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AllianceCapture the Weapons
Start Ordinn Thunderfist
End Ordinn Thunderfist
Level 25-30
Type Group (3)
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 12300 EXP
Rewards Inv boots cloth 09 [Ashwalker's Footwraps] or
Inv shoulder 14 [Azurestrike Shoulders] or
Inv belt 13 [Darkhunter's Cinch] or
Inv bracer 14 [Singed Vambraces]
4g 10s
Previous Inv stone 15 [Illidari-Bane Shard]
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [25-30G3] Capture the Weapons.


Ordinn Thunderfist at Wildhammer Stronghold wants you to bring him Inv weapon shortblade 40 [Makazradon's Glaive] and Inv weapon shortblade 47 [Morgroron's Glaive].

Suggested Players [3]


With a larger supply of this material, we might be able to forge a weapon for you to use.

The two pit lords at Legion Hold, Makazradon and Morgroron, have already been equipped with these anti-demon weapons. We have no way of knowing how many more the Legion intends to produce, but if we can capture these prototypes, there should be enough for our project.

<Ordinn grins.>

There's a certain amount of satisfaction in using the Legion's own 'secret weapons' against them, don't you think?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards
Inv boots cloth 09 [Ashwalker's Footwraps] Inv shoulder 14 [Azurestrike Shoulders]
Inv belt 13 [Darkhunter's Cinch] Inv bracer 14 [Singed Vambraces]

You will also receive:4g 10s


Did you capture those prototypes?


These should work nicely. Now, let's forge them into a more useful form.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:


  1. B [25-30] Illidari-Bane Shard
  2. B [25-30G3] Capture the Weapons
  3. B [25-30] The Hermit Smith
  4. N [25-30] Additional Materials
  5. N [25-30D] Fresh from the Mechanar
  6. N [25-30D] The Lexicon Demonica
  7. N [25-30D] Tear of the Earthmother & N [25-30D] Underworld Loam
  8. N [25-30] Bane of the Illidari
  9. N [25-30] Quenching the Blade

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