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This category is for World of Warcraft consumable item articles and categories
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
- Bandages (71 P)
- Gear tokens (455 P)
- Grimoires (91 P)
- Group consumables (52 P)
- Potion items (198 P)
- Projectile items (51 P)
- Scrolls (269 P, 3 F)
- Wrapping Paper (18 P)
Pages in category "Consumable items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,745 total.
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- Lady Jaina Proudmoore's Gold Coin
- Lady Katrana Prestor's Gold Coin
- Large Blue Rocket
- Large Blue Rocket Cluster
- Large Gjalerbron Cage Key
- Large Green Rocket
- Large Green Rocket Cluster
- Large Red Rocket
- Large Red Rocket Cluster
- Large Rope Net
- Large Seaforium Charge
- Large White Rocket
- Large Yellow Rocket
- Last Deck of Nemelex Xobeh
- Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
- Leftover Boar Meat
- Leg Meat
- Legacy of the Mountain King
- Lesser Arcanum of Rumination
- Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity
- Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (agility)
- Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (intellect)
- Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (spirit)
- Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (stamina)
- Lesser Arcanum of Voracity (strength)
- Lesser Astral Essence
- Lesser Celestial Essence
- Lesser Cosmic Essence
- Lesser Eternal Essence
- Lesser Healthstone (Improved 1)
- Lesser Healthstone (Improved 2)
- Lesser Magic Essence
- Lesser Mana Oil
- Lesser Mark of the Dawn
- Lesser Planar Essence
- Lesser Rune of Warding
- Lesser Ward of Shielding
- Lesser Wizard Oil
- Life Spirit
- Lifegiving Seed
- Light of Elune
- Light-Infused Breastplate
- Light-Infused Hauberk
- Light-Infused Jacket
- Light-Infused Tunic
- Lilian's Hearthstone
- Limpet Mine
- Ling-Ting's Favorite Tea
- Loch Modan Lager
- Lord of Frost's Private Label
- Lordaeron Lambic
- Lorewalker's Lodestone
- Lorewalker's Map
- Lots 'o Meat Pie
- Love Fool
- Lovely Darnassus Card
- Lovely Exodar Card
- Lovely Ironforge Card
- Lovely Silvermoon City Card
- Lovely Stormwind Card
- Lovely Thunder Bluff Card
- Lovely Undercity Card
- Lucky Rocket Cluster
- Luminous Bluetail
- M73 Frag Grenade
- Mack's Dark Grog
- Mack's Deep Sea Grog
- Magic Candle
- Magic Dust
- Magic Eater
- Magnetic Core
- Major Healthstone (Improved 1)
- Major Healthstone (Improved 2)
- Major Recombobulator
- Major Spellstone
- Mana Agate
- Mana Citrine
- Mana Emerald
- Mana Gem
- Mana Injector Kit
- Mana Jade
- Mana Remnants
- Mana Ruby
- Mana Sapphire
- Manufactured Love Prism
- Mardivas's Magnificent Desalinating Pouch
- Mark of the Dawn
- Marked Flawless Battle-Stone
- Market Row Postbox Key
- Marrow Burst
- Massage Table
- Massive Turkey Leg
- Master Spellstone
- Masterwork Target Dummy
- Mead Basted Caribou
- Meatloaf Pan
- Mechanical Greench
- Mechanical Repair Kit
- Mechanical Yeti
- Medicinal Drake Essence
- Mei's Masterful Brew
- Melonfruit
- Metok's Bubble Bock
- Midsummer Sausage
- Mighty Fire Protection Potion
- Mighty Frost Protection Potion
- Mighty Nature Protection Potion
- Mighty Rage Potion
- Mighty Rejuvenation Potion
- Mighty Shadow Protection Potion
- Mingo's Fortune Giblets
- Minor Healthstone (Improved 1)
- Minor Healthstone (Improved 2)
- Minor Mana Oil
- Minor Recombobulator
- Minor Wizard Oil
- The Mischief Maker
- Mistletoe
- Mithril Frag Bomb
- Mithril Shield Spike
- Mithril Spurs
- Mixed Berries
- Mixture of Pure Mojo
- Mixture of the Frost Wyrm
- Moist Cornbread
- Moist Towelette
- Molasses Firewater
- Moon Harvest Pumpkin
- Morqut Hearth Totem
- Mortar and Pestle
- Mote of Air
- Mote of Harmony
- Mote of Life
- Mote of Mana
- Mote of Shadow
- Mountain Water
- Mr. Bubble's Shockingly Delicious Ice Cream
- Mud Pie
- Mudskunk Lure
- Mudwrap
- Mug of Shimmer Stout
- Mulled Alterac Brandy
- Mysterious Brew
- Mysterious Fermented Liquid
- Mysterious Potion
- Greater Mystic Essence
- Lesser Mystic Essence
- N.U.K.U.L.A.R. Target Painter
- Nagmara's Vial
- Nagrand Cherry
- Naj'entus Spine
- Narain's Turban
- Nepeta Leaf
- Greater Nether Essence
- Lesser Nether Essence
- Nethergarde Bitter
- Netherweave Net
- Neutralizing Agent
- Night Dragon's Breath
- Nightcrawlers
- Nimboya's Laden Pike
- Nimboya's Pike
- Nixx's Pledge of Secrecy
- Nomad's Spiked Tent
- Northern Ivory
- Northrend Honey Mead
- Northwind Cleft Key
- Noth's Special Brew
- Novice's Serpent Brew
- Novice's Tiger Brew
- Obsidia Scale
- Oddly-Shaped Horn
- Oglethorpe's Pledge of Secrecy
- Ogre Moonshine
- Oil Covered Fish
- Oil of Ethereal Force
- Oil of Olaf
- Oily Giblets
- Old Spices
- Onyx Scale of Rivendark
- Orange Marigold
- Orb of Burgeoning Ambition
- Orb of Draconic Energy
- Orb of Illusion
- Orb of Murloc Control
- Orb of Returning
- Orb of the Blackwhelp
- Orcish Grog
- Orgrimmar Commendation Badge
- Orgrimmar's Reach
- Ornate Alliance Tent
- Ornate Horde Tent
- Oronok's Tuber of Agility