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For the quest, see N IconSmall Dracthyr MaleIconSmall Dracthyr Female Evoker [58-60] Caldera of the Menders.
Caldera of the Menders

Caldera of the Menders

The Caldera of the Menders [43, 37]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip is one of the four anchors on the mainland of the Forbidden Reach. Located in the northwestern quadrant of the mainland, the area is bordered by the Shrouded Coast to the northwest, the Scaleborn Pass to the east, and the Tempest Coast to the southwest.

Additionally, the entrance to the Support Creche is marked on the map at [36.7, 32.5]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip to the west, the Lost Grotto mouth is at [49.2, 37.1]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip to the northeast, and the Lair of the Scythid at [45.7, 43.2]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip to the southeast.

A Dragon Glyph is at [37.7, 30.6]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip inside a broken tower to the northwest, and a Dragonscale Expedition Flag is on a ridge at [36.9, 37.9]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip over the pass to the Tempest Coast to the south.

A Forbidden Hoard spawns south of the Support Creche at [36.0, 34.0]VZ-Forbidden ReachBlip atop a tower guarded by a Territorial Proto-Drake.


Outside the Support Creche, the area is overrun by Dragonbane Beetles and Pestilent Pinchers.

Elsewhere, mainly surrounding the lake, Mature Scalerenders, Scalerender Beetles, Scythid Steamstalkers, Territorial Argali, Wild Argali, and Wild Ohuna are present.

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