This is a quick reference of all the existing Cataclysm rare gems.
The table uses common abbreviations for it to be of reasonable size. Here is the legend.
Red stats | Yellow stats | Blue stats | |||
Strength | Str | Mastery Rating | Mast | Spell Penetration | SPen |
Parry Rating | Parr | Critical Strike Rating | Crit | Stamina | Sta |
Agility | Agi | Dodge Rating | Dodg | Hit Rating | Hit |
Intellect | Int | Haste Rating | Hast | Spirit | Spi |
Expertise Rating | Exp | Resilience Rating | Res |
How to use the table[]
- Choose which stat you want and find it's row.
- Choose the declination you want (a certain color in that given row).
- Browse the available gems in that cell.
- Once you are decided, put your mouse on top of a gem to see it's name.
See also[]