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MobCaptured Krolusk
Image of Captured Krolusk
Race Krolusk (Beast)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Crater of Conquerors, Vol'dun
Status Killable
Pet family Carapid
Faithless Raider - Captured Krolusk

A Captured Krolusk being transported by a Faithless Raider.

Captured Krolusks are krolusks that are periodically delivered by Faithless Raiders to the Crater of Conquerors in Vol'dun. Raiders will periodically appear, dragging a Captured Krolusk in chains, and leave it in one of the stalls just inside the crater's western entrance. The Krolusk will subsequently fall asleep and despawn shortly after. If a Raider transporting a Captured Krolusk is attacked, the Krolusk will join the Raider in attacking the player and will remain hostile even if its captor dies.


  • Ability druid ferociousbite Chomp — Gnaws enemy, inflicting Physical damage on impact and additional Physical damage every 3 sec. for 6 sec.
  • Ability warrior charge Rumbling Rush — Charges an enemy, inflicting 150% weapon damage.

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