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This category is for World of Warcraft consumable item articles and categories
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
- Bandages (71 P)
- Gear tokens (455 P)
- Grimoires (91 P)
- Group consumables (52 P)
- Potion items (198 P)
- Projectile items (51 P)
- Scrolls (269 P, 3 F)
- Wrapping Paper (18 P)
Pages in category "Consumable items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,745 total.
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- Radish Kimchi
- Rage Potion
- Rain Stone
- Rainstick
- Ramkahen Badge of Valor
- Raptor Punch
- Ravager Egg Omelet
- Raw Black Truffle
- Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish
- Raw Glossy Mightfish
- Raw Loch Frenzy
- Raw Mithril Head Trout
- Raw Nightfin Snapper
- Raw Redgill
- Raw Slitherskin Mackerel
- Raw Spinefin Halibut
- Raw Spotted Yellowtail
- Raw Sunscale Salmon
- Raw Tallhorn Chunk
- Raw Whitescale Salmon
- Razorlash Root
- Razorthorn Flayer Gland
- Really Sticky Glue
- Recovery Diver's Potion
- Red Rider Air Rifle
- Red Rider Air Rifle Ammo
- Red Rocket Cluster
- Red Smoke Flare
- Red-Speckled Mushroom
- Redemption of the Fallen
- Redridge Roquefort
- Reflecting Prism
- Refreshing Pineapple Punch
- Rejek's Vial
- Relic Coffer Key
- Requisitioned Firework Launcher
- Restorative Amber
- Restoring Balm
- Right Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
- Righteous Weapon Coating
- Rina's Bough
- Rina's Diminution Powder
- Ripe Watermelon
- River Clam Pearl
- Roasted Barley Tea
- Roasted Beef
- Roasted Quail
- Robo-Rooster
- Rock-Hard Biscuit
- Rock-Salted Pretzel
- Rocknail Flayer Carcass
- Rocknail Flayer Giblets
- Rod of Necromancy (Classic)
- Rogue's Draught
- Romantic Poem
- Rook's Lucky Fishin' Line
- Rotten Apple (old)
- Rough Copper Bomb
- Rough Dynamite
- Rough Sharpening Stone
- Rough Stone Statue
- Rough Weightstone
- The RP-GG
- Rumsey Rum
- Rumsey Rum Black Label
- Rumsey Rum Dark
- Rumsey Rum Light
- Rune (blacksmithing)
- Rune of Opening
- Rune of Recall (Alliance)
- Rune of Recall (Horde)
- Runic Healing Injector
- Runic Mana Injector
- Runn Tum Tuber
- Saberon Cat-Sip
- Sablemane's Sleeping Powder
- Sacred Cord
- Sacred Frostsaber Meat
- Sacred Mallet
- Safety Catch Removal Kit
- Salted Venison
- Salted Yeti Cheese
- Saltwater Potion
- Samophlange Manual Cover
- Samophlange Manual Page
- Samuel's Remains
- Sanctified Crystal
- Sand Pear Pie
- Sandbag
- Sandbox Tiger
- Saronite Arrow Maker
- Saronite Bomb
- Sathrah's Sacrifice
- Savage Guard
- Savage Leather Tent
- Savage Remedy
- Savory Sausage
- Savory Snowplum
- Scepter of Spectacle: Air
- Scepter of Spectacle: Earth
- Scepter of Spectacle: Frost
- Scepter of Spectacle: Order
- Scotty's Lucky Coin
- Scourge Banner
- Scourge Cage Key
- Scourge Curio
- Scrapbot Construction Kit
- Scroll
- Scroll of Agility IV
- Scroll of Agility IX
- Scroll of Agility V
- Scroll of Demonic Unbanishing
- Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Savagery
- Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility
- Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Massacre
- Scroll of Enchant 2H Weapon - Scourgebane
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Assault
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Assault
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Spirit
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Greater Vitality
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Icewalker
- Scroll of Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality
- Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Expertise
- Scroll of Enchant Bracer - Superior Spellpower
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Exceptional Intellect
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Greater Assault
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Greater Spellpower
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Greater Stats
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Major Spirit
- Scroll of Enchant Bracers - Striking
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Exceptional Resilience
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Greater Defense
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Greater Mana Restoration
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Mighty Health
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Powerful Stats
- Scroll of Enchant Chest - Super Health
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Greater Speed
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Major Agility
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Mighty Armor
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Shadow Armor
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Spell Piercing
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Agility
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Arcane Resistance
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Fire Resistance
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Frost Resistance
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Nature Resistance
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Superior Shadow Resistance
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Titanweave
- Scroll of Enchant Cloak - Wisdom
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Armsman
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Crusher
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Expertise
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Greater Assault
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Major Agility
- Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Precision
- Scroll of Enchant Shield - Defense
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Accuracy
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Berserking
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Black Magic
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Blood Draining
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Agility
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spellpower
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Exceptional Spirit
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Giant Slayer
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Greater Potency
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Icebreaker
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Lifeward
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Mighty Spellpower
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Mongoose
- Scroll of Enchant Weapon - Superior Potency
- Scroll of Intellect IV
- Scroll of Intellect IX
- Scroll of Intellect V
- Scroll of Protection
- Scroll of Protection II
- Scroll of Protection III
- Scroll of Protection IV
- Scroll of Protection V
- Scroll of Protection VI
- Scroll of Protection VII
- Scroll of Risky Recall
- Scroll of Spirit IV
- Scroll of Spirit IX
- Scroll of Spirit V
- Scroll of Spirit VI
- Scroll of Stamina IV
- Scroll of Stamina IX
- Scroll of Stamina V
- Scroll of Strength
- Scroll of Strength IV
- Scroll of Strength IX
- Scroll of Town Portal
- Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (earth)
- Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (fire)
- Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (thunder)
- Scroll: Create Crest of Beckoning (water)
- Scroll: Create Scepter of Beckoning (fire)
- Scroll: Create Scepter of Beckoning (stone)