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Blacksmithing plans

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Blacksmithing Blacksmithing (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Plans  •  Trainers  •  Equipment
Illustrious Grand Master blacksmithing recipes
Skill Item Category Ingredients Source
425 Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Crafting material 2x Inv stone 15 [Obsidium Bar] Trainer
440 Inv bracer plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Bracers] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
1x Spell frost fireresistancetotem [Elemental Flux]
440 Inv bracer 63v1 [Redsteel Bracers] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
440 Inv bracer 79 [Stormforged Bracers] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
450 Inv gauntlets 122 [Stormforged Gauntlets] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
1x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
450 Inv gauntlets plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Gauntlets] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
450 Inv shield cataclysm b 01 [Hardened Obsidium Shield] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
450 Inv gauntlets 107v1 [Redsteel Gauntlets] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
460 Inv belt plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Belt] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
1x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
460 Inv belt 86v1 [Redsteel Belt] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
1x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
460 Inv belt 100 [Stormforged Belt] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
1x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
460 Inv axe 1h cataclysm b 01 [Decapitator's Razor] Axe 20x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
8x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
470 Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 02 [Cold-Forged Shank] Dagger 15x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
6x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
4x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
470 Inv polearm 2h cataclysm c 01 [Obsidium Bladespear] Polearm 12x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
10x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
4x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
470 Inv boots plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Boots] Plate 5x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
470 Inv boots plate 19v1 [Redsteel Boots] Plate 5x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
470 Inv boots plate 23 [Stormforged Boots] Plate 5x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
470 Inv shield cataclysm b 02 [Stormforged Shield] Shield 10x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
4x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
475 2x Item pyriumkey [Obsidium Skeleton Key] Key 2x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium] Trainer
480 Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 01 [Fire-Etched Dagger] Dagger 20x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
12x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
4x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
480 Inv shoulder plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Shoulders] Plate 5x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
480 Inv hammer 29 [Lifeforce Hammer] Hammer 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
12x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
6x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
480 Inv sword 2h cataclysm b 01 [Obsidium Executioner] Sword 10x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
480 Inv pants plate 26 [Stormforged Legguards] Plate 2x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
8x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
480 Inv shoulder 149 [Stormforged Shoulders] Plate 2x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
8x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
480 Inv shoulder plate dungeonplate c 03 [Redsteel Shoulders] Plate 3x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
6x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
490 Inv helmet plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Helm] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
490 Inv helmet 189 [Stormforged Helm] Plate 20x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
8x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
490 Inv qiraj hiltspiked [Elementium Shield Spike] Modification 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar] Trainer
490 Inv pants plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Legguards] Plate 2x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
490 Inv pants plate 38v1 [Redsteel Legguards] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
7x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
500 Inv misc steelweaponchain [Pyrium Weapon Chain] Modification 1x Inv misc pyriumbar 02 [Pyrium Bar] Vendor
500 Inv chest plate27v1 [Redsteel Breastplate] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
15x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
500 Inv bracer plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Bracers] Plate 8x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
500 Inv bracer plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Bracers] Plate 8x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
500 Inv chest plate cataclysm b 02 [Hardened Obsidium Breastplate] Plate 4x Inv weapon shortblade 21 [Folded Obsidium]
6x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
500 Inv helmet 178v1 [Redsteel Helm] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar] Trainer
500 Inv chest plate 31 [Stormforged Breastplate] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar] Trainer
505 Inv gauntlets plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Gauntlets] Plate 10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
505 Inv gauntlets plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Gauntlets] Plate 10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
510 Inv belt plate raidwarrior i 01 [Elementium Girdle of Pain] Plate 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
510 Inv belt plate raidwarrior i 01 [Hardened Elementium Girdle] Plate 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
510 Inv belt plate raidpaladin i 01 [Light Elementium Belt] Plate 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
510 Inv belt plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Belt] Plate 10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
510 Inv belt plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Belt] Plate 10x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
