-30] Argent Call: The Noxious Glade
  10. N [15-30] Argent Call: Northdale
  11. N [15-30] Ix'lar the Underlord
    1. N [15-30] Out of the Ziggurat
    2. N [15-30] Into the Flames
  12. N [15-30] Impatience
  13. N [15-30] Nobody to Blame but Myself
  14. N [15-30] Beat it Out of Them
    1. N [15-30] The Plaguewood Tower
    2. N [15-30] Counter-Plague Research, N [15-30] Just a Little Touched
    3. N [15-30] A Fate Worse Than Butchery, N [15-30] Augustus' Receipt Book
  15. N [15-30] Blind Fury
  16. N [15-30] Guardians of Stratholme
    • Side chain:
    1. All of the following, in any order:
    2. N [15-30] The Corpsebeasts
  17. N [15-30] The Baroness' Missive
  18. N [15-30] Gidwin's Fate Revealed
  19. N [15-30] Journey's End

Patch changes[]

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