Zone map
The Cape of Stranglethorn is the southern part of Stranglethorn Vale, now split from the Shattering. It traces the escalating conflict between the goblin pirates of Booty Bay and their rivals, the Bloodsail Buccaneers.
The progress for the storyline is tracked in the achievement [Cape of Stranglethorn Quests].
Explorers' League Digsite[]
[10-30] Hero's Call: The Cape of Stranglethorn! or
[10-30] To the Cape! (Breadcrumbs quest from Northern Stranglethorn)
[10-30] Dask "The Flask" Gobfizzle
[10-30] Good-Fer-Nothin' Slither-Dogs &
[10-30] Too Big For His Britches
[10-30] Perfectly Pure
- Side quests:
[10-30] Akiris by the Bundle (starts the Zanzil the Outcast chain)
[10-30] If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...
[10-30] Plush Pelts
- Side quests:
[10-30] Zanzil's Secret
[10-30] Recipe for Disaster
- Side chain:
[10-30] Results: Inconclusive
[10-30] Airwyn Bantamflax (breadcrumb to Booty Bay)
- Side chain:
Hardwrench Hideaway[]
[10-30] Warchief's Command: The Cape of Stranglethorn! or
[10-30] Above My Pay Grade (Breadcrumbs quest from Northern Stranglethorn)
[10-30] Akiris by the Bundle/
[10-30] It's You!! &
[10-30] If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around...
- Side Chain:
[10-30] The Holy Water of Clarity
[10-30] Primal Reagents of Power &
[10-30] Diffractory Chromascope
[10-30] I'm A Huge Liar and a Fraud (breadcrumb to Booty Bay)
- Side Chain:
[10-30] There's Somebody Out There Who Wants It
[10-30] Mixmaster Jasper
[10-30] Chabal (starts the Zanzil the Outcast chain)
[10-30] Zanzil's Secret
[10-30] Let's See What You've Got, Zanzil
[10-30] Recipe for Disaster
Gurubashi Arena[]
Zanzil the Outcast[]
[10-30] Backdoor Dealings
[10-30] Eliminate the Outcast
- Side quest nearby:
[10-30] Message in a Bottle (starts Princess Poobah quest chain)
- Side quest nearby:
[10-30] Through the Troll Hole
[10-30] High Priestess Jeklik
[10-30] Plunging Into Zul'Gurub
[10-30] High Priest Venoxis
Princess Poobah[]
[10-30] Message in a Bottle
[10-30] Protecting Her Royal Highness Poobah
[10-30] Grubby Little Paws
[10-30] Mukla's Demise
Booty Bay[]
[10-30] Airwyn Bantamflax/
[10-30] I'm A Huge Liar and a Fraud
[10-30] The Captain's Chest
[10-30] A Giant's Feast
[10-30] A Dish Best Served Huge
[10-30] Mok'rash the Cleaver
"Sea Wolf" MacKinley and Fin Fizracket:
[10-30] Scaring Shaky
- Side quest:
[10-30] Stranglethorn Fever
- Side quest:
[10-30] Return to MacKinley
[10-30] Kill-Collect
[10-30] The Bloodsail Buccaneers
[10-30] Bloodsail Treachery
- Side quest from
[Weather-Beaten Coin]:
[10-30] An Old Sea Dog
- Side quest from
[10-30] The Baron Must Be Told
[10-30] Details of the Attack
- Side quests:
[10-30] Up to Snuff,
[10-30] Keep An Eye Out
- Side quests:
[10-30] Getting In With the Bloodsail
[10-30] Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie
- Complete
[10-30] Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me to get the quest item for this one
- Complete
[10-30] Your First Day as a Pirate
[10-30] Swabbing Duty &
[10-30] Cannonball Swim &
[10-30] The Bane of Many A Pirate
[10-30] Attracting Attention
[10-30] Ol' Blasty
- Side quest:
[10-30] Our Mortal Enemies
- Side quest:
[10-30] Drive-By Piracy
[10-30] The Damsel's Luck
[10-30] Making Mutiny &
[10-30] Sinking From Within &
[10-30] The Brashtide Crew
[10-30] Call of Booty
[10-30] Doublerum
[10-30] Return to Revilgaz
- Complete all of:
- Revilgaz's quest chain
[10-30] Prepare for Takeoff
[10-30] The Final Voyage of the Brashtide
- Seahorn's quest chain
[10-30] Seeking Seahorn
[10-30] Turning the Brashtide &
[10-30] The Damsel's (Bad) Luck
[10-30] Bloodsail's End
After you are done in Stranglethorn, pick up one of the breadcrumb quests to continue to either Western Plaguelands or Dustwallow Marsh. The quest givers provide you easy transportation to these far-away zones.
[15-30] The Battle for Andorhal (to Western Plaguelands)
[15-30] The Call of Kalimdor (to Dustwallow Marsh)
← Previous: Northern Stranglethorn quests | Next: Western Plaguelands storyline, Dustwallow Marsh storyline →