515 Inv mace 10 [Elementium Bonesplitter] One-Handed Maces 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv axe 1h bwdraid d 01 [Elementium Gutslicer] One-Handed Axes 25x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv mace 1h cataclysm c 03 [Elementium Hammer] One-Handed Maces 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv chest plate raidwarrior i 01 [Elementium Deathplate] Plate 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv chest plate raidwarrior i 01 [Hardened Elementium Hauberk] Plate 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv chest plate raidpaladin i 01 [Light Elementium Chestguard] Plate 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
515 Inv boots plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Boots] Plate 12x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
515 Inv boots plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Boots] Plate 12x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
520 Inv polearm 2h cataclysm b 02 [Elementium Poleaxe] Polearm 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv knife 1h grimbatolraid d 01 [Elementium Shank] Dagger 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv knife 1h grimbatolraid d 03 [Elementium Spellblade] One-Handed Swords 4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv mace 46 [Forged Elementium Mindcrusher] Two-Handed Maces 5x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv shield grimbatolraid d 02 [Elementium Earthguard] Shields 3x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv shield bwdraid d 02 [Elementium Stormshield] Shields 3x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
520 Inv shoulder plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Shoulders] Plate 12x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
520 Inv boots plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Boots] Plate 12x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
525 Inv belt 83 [Ebonsteel Belt Buckle] Modification 4x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
4x Inv misc pyriumbar 02 [Pyrium Bar]
4x Inv misc volatileearth [Volatile Earth]
525 Inv shield 08 [Pyrium Shield Spike] Modification 5x Inv misc pyriumbar 02 [Pyrium Bar] Vendor
525 Inv chest plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Breastplate] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
525 Inv helmet plate dungeonplage c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Helm] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
525 Inv pants plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Ornate Pyrium Legguards] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilewater [Volatile Water]
525 Inv chest plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Breastplate] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
525 Inv helmet plate dungeonplage c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Helm] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
525 Inv pants plate dungeonplate c 04 [Vicious Pyrium Legguards] Plate 15x Inv misc pyriumbar [Elementium Bar]
10x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
525 Inv knife 1h bwdraid d 01 [Brainsplinter] Dagger 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
2x Inv misc uncutgemnormal3 [Inferno Ruby]
3x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv axe 1h pvp400 c 01 [Elementium-Edged Scalper] Axe 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
8x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv boots plate raidpaladin j 01 [Emberforged Elementium Boots] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv glove plate raiddeathknight j 01 [Eternal Elementium Handguards] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv glove plate raidwarrior j 01 [Fists of Fury] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv gauntlets plate raidpaladin j 01 [Holy Flame Gauntlets] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv mace 84 [Lightforged Elementium Hammer] Mace 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
30x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv sword 73 [Masterwork Elementium Deathblade] Sword 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
2x Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Ocean Sapphire]
4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 02 [Masterwork Elementium Spellblade] Dagger 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal2 [Ocean Sapphire]
2x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior2 [Jasper]
1x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv boot plate raiddeathknight j 01 [Mirrored Boots] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv sword 1h cataclysm c 06 [Pyrium Spellward] Sword 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
1x Inv misc uncutgemnormal [Ember Topaz]
3x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv sword 1h cataclysm c 04 [Unbreakable Guardian] Sword 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
8x Inv misc uncutgemsuperior6 [Zephyrite]
2x Item savageleatherhide [Heavy Savage Leather]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv boots plate raidwarrior j 01 [Warboots of Mighty Lords] Plate 4x Spell mage flameorb [Living Ember]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
3x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv polearm 2h bwdraid d 01 [Witch-Hunter's Harvester] Polearm 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
4x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
6x Item savageleatherhide [Heavy Savage Leather]
5x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv bracer plate raiddeathknight k 01 [Bracers of Destructive Strength] Plate 4x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
30x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
4x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv pants plate raidwarrior k 01 [Foundations of Courage] Plate 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
8x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
4x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv pants plate raidpaladin k 01 [Pyrium Legplates of Purified Evil] Plate 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
40x Inv misc volatilelife green [Volatile Life]
4x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
4x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv bracer plate raidpaladin k 01 [Soul Redeemer Bracers] Plate 4x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
30x Inv misc volatilelife green [Volatile Life]
4x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv bracer plate raidwarrior k 01 [Titanguard Wristplates] Plate 4x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
10x Inv misc ebonsteelbar [Hardened Elementium Bar]
4x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
2x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]
525 Inv pants plate raiddeathknight k 01 [Unstoppable Destroyer's Legplates] Plate 8x Inv misc truegold [Truegold]
40x Inv misc volatilefire [Volatile Fire]
8x Spell fire felfirenova [Essence of Destruction]
4x Inv chaos orb [Chaos Orb]