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Midsummer Fire Festival
The subject of this article or section is part of Midsummer Fire Festival, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks, after which it is no longer available until the next year.
Ability mage firestarter
  • 10 Achievement points
  • Burning Hot Pole Dance
  • Dance at the ribbon pole for 60 seconds while wearing completed Midsummer set.

Burning Hot Pole Dance is awarded to players who equip all three pieices of the Midsummer Reveler set, then /dance at a Ribbon Pole for sixty seconds during the Midsummer Fire Festival. Completing this achievement is an objective of the meta-achievements Horde Inv summerfest symbol low [The Flame Keeper] and Alliance Inv summerfest symbol high [The Flame Warden].

The Midsummer Reveler set can be purchased from Midsummer Merchants and Midsummer Suppliers in capital cities for 400 Inv summerfest fireflower [Burning Blossom].

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