This CVar controls the violence level setting of in-game combat. It is very noteworthy for parents with young children who play World of Warcraft.
Default Setting[]
- 2
Possible Settings[]
Accepts settings in a range of 0-5, with each setting showing slightly more blood, and slightly more combat effects as the setting is increased.
- 0
- No combat effects.
- 1
- Blood, display of some combat effects.
- 2
- Blood.
- 3
- Bloody.
- 4
- Bloodier.
- 5
- Bloodiest. Highest violence level. A lot of gore.
Changing this setting[]
Requires UI restart to take effect.
In-game, type the following;
/console violenceLevel setting /reload
Alternatively, you can exit wow, open file, and add the following line;
SET violenceLevel "setting"
Other Notes[]
For those concerned about young players, do one of the following: Type this in-game:
/console violenceLevel 0 /reload
Or copy and paste the following into file;
SET violenceLevel "0"
Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Added in 1.6.0 or shortly earlier.