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HordeCassandra Kaboom
Start Merda Stronghoof
End Cassandra Kaboom
Level 1-70 (Requires 1)
Type Account
Category Battle Pets
Experience 80
Rewards Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag [Sack of Pet Supplies]
19g 40s
Previous H [1-70] Merda Stronghoof
Next B [1-70] A Tamer's Homecoming
For the Alliance version of this quest, see Bill Buckler.


Defeat Cassandra Kaboom in a pet battle.


Cassandra Kaboom is a fierce tamer, known for her mechanical pets. She should serve as the next step on your journey to greatness.

Find her in Southern Barrens near the Frazzlecraz Motherlode and challenge her. Beating Cassandra will surely prove yourself in the eyes of Varzok.

Good luck.


What's a <race> like you doin' in a place like this?


You will receive: 19g 40s

Inv misc bag cenarionherbbag [Sack of Pet Supplies]


Woah! You really are somethin'!


  1. A [1-70] Audrey Burnhep / H [1-70] Varzok
  2. A [1-70] Julia, The Pet Tamer / H [1-70] Zunta, The Pet Tamer
  3. A [1-70] Old MacDonald / H [1-70] Dagra the Fierce
  4. A [1-70] Lindsay / H [1-70] Analynn
  5. A [1-70] Eric Davidson / H [1-70] Zonya the Sadist
  6. A [1-70] Steven Lisbane / H [1-70] Merda Stronghoof
  7. A [1-70] Bill Buckler / H [1-70] Cassandra Kaboom
  8. B [1-70] A Tamer's Homecoming
  9. B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Eastern Kingdoms & B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Kalimdor
  10. N [1-70] Grand Master Lydia Accoste & N [1-70] Grand Master Trixxy
  11. B [1-70] The Returning Champion / B [1-70] The Returning Champion
  12. B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Outland
  13. N [1-70] Grand Master Antari
  14. B [1-70] Exceeding Expectations
  15. B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Northrend
  16. N [1-70] Grand Master Payne
  17. B [1-70] A Brief Reprieve
  18. B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Cataclysm
  19. N [1-70] Grand Master Obalis
  20. B [1-70] The Triumphant Return
  21. B [1-70] Battle Pet Tamers: Pandaria
  22. N [1-70] Grand Master Aki

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