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NeutralCarry On, Basilton
Start Gryrmpech [37.9, 75.5]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
End Gryrmpech [37.9, 75.5]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 1,050
Rewards Inv misc questionmark [Lord Basilton]
2g 76s 20c
Previous N [68-70] Flame at Last

Carry On, Basilton concludes the Gardens of Unity chapter of the Thaldraszus storyline.


Speak with Basilton in the Gardens.


There is one more thing this old drakonid would like to ask you, before you leave.

Back when Lord Basilton and I first met, we would go on all sorts of adventures together. I think that's why he wanders off. He misses exploring.

I can't do that for him anymore. But you can! You can take him to see places I never would have dreamed of, I can tell.

However, we should ask Basilton what he thinks first.


You will receive:


Let's see what Basilton thinks.


I'm jealous of him, if I'm being honest. To be young again, and exploring the world. You'll have to visit, sometime, so you can tell me what he's been up to.


Speak with Lord Basilton:

<Lord Basilton paws idly at the ground.>
Gossip <Basilton looks up at you and gives an excited squeak. He'd love to go along with you on more adventures!>
Gryrmpech says: Ha! He seems to like you very much.
Gryrmpech says: What do you say, Basilton? Would you like to carry on your adventures with <name>?
Lord Basilton says: Squeak!!
Gryrmpech says: Excellent! Well, <name>, I think that's your answer. Basilton will join you. Do take care of him, will you?

Completing the quest also awards the "Gardens of Unity" criterion of Inv misc questionmark [Sojourner of Thaldraszus].


  1. N [68-70] Garden Variety (optional breadcrumb)
  2. N [68-70] Azeroth Pest Control
  3. N [68-70] The Gardener's Apprentice
  4. N [68-70] Elemental Extract & N [68-70] Lashing Out
  5. N [68-70] Flame at Last
  6. N [68-70] Carry On, Basilton

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