Carriers are large warships dedicated to transporting gyrocopters and bombers. They are a new addition to the fleets of the Alliance and Horde and look very similar to the dreadnaughts of the Iron Horde, which were designed by Solog Roark.[1] Carriers started appearing after his defection, indicating that the shipwright also had a hand in creating the carrier design.
The Horde now has at least one on Azeroth, appearing near Nazmir when the Alliance leads an attack on the zone.
World of Warcraft[]
The commanders of Lunarfall and Frostwall can build carriers at their garrison shipyard. They are good against battleships and weak against submarines.
Draenor, Alliance:
- Alleria's Valor
- Anduin's Prayer
- Fizzcrank's Launching
- Hammer of Justice
- Light of Elune
- Light's Hope
- Lin's Undying Will
- Maiev's Blade
- Master's Call
- Memory of Magni
- Menethil March
- Pride of Ironforge
- Spirit of Auberdine
- The Counterspell
- The Jade Wisdom
- The Lesson of Southshore
- The Lion of Azeroth
- Theramore's Revenge
- Victory Rush
- Ysera's Dream
Draenor, Horde:
- Hammer of Justice
- Hoard of Gallywix
- Liadrin's Shield
- Light's Hope
- Lin's Undying Will
- Lok'tar Ogar
- Master's Call
- Might of Grom'gol
- Nazgrim's Fist
- Pact of the Val'kyr
- Rommath's Fire
- Savagery
- Slice of Undeath
- The Bilgewater Bargain
- The Blightcaller
- The Counterspell
- The Jade Wisdom
- Victory Rush
- Ysera's Dream
- Zalazane's Fall
Draenor, Iron Horde: