Automated updating of API pages at this location, to reflect patch changes, has ceased from 10.1.7 onwards. |
Functions in this category have been removed from the API in a previous patch. Some functions did not have pages defined before they were removed.
Arena Functions[]
- GetArenaCurrency() - Gets the amount of arena points a player currently has to spend. See GetCurrencyInfo() instead
- IsBattlefieldArena() - Returns true if the battlemaster you're talking to can queue you for arenas
Auction Functions[]
- GetAuctionInvTypes(classIndex, subclassIndex) - (7.0.3 Returns types of subcategories items.
- GetAuctionItemClasses() - (7.0.3) Returns major auction item categories.
Bag Functions[]
- QuestBagButtonIDToInvSlotID(buttonID) - Possibly for a virtual bag to display quest items in.
- SetBagPortaitTexture(texture,slot) - Used to override the texture of a bag.
Battleground Functions[]
- CloseBattlefield() - (4.0) Closes the queue for battlefield window.
- GetBattlefieldInfo(index) - (4.0) Returns detailed information on the Battlefield you last opened a queue window for.
- GetBattlefieldInstanceInfo(index) - (4.0) Get the instance ID for a battlefield.
- GetBattlefieldWorldStateUIInfo(index) - Get score and flag status within a battlefield. - Removed in 1.12
- GetHonorCurrency() - (4.0) Gets the amount of honor points the player currently has to spend. See GetCurrencyInfo() instead
- GetNumBattlefields() - (4.0) Get the number of running battlefields for the last battleground queue window you opened.
- GetNumBattlefieldWorldStateUI() - Get the number of World State UI Info available. - Removed in 1.12
- GetSelectedBattlefield() - (4.0) Get the selected battlefield to join first.
- SetSelectedBattlefield(index) - (4.0) Select the battlefield instance you want to join or the first one that becomes available.
- ShowBattlefieldList(index) - (3.3.3) Displays a queue window for the specified battlefield. Only works if you are already in a queue for the battlefield. Index corresponds to location in queue array.
Character Functions[]
- GetRuneType(id) - (7.0.3) Returns the type of rune with the given id.
Character Screen Functions[]
- CollapseAllHeaders() (Removed in 3.1.0; possibly in favour of CollapseAllFactionHeaders)
- ExpandAllHeaders() (Removed in 3.1.0; possible in favour of ExpandAllFactionHeaders)
- GetDamageBonusStat() - (4.0) Returns index of which stat a player receives a damage bonus from increasing
- IsTabViewable(tab) - Returns true if specified tab is viewable by player, false otherwise
- SetInventoryPortaitTexture - Set the texture to display in the Inventory (character) screen.
Character Statistics Functions[]
- GetArmorPenetration() - (5.0) Returns percent of armor ignored by your physical attacks.
- GetCritChanceFromAgility("unit") - (7.0) Returns the amount of your critical hit chance contributed by Agility.
- GetSpellCritChanceFromIntellect("unit") - (7.0)
Chat Frame Functions[]
- ChatFrameLog() - (1.7) Obsolete
Container/Bag Functions[]
- GetContainerItemGems(bag, slot) - (7.0.3) Returns item IDs of gems inserted into the item in a specified container slot.
- HasKey() - (4.2.0) Returns 1 if the player has a keyring, nil otherwise.
Crafting Functions[]
Crafting API was absorbed into the TradeSkill API in 3.0. The following functions were not documented at the time of removal:
- CloseCraft()
- CollapseCraftSkillLine(index)
- DoCraft(index)
- ExpandCraftSkillLine(index)
- GetCraftButtonToken()
- GetCraftCooldown(index) - Returns the number of seconds left for a skill to cooldown.
- GetCraftIcon(index)
- GetCraftSelectionIndex()
- SelectCraft(index)
Debugging Functions[]
- GetDebugStats()
Glyph Functions[]
- CastGlyph(glyphID, slot) - (7.0.3)
- PROTECTED CastGlyphByID (glyphID, slot) - (7.0.3)
- PROTECTED CastGlyphByName (glyphName, slot) - (7.0.3)
- GetGlyphClearInfo() - (7.0.3) Returns information about the current cost of removing a glyph.
- GetGlyphInfo(index) - (7.0.3) Returns details of the selected Glyph in the current players Glyph list
- GetGlyphLink(socketID[, talentGroup]) - (7.0.3) Returns link text for a Glyph in the desired Socket.
- GetGlyphLinkByID(glyphID) - (7.0.3)
- GetGlyphSocketInfo(socketID[, talentGroup]) - (7.0.3) Returns info on a specific Glyph Socket.
- GetNumGlyphSockets() - (7.0.3) Returns the number of Glyph Sockets available at max level. (Same result as NUM_GLYPH_SLOTS)
- GetNumGlyphs() - (7.0.3) Get the number of glyphs available for the character's class.
- GetSelectedGlyphSpellIndex() - (7.0.3)
- GlyphMatchesSocket(socketID) - (7.0.3) See if the Glyph held by the cursor matches the desired Socket.
- IsGlyphFlagSet(filter) - (7.0.3) Returns the current state of the selected Glyph filter
- PlaceGlyphInSocket(socketID) - (7.0.3) Places the Glyph held by the cursor into the desired Socket.
- RemoveGlyphFromSocket(socketID) - (7.0.3) Removes the Glyph from the desired Socket.
- SetGlyphFilter() - (7.0.3)
- SetGlyphNameFilter(string) - (7.0.3)
- SpellCanTargetGlyph() - (7.0.3)
- ToggleGlyphFilter(filter) - (7.0.3) Toggles the state of the selected Glyph filter
Guild Functions[]
- GetGuildBankWithdrawLimit() - (4.0) Returns withdraw limit for currently selected rank in guild control. Renamed to GetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit
- GetGuildRosterContribution(index) - (6.0.2) Returns weekly and total XP as well as weekly and total rank.
- GetGuildRosterLargestContribution() - (6.0.2) Returns max weekly XP and max total XP.
- GuildSetLeaderByName("name") - (2.0) Set member of guild as a new Guilmaster. Only Guildmaster.
- GuildUninviteByName("name") - (2.0) kicks the defined player from the guild. (replaced by GuildUninvite("name")).
- SaveGuildRoster() - (3.2.2) Removed in favor of the Armory.
- SetGuildBankTabWithdraw(tab, amount) - (4.0) Modifies the stacks per day withdraw limit for select guild bank tab. Guild Leader Only.
- SetGuildBankWithdrawLimit(amount) - (4.0) Sets the gold withdraw limit from the guild bank. Guild Leader Only. Renamed to SetGuildBankWithdrawGoldLimit
Looking for Group Functions[]
- AcceptLFGMatch() - (3.3.0)
- CanSendLFGQuery(typeID, lfgNdx) - (3.3.0)
- CancelPendingLFG() - (3.3.0) Takes the player out of all LFG queues.
- ClearLFGAutojoin() - (3.3.0) Disables LFG auto join (being invited to other groups automatically).
- ClearLFMAutofill() - (3.3.0) Disables LFM auto fill (inviting other players automatically).
- ClearLookingForGroup() - (3.3.0)
- ClearLookingForMore() - (3.3.0)
- DeclineLFGMatch() - (3.3.0)
- GetAvailableRoles() - (4.0) Returns which LFG roles your character may fulfill.
- GetLFGPartyResults(type, lfgNdx, index, partyIndex) - (3.3.0)
- GetLFGResults(type, lfgNdx, index) - (3.3.0)
- GetLFGStatusText() - (3.3.0)
- GetLFGTypeEntries(type) - (3.3.0)
- GetLookingForGroup() - (3.3.0) returns the player's current LFG state.
- GetNumLFGResults(type, lfgNdx) - (3.3.0)
- IsInLFGQueue() - (3.3.0)
- LFGQuery(typeID, lfgNdx [, class]) - (3.3.0)
- SetLFGAutojoin() - (3.3.0) Enables LFG auto join (automatic invites to other groups).
- SetLFGType(slot, type) - (3.3.0)
- SetLFMAutofill() - (3.3.0) Enables LFM auto fill (sending automatic invites to other players).
- SetLFMType() - (3.3.0)
- SetLookingForGroup(slot, type, index) - (3.3.0) sets a looking for group destination for one of the tree LFG slots.
- SetLookingForMore() - (3.3.0)
- SortLFG("type") - (3.3.0)
Lottery Functions[]
The following funtions were added in 1.12, but never actually used; subsequently removed in 2.3.
- BuyRandomPicks(count) - (2.3)
- CloseLottery - (2.3)
- GetJackpotAmount - (2.3)
- GetLastLotteryNumbers - (2.3)
- GetLotteryPrizeInfo - (2.3)
- GetMoneyPrizes - (2.3)
- GetNextDrawTime - (2.3)
- GetNumLotteryPrizes - (2.3)
- GetNumPastDrawResults - (2.3)
- GetPastDrawResult - (2.3)
- SubmitNumbers - (2.3)
Mail Functions[]
- AddSendMailCOD()
- AddSendMailMoney()
- GetNumPackages() - Not yet fully implemented. Currently it always returns 1.
- GetPackageInfo(index) - Not yet fully implemented. Currently an index of 1 returns "Test Package".
- GetNumStationeries() -(7.0) Not yet fully implemented. Currently it always returns 1.
- GetSelectedStationeryTexture() - (7.0) Not yet fully implemented. Currently it returns "STATIONERYTEST" when the mailbox is open.
- GetStationeryInfo(index) - (7.0) Not yet fully implemented. Currently an index of 1 returns "Default Stationery".
- PickupSendMailCOD(amount) - This does not appear to exist any longer.
- PickupSendMailMoney(amount) - This does not appear to exist any longer.
- SelectPackage(index) - Not yet fully implemented. It does nothing visible.
- SelectStationery(index) - (7.0) Not yet fully implemented. It does nothing visible.
Mount Journal Functions[]
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra(7.0.3) - Returns extra information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.GetMountInfo(7.0.3) - Returns information about the specified mount.
- C_MountJournal.Summon(7.0.3) - Summons the specified mount.
Map Functions[]
- SetupWorldMapScale() (1.12) replaced by SetupFullscreenScale.
Party Functions[]
- CanSendInvite() - Returns true or false for if player can invite players to current event
- InviteToParty("unit") - (2.0) Invite a unit to a party by its unit id (likely "target") (replaced by InviteUnit("unit"))
- PromoteByName("name") - Promotes by name the target. (Probably PromoteToLeader).
- UninviteByName("name") - (2.0) Uninvites (kicks) the named player from the current group if player is group leader. (replaced by UninviteUnit("unit")).
- UninviteFromParty("unit") - (2.0) Kick a unit from the party if player is group leader. (replaced by UninviteUnit("unit")).
Pet Functions[]
- BuyStableSlot() - (4.0)
- ClickStablePet(index) - (4.0) ?.
- GetNextStableSlotCost() - (4.0)
- GetNumStablePets() - (4.0) Returns the number of pets in the stable.
- GetNumStableSlots() - (4.0) Returns the number of stable slots you own.
- GetSelectedStablePet() - (4.0) ?.
- StablePet(index) - (4.0) Puts your pet into the specified stable slot
- UnstablePet(index) - (4.0) Retrieves a pet from the specified stable slot
Pet Journal Functions[]
- C_PetJournal.AddAllPetSourcesFilter() - (7.0.3) Enables all pet sources in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.AddAllPetTypesFilter() - (7.0.3) Enables all pet types in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetSourcesFilter() - (7.0.3) Clears all pet sources in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.ClearAllPetTypesFilter() - (7.0.3) Clears all pet types in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.IsFlagFiltered(flag) - (7.0.3) Returns true if the selected flag is unchecked.
- C_PetJournal.IsPetSourceFiltered(index) - (7.0.3) Returns true if the pet source is unchecked.
- C_PetJournal.IsPetTypeFiltered(index) - (7.0.3) Returns true if the pet type is unchecked.
- C_PetJournal.SetFlagFilter(flag, value) - (7.0.3) Sets the flags in the filter menu.
- C_PetJournal.SetPetSourceFilter(index, value) - (7.0.3) Sets the pet source in the filter menu.
Petition Functions[]
- BuyPetition(arenaFormat, "teamName") - (4.0) Purchases an arena team charter.
- TurnInArenaPetition(teamSize, ...) - (4.0) Founds an arena team.
PVP Functions[]
- GetHonorCurrency() - (4.0) Return the amount of honor the player has available to purchase items.
Quest Functions[]
- ShiftQuestWatches(id1, id2) - Exchanges the order of two watched quests.
RealID (BNet) Functions[]
- BNCreateConversation(id,id) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetBlockedToonInfo(index) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetConversationInfo(chatTarget) - (6.2.4) returns unknown
- BNGetConversationMemberInfo(conversationID, memberID) - (6.2.4) returns accountID, toonID, name
- BNGetCustomMessageTable(table) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetFriendToonInfo(friendIndex, toonIndex) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetMatureLanguageFilter() - (6.2.4)
- BNGetMaxPlayersInConversation() - (6.2.4)
- BNGetNumBlockedToons() - (6.2.4)
- BNGetNumConversationMembers(conversationID) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetNumFriendToons(index) - (6.2.4)
- BNGetSelectedToonBlock() - (6.2.4)
- BNGetToonInfo(toonID or presenceID) - (6.2.4) returns hasFocus, toonName, client, realmName, realmID, faction, race, class, guild, zoneName, level, gameText
- BNInviteToConversation(target, player) - (6.2.4)
- BNIsToonBlocked(ID) - (6.2.4)
- BNLeaveConversation(channel) - (6.2.4)
- BNListConversation(channel) - (6.2.4)
- BNReportFriendInvite(ID) - (6.2.4)
- BNSendConversationMessage(channel,text) - (6.2.4)
- BNSetFocus() - (6.2.4)
- BNSetMatureLanguageFilter(bool) - (6.2.4)
- BNSetSelectedToonBlock(index) - (6.2.4)
- BNSetToonBlocked(ID, bool) - (6.2.4)
- CanCooperateWithToon(toonID) - (6.2.4)
Reporting Functions[]
- ReportBug("text") - (1.3.0)
- ReportNote("text") - (1.3.0)
- ReportSuggestion("text","category") - (1.3.0)
Settings Functions[]
- DownloadSettings() - (6.0.2) Download a backup of your settings from the server. - Removed in 6.0.2
- GetBaseMip() - (4.0) Get the world appearance Texture Detail.
- GetCVarAbsoluteMax("cVar") - (4.0) Returns the maximum value a cVar will hold
- GetCVarAbsoluteMin("cVar") - (4.0) Returns the minimum value a cVar will hold
- GetCVarMax("cVar") - (4.0) Returns the maximum value acceptable for a cVar
- GetCVarMin("cVar") - (4.0) Returns the minimum value acceptable for a cVar
- GetCurrentMultisampleFormat() - (6.0.2) Get the current in-use multi-sample (antialias) format.
- GetFarclip() - (4.0) Get the world appearance Terrain Distance.
- GetMultisampleFormats() - (6.0.2) Get the available multi-sample (antialias) formats..
- GetTerrainMip() - (4.0) Get the world appearance Terrain Texture.
- GetTexLodBias() - (4.0)
- GetWaterDetail() - (4.0)
- ResetPerformanceValues()
- SetBaseMip(value) - (4.0) Set the world appearance Texture Detail (0,1).
- SetFarclip(value) - (4.0) Set the world appearance Terrain Distance.
- SetMultisampleFormat(index) - (6.0.2) Set the multi-sample (antialias) format to use.
- SetTerrainMip(value) - (4.0) Set the world appearance Terrain Texture (0,1).
- SetTexLodBias() - (4.0)
- SetWaterDetail() - (4.0)
- TutorialsEnabled() - (3.3.0) Probably replaced by a cVar
- UploadSettings() - (6.0.2) Uploads a backup of your settings to the server.
Skill Functions[]
- AcceptSkillUps() - (4.0) Accepts changes to skills; unused on live realms.
- AddSkillUp(index) - (4.0) Spends skill points to improve a skill; unused on live realms.
- BuySkillTier(index) - (4.0) Learns the next tier of a skill; unused on live realms.
- CancelSkillUps() - (4.0) Rejects changes to skills; unused on live realms.
- CollapseSkillHeader(index) - (4.0)
- ExpandSkillHeader(index) - (4.0)
- GetAdjustedSkillPoints() - (4.0)
- GetNumSkillLines() - (4.0) get the number of lines in the skill window, including headers
- GetSelectedSkill() - (4.0)
- GetSkillLineInfo(index) - (4.0) get the information for a selected skill
- RemoveSkillUp(index) - (4.0)
- SetSelectedSkill(index) - (4.0)
Spell Functions[]
- GetKnownSlotFromHighestRankSlot(slot) - (4.0) ? Ranks were removed from the game in patch 4.0.
- GetSpellName(spellID, "bookType") - (4.0) Returns the spell name and spell rank for a spell in the player's spellbook. Use GetSpellBookItemName
- UpdateSpells() - (4.0) Ensures spells in spellbook are loaded, fires "SPELLS_CHANGED" event when it is done.
Specialization Functions[]
- NOCOMBAT SetActiveSpecGroup(groupIndex) - Changes the active specialization group.
System Functions[]
- CheckReadyCheckTime() - (3.3) Unknown, called from UIParent's OnUpdate!
- GetDoodadAnim() - Retrieved object animation state, possibly for movie scripts.
- GetExistingLocales() - (6.0.2) Returns a list of installed language packs.
- GetMovieSubtitles()
- GetWorldDetail() - (3.0.2) Get the world appearance Environment Detail.
- HideFriendNameplates() - Turn off display of nameplates above friendly units. (Now controlled by nameplateShowFriends CVar))
- HideNameplates() - Turn off display of nameplates. (Now controlled by nameplateShowEnemies CVar)
- RestoreVideoEffectsDefaults() - (4.0)
- RestoreVideoResolutionDefaults() - (4.0)
- RestoreVideoStereoDefaults() - (4.0) New in 3.0.8
- SetDoodadAnim() - Controlled object animation state, possibly for movie scripts.
- SetMovieSubtitles(subtitles)
- SetWorldDetail(value) - (3.0.2) Set the world appearance Environment Detail (0,1,2).
- ShowFriendNameplates() - Turn on display of nameplates above friendly units. (Now controlled by nameplateShowFriends CVar)
- ShowNameplates() - Turn on display of nameplates. (Now controlled by nameplateShowEnemies CVar)
- Sound_GetInputDriverNameByIndex()
- Sound_GetNumInputDrivers()
- Sound_GetNumOutputDrivers()
- Sound_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex()
- Sound_RestartSoundEngine()
- UI TakeScreenshot() - Takes a screenshot.
Talent Functions[]
- GetNumTalents([inspect]) - (6.0.2) Returns the maximum talent slot index.
- GetTalentClearInfo() - (7.0.3) Returns information about the current cost of unlearning a talent
- GetTalentRowSelectionInfo(tier) - (7.0.3) Returns information about the player's talent selection in the specified talent tier.
Taxi Functions[]
- UI DrawRouteLine(texture, canvas, startx, starty, endx, endy, width, relPoint) - (7.0) Draws a line.
- TaxiNodeSetCurrent(slot) - (7.0) Renumbers slots based on new current slot.
Toggle Functions[]
- UI ToggleCombatLog - (3.3.5) Opens/closes the combat log.
- UI ToggleKeyRing - Opens/closes the key ring.
