Information related to aristocrats, members of the upperclass, royalty, and nobility.
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This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
- Crypt lords (34 P, 1 F)
- House of Nobles (12 P)
- Khans (33 P)
- Mountain kings (34 P)
- Trade princes (9 P)
- Venthyr houses (12 P)
Pages in category "Aristocrats"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 629 total.
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- King A'akul
- Prince Abari
- Abyssal Duke
- Abyssal Lord
- King Adagar
- Lord Adder
- Ael'Yith
- Lord Agrovane
- Aka'ali the Conqueror
- Akarek
- Lady Alistra
- Baroness Anastari
- Ancient Drakkari King
- Ancient King
- Ancient Ruler
- Lord Ander
- Lady Andrada
- Lord Andrei
- Sir Andru
- Queen Angerboda
- Queen Angerboda (Time Rifts)
- Anshal
- Baroness Antolyte
- Duke Anton
- Anub'arak
- King Arachnathid
- Arngrim the Insatiable
- Asaad
- Baron Ashbury
- Lord Ashbury the 1st
- Baron Ashflow
- Ashildir
- Countess Ashmore
- House Ashvane
- Lord Ashvane
- James Ashvane
- Priscilla Ashvane
- Aszune
- Prince Atherann
- Lord Aurel
- Duke Avram
- Queen Azshara
- Lord Baker
- Overthane Balargarde
- Balmedar
- Thane Banahogg
- Duke Reginald Baradin II
- Barov
- Lord Alexei Barov
- Alexi Barov
- Jandice Barov
- Weldon Barov
- Lady Keira Berrybuck
- Nexus-Prince Bilaal
- Bilewing Queen
- King Bjorn
- House Blackbale
- Lord Blackbale
- Lord Blackforest
- Lord Cyrik Blackforge
- Aedelas Blackmoore
- Lord Tony Blackwell
- Baron Blackwood
- House Blackwood
- Lord Blackwood
- Lady Blaumeux
- Baron Blazehollow
- Shu Blindeye
- Blood Marquess
- Blood Marquis
- Baron Bloodbane
- Baroness Bloodbane
- King Bippy Bop
- Brainwashed Noble
- Queen Bretta
- House Briarbane
- Sir Barton Brigham
- Marsh Baron Brok
- Lord Winifred Browne
- Lord Bruse
- Lord Buchanan
- Madam Budeau
- Archduke Calcinder
- Lady Callow
- The Candleking
- Lord Candren
- Lord Cannon
- Carousing Aristocrat
- Lady Carraway
- Duchess Catina
- Mistress Celina
- Baron Charr
- Lord Cindervein
- Count Clessington
- Cecilia Clessington
- King Clickyclack
- Cloud Prince
- Baron Cloudsnipe
- Conceited Noble
- The Countess
- Courtly Noble
- Crowley
- Darius Crowley
- Lorna Crowley
- Baron Crustcore
- D'vorjakque
- Lady Dana'triss
- Lady Daniela
- Lord Darion
- Lord Robin Daris
- Darkfallen Noble
- Lady Darkhallow
- Lord Darkhallow
- Lady Darkscythe
- Lord Darkscythe
- House Darkvein
- Dazar
- King Deathbloom
- Baron Deathshot
- King Deepbeard
- Lord Del'theon
- Denathrius
- Lady Dethstorm
- Lord Dethstorm
- Distraught Noble
- District Aristocrat
- Emperor Dojan II
- King Dorfbruiser
- Dorus
- Oktel Dragonblood
- Draka
- Duke Dreadmoore
- Dutchess Dreadmoore
- Baron Rafe Dreuger
- Blood Prince Dreven
- The Duke of Cynders
- The Duke of Fathoms
- The Duke of Shards
- The Duke of Zephyrs
- Queen Duneshell
- Nether-Prince Durzaan
- Baron Duskhollow
- House Duskmire
- Lord Falconcrest
- Duchess Fallensong the Frigid
- Lord Fallowmere
- Duke Falrevere
- Jessi Falrevere
- Magrann Falrevere
- Lady Falther'ess
- Fancy Noble
- Prince Farondis
- Baron Felblade
- Baroness Felblade
- Felsworn Noble
- Lord Crispin Ference
- Brambleking Fili
- Dojan Firecrown
- Duke August Foehammer
- Lady Mara Fordragon
- King Forgalash
- Forgotten King
- Baron Freeman
- Baroness Frieda
- Baron Frostfel
- Baroness Frostfel
- Iron Thane Furyhammer