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This category is for World of Warcraft consumable item articles and categories
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
- Bandages (71 P)
- Gear tokens (455 P)
- Grimoires (91 P)
- Group consumables (52 P)
- Potion items (198 P)
- Projectile items (51 P)
- Scrolls (269 P, 3 F)
- Wrapping Paper (18 P)
Pages in category "Consumable items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,745 total.
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- Baby Spice
- Bag of Enigma Seeds
- Bag of Gold
- Bag of Green Cabbage Seeds
- Bag of Heart Candies
- Bag of Jade Squash Seeds
- Bag of Jagged Shards
- Bag of Juicycrunch Carrot Seeds
- Bag of Kafa Beans
- Bag of Magebulb Seeds
- Bag of Marbles
- Bag of Mogu Pumpkin Seeds
- Bag of Pink Turnip Seeds
- Bag of Raptorleaf Seeds
- Bag of Red Blossom Leek Seeds
- Bag of Scallion Seeds
- Bag of Smorc Ingredients
- Bag of Snakeroot Seeds
- Bag of Songbell Seeds
- Bag of Striped Melon Seeds
- Bag of White Turnip Seeds
- Bag of Windshear Cactus Seeds
- Bag of Witchberry Seeds
- Banana Cocktail
- Baradin's Wardens Bandage
- Baradin's Wardens Healing Potion
- Baradin's Wardens Mana Potion
- Bark of the Walkers
- Barleybrew Clear
- Barleybrew Gold
- Barleybrew Light
- Bartlett's Bitter Brew
- Bash Ale
- Bash'ir Phasing Device
- Bash'ir's Skeleton Key
- Battered Steam Tonk Controller
- Beacon Torch
- Bethor's Potion
- Big Bronze Bomb
- Big Cauldron of Battle
- Big Iron Bomb
- The Big One
- Big-Mouth Clam
- The Bigger One
- Binary Brew
- Bitter Plasma
- Black Cage Key
- Black Gunpowder Keg
- Black Mushroom
- Blackrock Fortified Water
- Blackrock Mineral Water
- Blackrock Spring Water
- Blackwhelp Net
- Bladespire Bagel
- Bladespire Clan Banner
- Blasted Lands Scroll
- Blazing Sigil of Ordos
- Blazing Torch (Ghostlands)
- Bleeding Hollow Blood
- Bleeding Hollow Torch
- Blended Bean Brew
- Blessed Offerings
- Blessed Sunfruit
- Blessed Sunfruit Juice
- Blessed Weapon Coating
- Blixthraz's Frightening Grudgesolver (garrison)
- Blizzard Stone
- Blood Elf Disguise
- Blood Elven Tent
- Blood of Loguhn
- Blood Stained Pike
- Bloodbelly Fish
- Bloodberry Elixir
- Bloodboil Poison
- Bloodgem Shard
- Bloodkelp Elixir of Dodging
- Bloodmaul Brutebane Brew
- Bloodmaul Brutebane Keg
- Bloodthistle Petal
- Blossom Burst
- Blossoming Branch
- Blue Rocket Cluster
- Bluffwatcher's Card
- Bogling Root
- Boom's Doom
- Bottle of Aged Dalaran Red
- Bottle of Dalaran Noir
- Bottle of Dalaran Red
- Bottle of Dalaran White
- Bottle of Peaked Dalaran Red
- Bottle of Silvermoon Port
- Bottled Alterac Spring Water
- Boulderfist Key
- Bountiful Feast
- Bowels 'n' Brains
- Box of Stalker Traps
- Braided Eternium Chain
- Brann Bronzebeard's Gold Coin
- "Bravado" Cologne
- Breath of Murloc
- The Essential Brewfest Pretzel
- Bright Baubles
- Brightsong Wine
- Brightspine Shell
- Brilliant Mana Oil
- Briny Hardcheese
- Bristlelimb Key
- Brivelthwerp's Crunchy Ice Cream Bar
- Brute Cologne
- Brute's Tent
- Bubbling Water
- Bundle of Bloodthistle
- Bundle of Dragon Bones
- Burning Charm
- Buttermilk Delight
- Cabbage Kimchi
- Caer Darrow Scroll
- Call of the Raptor
- Carinda's Scroll of Retribution
- Cask of Aged Dalaran Red
- Cask of Dalaran Red
- Cask of Dalaran White
- Cask of Peaked Dalaran Red
- Cauldron of Battle
- Cauldron of Extracted Putrescence
- Cauterizing Core
- Celebration Wand - Gnoll
- Celebration Wand - Murloc
- Celebration Wand - Quilboar
- Celebration Wand - Trogg
- Cenarion Healing Salve
- Cenarion Lunardust
- Cenarion Mana Salve
- Certificate of Ownership
- Chain of the Twilight Owl
- Challenge From the Horde
- Charged Crystal Focus
- Charger's Lost Soul
- Charred Basilisk Meat
- Checkered Flag
- Cheery Cherry Pie
- Chest of Containment Coffers
- Chewy Fel Taffy
- Chilton Stilton
- Chipped Power Core
- Cho'war's Key
- Chocolate Cookie
- Chromie's Gold Coin
- Chronoboon Displacer
- Cinder Bracers
- Citrine Pendant of Golden Healing
- Clara's Fresh Apple
- Cleansed Timberling Heart
- Cloak of Hidden Flasks
- Cluster Launcher
- Clutch of Foresight
- Coarse Sharpening Stone
- Coarse Stone Statue
- Coarse Weightstone
- Coated Cerulean Vial
- Cobalt Frag Bomb
- Cobalt Skeleton Key
- Coilskar Chest Key
- Cologne Bottle
- Colossal Parachute
- Combat Healing Potion
- Combat Mana Potion
- Comfortable Insoles
- Compact Harvest Reaper Kit
- Condensed Mana Powder
- Conjured Bread
- Conjured Cinnamon Roll
- Conjured Croissant
- Conjured Fresh Water
- Conjured Glacier Water
- Conjured Mana Biscuit
- Conjured Mana Pudding
- Conjured Mineral Water
- Conjured Mountain Spring Water
- Conjured Pumpernickel
- Conjured Purified Water
- Conjured Rye
- Conjured Sourdough
- Conjured Sparkling Water
- Conjured Spring Water
- Conjured Sweet Roll
- Consecrated Sharpening Stone
- Cookie's Jumbo Gumbo
- Cookie's Special Ramlette
- Cooking Pot (Kaliri Stew)
- Cooking Pot (Spiritual Soup)
- Core of Malice
- Costume Scraps
- Country Pumpkin
- Cracked Power Core
- Cracked Radinax Control Gem
- Cracked Talisman
- Crate With Holes
- Cresting Charm
- Crimson Steer Energy Drink