Tracking Functions[]
- GetTrackingTexture() - (4.0) Return the texture of the current tracking buff, if one is active.
Trainer Functions[]
- CollapseTrainerSkillLine(index) - (4.0) Collapses a header, hiding all spells below it.
- ExpandTrainerSkillLine(index) - (4.0) Expands a header, showing all spells below it.
- GetTrainerServiceStepIncrease() - (4.0) ?.
- GetTrainerServiceStepReq - (4.0) ?.
- GetTrainerSkillLineFilter() - (4.0) ?;
- GetTrainerSkillLines() - (4.0) ?;
- IsTrainerServiceLearnSpell(index) - Returned whether a trainer was going to teach you a spell.
- IsTrainerServiceSkillStep() - (4.0) ?.
- SetTrainerSkillLineFilter() - (4.0) ?.
Transmogrification Functions[]
- ApplyTransmogrifications() - (7.0.3) Applies all pending transmogrifications, and pays for the cost
- CanTransmogrifyItemWithItem(targetItem, sourceItem) - (7.0.3) Returns whether an item can be transmogrified to look like another item.
- ClearTransmogrifySlot([slotId]) - (7.0.3) Clears the specified transmogrify slot
- ClickTransmogrifySlot(slotId) - (7.0.3) Facilitates clicking transmogrify slots depending on transmogrify state
- CloseTransmogrifyFrame() - (7.0.3)
- GetItemTransmogrifyInfo(itemId) - (7.0.3) Returns how an item can interact with transmogrification.
- GetTransmogrifyCost() - (7.0.3) Returns
cost, numChanges
- GetTransmogrifySlotInfo(slotId) - (7.0.3) Returns
isTransmogrified, canTransmogrify, cannotTransmogrifyReason, hasPending, hasUndo, visibleItemID, textureName
- UseItemForTransmogrify(bag, slot, id) - (7.0.3)
- UseVoidItemForTransmogrify(voidItemslot, inventorySlot) - (7.0.3) Copies the appearance of an item in void storage to an item on your character.
- ValidateTransmogrifications() - (7.0.3)
Unit Functions[]
- GetPlayerBuffApplications(id or "name"[,"rank"]) - (3.0) Retrieves the number of applications of a debuff or buff. (replaced with UnitBuff)
- GetPlayerBuffDispelType(id or "name"[,"rank"]) - (3.0) Get the debuff type for a player debuff ("Magic", "Curse", "Disease", or "Poison".) (replaced with UnitBuff)
- IsFeignDeath() - (2.1) Returns 1 if the player is feigning death, nil otherwise. See UnitIsFeignDeath.
- UnitCharacterPoints("unit") - (4.0) Returns the number of unspent talent points for the specified unit -- usually 0.
- UnitGetGuildXP("unit") - (6.0.2) Returns the Guild XP information for a unit. (added in Patch 4.0.1)
- UnitMana("unit") - (3.0.2) Returns the current mana (or energy,rage,etc), in points, of the specified unit.
- UnitManaMax("unit") - (3.0.2) Returns the maximum mana (or energy,rage,etc), in points, of the specified unit.
- UnitIsTapped("unit") - (7.0.3) Returns true if the specified unit is tapped, false otherwise.
- UnitIsTappedByPlayer("unit") - (7.0.3) Returns true if the specified unit is tapped by the player himself, otherwise false.
- UnitIsTappedByAllThreatList("unit") - (7.0.3) Returns whether the specified unit is a community monster, i.e. whether all players engaged in combat with it will receive kill (quest) credit.
Quest Functions[]
- GetQuestLogRewardTalents - (7.0.3) Returns number of talents awarded for quest completion from quest log.
- GetRewardTalents() - (7.0.3) Returns number of talents awarded for quest completion for quest currently in gossip window.
