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NeutralCall of the Dream
Call of the Dream
Start Automatic
End Merithra[18.7, 51.8]VZ-Ohn'ahran PlainsBlip
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Category Guardians of the Dream
Rewards 2g 80s 90c
Next N [70] Emerald Welcome

Call of the Dream begins the Guardians of the Dream campaign.


Complete the "Coalition of Flames" storyline from Shandris in Valdrakken, then travel to the Ancient Bough in the Ohn'ahran Plains.

  • Complete "The Coalition of Flames" storyline from Shandris


A great tree grows within the Dream. Soon, it will emerge in Azeroth.

But before it does, we must protect it from those who would do it harm or wield its power for their own ends. We must band together and see it through its verdant birth.

Join me and the others in the Ancient Bough. Together, we will travel into the Emerald Dream.


You will receive:

  • 2g 80s 90c


Not so long ago, the World Tree was planted within the Emerald Dream. There, we have kept it safe.

Now our enemies have found their own way into the Dream. We must unite and protect it. The tree has so much promise... and potential.


Upon accept
Merithra says: The time for the World Tree to bloom draws near, and our enemies are gathering in the Emerald Dream. Come.

Head to the Ancient Bough and find a group of people there. In the back are five Sentinels of the New Moon. In front of them on the right side are Kalecgos, Archmage Khadgar, and Khanam Matra Sarest, while on the left side is Ysera. In front of the Dream portal are Merithra, Alexstrasza, Vyranoth, and Tyrande Whisperwind who is part of the Dream Wardens. Some of the present can be spoken to.


Speak if you must.
Gossip Why are you here?
Fyrakk has lost sight of our true aim. He seeks power and fire, not the liberation of dragonkind from the Titans' corruption.
Alexstrasza and I have spoken at length. We have achieved understanding and, I believe, trust.
Therefore, I am trusting both her and you as I endeavor to stop my brother from undoing all we have fought for.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.


Thank you for coming to help.
I see Merithra stand up as the leader of our flight, and I am proud.
Let us venture into the Dream one time. One last time, perhaps, and see the future of the world tree secured.
Gossip (Play Movie) Remind me how you returned to Azeroth.
The cutscene from N [70] Reunited, Once Again plays out.


Our flights have come together to stand against the fiery forces that would threaten the Emerald Dream.
For so long, my sister was the Aspect of that realm. And now, her daughter leads us. It is a bittersweet feeling.
Gossip (Play Movie) Show me what threatens the World Tree.
A(n unimplemented) cinematic plays out.


The kaldorei will stand and defend this tree. We have lost too much to lose hope.
Gossip Where is Malfurion?
Amirdrassil means "Crown of Harmony."
It is a symbol of our hopes and our aspirations for a restored future.
When I held the last child of Darnassus in my arms, I wished desperately that it was not the end of us. But I know that in order to have that future, we must fight for it.
That is why we defend this tree, and when it blooms, Goddess willing, we will have our home once more.
Gossip Let's talk about something else.


I swore that the tree would be kept hidden and safe in the Dream. Now all we have worked for is under threat by flame.
I will not fail. I must not fail.
If you do not fully understand what is at stake, I can show you. The Dream as we know it might change forever...
Gossip (Play Movie) Show me what threatens the World Tree.
A(n unimplemented) cinematic plays out.
Gossip (Play Movie) Show me how the tree was planted in the Dream.
The cinematic from N [70] And Yet So Far plays out.


  1. N [70] Call of the Dream
  2. N [70] Emerald Welcome
  3. Feast or Flaming
  4. Wild Gods in Our Midst
  5. Burning Assault & The Face of Our Enemies
  6. The Cruel
  7. Amirdrassil (quest)
  8. Lost to the Flame
  9. Between Fyrakk and a Hard Place
  10. Home in the Dream
  11. A Multi-Front Battle

Patch changes[]

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