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MobCataclysm Hound
Image of Cataclysm Hound
Race Void terror (Demon)
Level 71 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Sunwell Plateau
Status Killable

Cataclysm Hounds are elite void terrors located in the Sunwell Plateau. They can also be spotted from the Magisters' Terrace by using the Scrying Orb located at the Solar Vigil.


  • Ability druid challangingroar Enrage — Attack speed increased by 150% for 12 sec.
  • Spell shadow unstableaffliction 3 Cataclysm Breath — Shoots a cloud of cataclysm breath at enemies in a cone in front of the caster. Targets are afflicted with several negative effects.
    • Spell nature corrosivebreath Corrosive Poison — Reduces an enemy's armor by 7000 and inflicts 2188 to 2812 Nature damage every 5 sec. for 3 min.
    • Spell nature nullifydisease Fevered Fatigue — Reduces an enemy's Intellect by 390 and its Strength by 390 for 3 min.
    • Spell nature polymorph Hex — Transforms an enemy into a rat, rendering it unable to attack or cast spells for 10 sec.
    • Ability creature poison 03 Necrotic Poison — Healing effects reduced by 75%.
    • Spell shadow chilltouch Piercing Shadow — Reduces an enemy's Shadow resistance by 350 for 3 min.
    • Spell shadow antishadow Shrink — Reduces an enemy's Strength by 390 and Stamina by 390 for 3 min.
    • Spell shadow animatedead Wavering Will — Increases the time between an enemy's attacks speed by 45%, slows its casting speed by 45%, and slows its movement by 60%. Lasts 3 min.
    • Spell shadow creepingplague Withered Touch — Diseases an enemy, inflicting 5335 Shadow damage every 10 sec. and draining 5335 mana every 10 sec., transferring it to the caster. Lasts 3 min.

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Sunwell Plateau Magisters' Terrace