Pages in category "API functions/Removed"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 270 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- API AcceptSkillUps
- API AcknowledgeAADCAlert
- API AddSkillUp
- API AnimationGroup SetIgnoreFramerateThrottle
- API ApplyBarberShopStyle
- API AssistByName
- API BarberShopReset
- API BNCreateConversation
- API Button SetHighlightTextColor
- API BuyPetition
- API BuyRandomPicks
- API C ArtifactUI.GetArtifactKnowledgeLevel
- API C ArtifactUI.GetArtifactKnowledgeMultiplier
- API C BarberShop.OldBarberShopLoaded
- API C CampaignInfo.GetCurrentCampaignChapterID
- API C CampaignInfo.GetCurrentCampaignID
- API C Commentator.GetElapsedMs
- API C Commentator.GetTrackedDefensiveCooldowns
- API C Commentator.GetTrackedOffensiveCooldowns
- API C Commentator.IsTrackedDefensiveCooldown
- API C Commentator.IsTrackedOffensiveCooldown
- API C ConfigurationWarnings.GetConfigurationWarnings
- API C ConfigurationWarnings.GetConfigurationWarningSeen
- API C ConfigurationWarnings.GetConfigurationWarningString
- API C ConfigurationWarnings.SetConfigurationWarningSeen
- API C CovenantSanctumUI.GetRenownMilestones
- API C Garrison.GetMissionInfo
- API C Item.IsItemCorruptable
- API C LFGuildInfo.GetRecruitingGuildTabardInfo
- API C MapBar.BarIsShown
- API C MapBar.GetCurrentValue
- API C MapBar.GetMaxValue
- API C MapBar.GetParticipationPercentage
- API C MapBar.GetPhaseIndex
- API C MapBar.GetTag
- API C MountJournal.GetMountInfoExtra
- API C MountJournal.IsMountEquipmentUnlocked
- API C MountJournal.Summon
- API C PetJournal.AddAllPetSourcesFilter
- API C PetJournal.AddAllPetTypesFilter
- API C PetJournal.ClearAllPetSourcesFilter
- API C PetJournal.ClearAllPetTypesFilter
- API C PetJournal.IsFlagFiltered
- API C PetJournal.IsPetSourceFiltered
- API C PetJournal.IsPetTypeFiltered
- API C PetJournal.SetFlagFilter
- API C PetJournal.SetPetSourceFilter
- API C PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceInfo
- API C PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceOptionInfo
- API C PlayerChoice.GetPlayerChoiceRewardInfo
- API C PlayerMentorship.GetMentorOptionalAchievementIDs
- API C QuestChoice.GetQuestChoiceInfo
- API C QuestChoice.GetQuestChoiceOptionInfo
- API C Soulbinds.AddPendingConduit
- API C Soulbinds.GetConduitCharges
- API C Soulbinds.GetConduitChargesCapacity
- API C Soulbinds.GetConduitItemLevel
- API C Soulbinds.GetPendingConduitID
- API C Soulbinds.GetPendingNodeIDInSoulbind
- API C Soulbinds.GetTotalConduitChargesPending
- API C Soulbinds.GetTotalConduitChargesPendingInSoulbind
- API C Soulbinds.HasPendingConduitInSoulbind
- API C Soulbinds.MatchesCurrentSpecSet
- API C Soulbinds.RemovePendingConduit
- API C Soulbinds.ResetSoulbindConduits
- API C TaskQuest.GetDistanceSqToQuest
- API C Transmog.GetCost
- API C TransmogCollection.GetIllusionSourceInfo
- API C TransmogSets.GetSetSources
- API C UIWidgetManager.GetTextureWithStateVisualizationInfo
- API C UIWidgetManager.GetWidgetLayoutDirectionFromWidgetSetID
- API C Vignettes.GetNumVignettes
- API C Vignettes.GetVignetteInfoFromInstanceID
- API C Vignettes.GetVignetteInstanceID
- API C WorldMap.GetMapLandmarkInfo
- API CalendarGetAbsMonth
- API CalendarGetDay
- API CalendarGetDayEventSequenceInfo
