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Not to be confused with Cache of the Firelord.
Cache of the Fire Lord

Cache of the Fire Lord

Cache of the Fire Lord is a lootable chest located in Firelands. It appears after Ragnaros is defeated.


Item Type
Inv bow 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Arathar, the Eye of Flame] (H) Crossbow
Inv mace 1h firelandsraid d 04 [Ko'gun, Hammer of the Firelord] (H) Spirit main hand mace
Inv stave 2h firelandsraid d 03 stage2 [Sho'ravon, Greatstaff of Annihilation] (H) Caster staff
Inv mace 2h sulfuras d 01 [Sulfuras, the Extinguished Hand] (H) Strength two-hand axe
Inv gauntlets robe raidmage j 01 [Fingers of Incineration] (H) Caster cloth gloves
Inv belt robe raidpriest j 01 [Majordomo's Chain of Office] (H) Caster cloth belt
Inv helm circlet firelands d 01 [Crown of Flame] (H) Spirit mail helm
Inv plate firelands d 01 [Pauldrons of Roaring Flame] (H) Plate tank shoulders
Inv neck firelands 03 [Choker of the Vanquished Lord] (H) Agility necklace
Inv summerfest firepotion [Vessel of Acceleration] (H) Strength trinket
Inv gizmo electrifiedether [Matrix Restabilizer] (H) Agility trinket
Inv trinket naxxramas06 [Variable Pulse Lightning Capacitor] (H) DPS caster trinket
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Fiery Conqueror] (N-only) Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Fiery Conqueror] (H-only) Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Fiery Protector] (N-only) Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Fiery Protector] (H-only) Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Helm of the Fiery Vanquisher] (N-only) Armor token
Inv helmet 24 [Crown of the Fiery Vanquisher] (H-only) Armor token
Inv summerfest firespirit [Eternal Ember] Quest item
Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember] Trade goods
Inv diablostone [Crystallized Firestone] (H-only) Currency
Inv misc orb 05 [Smoldering Egg of Millagazor] Mount
Shared boss loot
Item Type
Inv mace 1h firelandsraid d 03 [Shatterskull Bonecrusher] (H) Agility one-hand mace
Inv sword 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Zoid's Firelit Greatsword] (H) Strength two-hand sword
Inv stave 2h firelandsraid d 01 [Smoldering Censer of Purity] (H) Spirit staff
Inv axe 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Eye of Purification] (H) Spirit one-hand axe
Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Avool's Incendiary Shanker] (H) Agility dagger
Inv knife 1h firelandsraid d 02 [Entrail Disgorger] (H) Agility dagger
Inv sword 1h firelandsraid d 01 [Firethorn Mindslicer] (H) Caster sword
Item Type
Inv ember [Time-Locked Cinder] Quest item

Patch changes[]

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