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HordeCaptain Zadari
No image available
Gender Female
Race Zandalari troll (Humanoid)
Level ?? Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Golden Fleet
Occupation Captain
Location Battle of Dazar'alor
Status Alive

Captain Zadari is a Zandalari troll located in Battle of Dazar'alor. She commandeers the ship Jaina Proudmoore assaults.


Icon-search-48x48 This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Needs order & context
  • A fine shot! Their vessel is bound for de deep!
  • All hands on deck! Time to make de daughter of de sea pay for trespassing in our waters!
  • Dey are sunk! Nothing left but ash and splinters!
  • Dey belong to de sharks now!
  • Enemy vessel off de starboard side! Man de guns!
  • Enemy vessel off our port side! Give dem a taste of our cannons!
  • Ha! Hope de Kul Tirans can swim better than dey sail!
  • Ha! Horde vessels on de horizon! You have nowhere left to run, ice witch!
  • I have heard of you, Jaina Proudmoore. De little girl who betrayed her father and lost her brother to war. Failure is your family legacy.
  • Impossible!
  • Kul Tiran colors off our port side!
  • Kul Tirans on de starboard side!
  • You will pay for your crimes! All hands, attack!
  • It will be so, princess! Heroes, come aboard!


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