- API CalendarGetMonthNames
- API CancelBarberShop
- API CancelMeetingStoneRequest
- API CancelPlayerBuff
- API CancelSkillUps
- API CanComplainChat
- API CanCooperateWithToon
- API CanTransform
- API ChannelModerate
- API ClearLookingForGroup
- API ClickTransmogrifySlot
- API CloseBattlefield
- API ComplainChat
- API Cooldown SetLossOfControlCooldown
- API CraftIsPetTraining
- API DefaultBindings
- API EJ GetAvailableClasses
- API EJ GetClassFilter
- API EJ GetCurrentInstance
- API EJ GetSlotFilter
- API EJ ResetSlotFilter
- API EJ SetClassLootFilter
- API EJ SetDifficultyByMask
- API FollowByName
- API Frame CreateTitleRegion
- API Frame GetBackdropColor
- API Frame GetDepth
- API Frame IgnoreDepth
- API Frame SetBackdrop
- API Frame SetBackdropColor
- API Frame SetDepth
- API Frame SetMaxResize
- API Frame SetMinResize
- API GameTooltip SetPlayerBuff
- API GameTooltip SetUnitConsolidatedBuff
- API GetAchievementInfoFromCriteria
- API GetActionSelfCastKey
- API GetArenaCurrency
- API GetAuctionInvTypes
- API GetAuctionItemClasses
- API GetAutoLootDefault
- API GetAutoLootToggleKey
- API GetAvailableRoles
- API GetBarberShopStyleInfo
- API GetBarberShopTotalCost
- API GetBattlefieldInfo
- API GetBattleFieldInstanceRunTime
- API GetBattlefieldPosition
- API GetBuildVersion
- API GetCorpseMapPosition
- API GetCurrentMapAreaID
- API GetCurrentMapContinent
- API GetCurrentMapDungeonLevel
- API GetCurrentMapZone
- API GetCurrentPosition
- API GetDamageBonusStat
- API GetDate
- API GetEquipmentSetInfoByName
- API GetExistingLocales
- API GetFacialHairCustomization
- API GetFriendshipReputationByID
- API GetGlyphClearInfo
- API GetGlyphInfo
- API GetGMTicketCategories
- API GetGuildApplicantInfo
- API GetGuildTabardFileNames
- API GetHairCustomization
- API GetHolidayBGHonorCurrencyBonuses
- API GetHonorCurrency
- API GetInstanceDifficulty
- API GetItemUpdateLevel
- API GetItemUpgradeItemInfo
- API GetLFGBonusFactionID
- API GetLFGModeType
- API GetLFGResults
- API GetLFGTypeEntries
- API GetLFGTypes
- API GetLookingForGroup
- API GetMacroIconInfo
- API GetMapContinents
- API GetMapNameByID
- API GetMapOverlayInfo
- API GetMapZones
- API GetNextTalentLevel
- API GetNumBattlefieldPositions
- API GetNumDungeonMapLevels
- API GetNumGlyphs
- API GetNumGuildApplicants
- API GetNumLFGResults
- API GetNumMacroIcons
- API GetNumMacroItemIcons
- API GetNumMapLandmarks
- API GetNumMapOverlays
- API GetNumPartyMembers
- API GetNumRaidMembers
- API GetNumStationeries
- API GetNumWorldStateUI
- API GetPartyLeaderIndex
- API GetPartyMember
- API GetPlayerBuff
- API GetPlayerBuffName
- API GetPlayerBuffTexture
- API GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft
- API GetPrimaryTalentTree
- API GetQuestChoiceRewardCurrency
- API GetQuestChoiceRewardFaction
- API GetQuestChoiceRewardInfo
- API GetQuestChoiceRewardItem
- API GetQuestWorldMapAreaID
- API GetRandomArgument
- API GetRandomBGHonorCurrencyBonuses
- API GetReforgeItemInfo
- API GetRefreshRates
- API GetSelectedStationeryTexture
- API GetSpecializationNameForClassID
- API GetSpellName
- API GetSpellTextureFileName
- API GetStationeryInfo
- API GetTalentClearInfo
- API GetTalentRowSelectionInfo
- API GetTalentTreeRoles
- API GetWaterDetail