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Inv misc paperbundle04a
  • Cataloged Research
  • As you bring the Archivist Relics he will catalog it which will allow you to start Field Studies to learn more about them or identiy relics in his care that you can use in the field.
Archivist Roh-Suir

Archivist Roh-Suir

Cataloged Research is given in exchange for Inv relics 6orunestone ogremissive [Relic Fragment]-equivalent items found in Korthia. Use the currency to buy items from Archivist Roh-Suir at the Reliquary of Remembrance at Keeper's Respite.

Additionally, research can be used at item upgraders — like Assistant Scholar Kah-Vez in the Reliquary of Remembrance — to increase the item level of 9.1 daily quest gear, all the way up to item level 233.

Upgrade to
2 3 4 5 6
1 (200) 250 1,000 2,250 4,250 7,250
2 (207) 750 2,000 4,000 7,000
3 (213) 1,250 3,250 6,250
4 (220) 2,000 5,000
5 (226) ...

Currency for[]

Archivist Roh-Suir (Archivists' Codex)
Tier Item Cost Type
n/a Inv box petcarrier 01 [Trained Gromit Carrier] 35 Relic finding companion (60 min)
Tier 2 Inv misc paperbundle04a [Research Report: All-Seeing Crystal] 100 Relic Fragments acquisition
Inv misc key 04 [Korthite Crystal Key] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
Inv misc key 09 [Key of Flowing Waters] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
Item elementiumkey [Key of the Inner Chambers] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
Inv archaeology 70 keytonarthalasacademy [Key of Many Thoughts] 25 Korthian Relic Box key
Trade archaeology draenei tome [Treatise: Recognizing Stygia and its Uses] 800 +10 Inv stygia [Stygia] from dailies/rares
Tier 3 Inv misc enggizmos 13 [Teleporter Repair Kit] 50 Ancient Teleporter access
Tier 4 Inv relics runestone [Repaired Riftkey] 100 Rift Portal access
70 professions scroll 02 [Transmute: Stones to Ore] 2,000 Shadowlands Alchemy (160)
Inv misc book 17 [Recipe: Crafter's Mark of the Chained Isle] 2,500 Recipe
Trade archaeology draenei tome [Treatise: Bonds of Stygia in Mortals] 1,000 -75% Inv stygia [Stygia] loss in the Maw
Tier 5 Inv cape cloth oribosdungeon c 01 [Cloak of the Korthian Scholar] 500 Cosmetic cloak
Inv misc paperbundle04a [Research Report: Ancient Shrines] 1,000 Phasing Korthian Shrine
Trade archaeology draenei tome [Treatise: The Study of Anima and Harnessing Every Drop] 1,500 +25 Spell animabastion orb [Reservoir Anima]
Tier 6 Inv mawexpansionfliermountyellow [Soaring Razorwing] 5,000 Flying mount (75)
Inv cloth mawraid d 01 belt [Attendant Scholar's Waistcord] 4,000 Item level 239 cloth belt
Inv glove leather mawraid d 01 [Subtle Mortality Manipulators] 4,000 Item level 239 leather gloves
Inv mail mawraid d 01 buckle [Korthite Crystal Waistguard] 4,000 Item level 239 mail belt
Inv glove plate mawraid d 01 [Prototype Guardian Grips] 4,000 Item level 239 plate gloves
Trade archaeology draenei tome [Treatise: Relics Abound in the Shadowlands] 2,000 Reputation tokens
Inv relics libramofgrace [Death-Bound Shard] 3,000 Conduit upgrades (to ilvl 252)
Item socketedbracer [Alloy-Warping Facetor] 5,000 Socket addition
Inv misc paperbundle04a [Research Report: Adaptive Alloys] 4,000 Korthian armor upgrades to ilvl 226
Inv misc paperbundle04a [Research Report: First Alloys] 8,000 Korthian armor upgrades to ilvl 233

Cataloged Research-containing items[]


  1. N [60] Researching Korthian Relics
  2. N [60] Interrupt the Interrogations
  3. N [60] Carving Out a Path, N [60] The Sundered Staff
  4. N [60] An Infusion of Anima, N [60] Consulting the Experts
  5. N [60] Hope Ascending
  6. N [60] Finding One's True Purpose
  7. N [60] Establishing the Archive
  8. N [60] Beginning the Collection
    • Optional side chain:
    1. N [60] Picking Up the Pieces
    2. N [60] Collecting Research
    3. N [60] Empowering Equipment
  9. N [60] What Must Be Found
  10. N [60] Missing Relics (at Tier 2)
  11. N [60] Lost Vaults (at Tier 3)
  12. N [60] Mysterious Rifts and N [60] Relic Efficiency (at Tier 4)
  13. N [60] The Final Relics (at Tier 5)

Patch changes[]

  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-07-09): The currency cap for Cataloged Research has been removed.
  • Shadowlands Hotfix (2021-07-06): The Cataloged Research cap is now 22,000 (was 12,000), allowing you to get into higher tiers with more items to purchase.
  • Shadowlands Patch 9.1.0 (2021-06-29): Added.

External links[]
