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This category is for World of Warcraft consumable item articles and categories
This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
- Bandages (71 P)
- Gear tokens (455 P)
- Grimoires (91 P)
- Group consumables (52 P)
- Potion items (198 P)
- Projectile items (51 P)
- Scrolls (269 P, 3 F)
- Wrapping Paper (18 P)
Pages in category "Consumable items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,745 total.
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- Tainted Core (item)
- Tainted Essence
- Tainted Quel'Delar
- Talvash's Phial of Scrying
- Taming Rod
- Taming Totem
- Target Dummy
- Tattered Collar of the Incubus
- Tattered Collar of the Succubus
- Tazan's Key
- Tea with Sugar
- Tel'Abim Banana
- Telaari Grapes
- Tender Strider Meat
- Teron's Gold Coin
- The Enchanted Dragon
- The Final Code
- The High Chief's Key
- The King's Empty Conch
- The Warden's Key
- Thermal Anvil
- Thick Felsteel Necklace
- Thick-Shelled Clam
- Thistle Tea (Legion)
- Thorium Grenade
- Thorium Shield Spike
- Thornling Seed
- Thrall's Gold Coin
- Thrall's Hearthstone
- Thrallmar Favor
- Three of Beasts
- Three of Blessings
- Three of Chaos
- Three of Demons
- Three of Elementals
- Three of Embers
- Three of Furies
- Three of Lunacy
- Three of Mages
- Three of Nobles
- Three of Portals
- Three of Prisms
- Three of Rogues
- Three of Stones
- Three of Storms
- Three of Swords
- Three of the Winds
- Three of Undeath
- Three of Warlords
- Thunder 45
- Thunder Ale
- Thunder Bluff Commendation Badge
- Thunder's Plunder
- Thunderbelly Mead
- Thunderbrew Ale
- Thunderbrew Stout
- Thunderbrew's Hard Ale
- Thunderhorn Cleansing Totem
- Thundering Charm
- Tiger Brew of Adversity
- Tiger Brew of Fallen Blossoms
- Tiger Brew of Meditation
- Tiger Brew of Pilgrimage
- Tiger Brew of Serenity
- Tiki Dervish Ceremony
- Tiki Hex Remover
- Tiri's Magical Incantation
- Tirion Fordring's Gold Coin
- Titanium Shield Spike
- Titanium Skeleton Key
- Toasted Smorc
- Toasting Goblet
- Tome of Power (Shadowlands)
- Tooth Pick
- Top Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet
- Torch Burst
- Torment of the Worgen
- Tough Hunk of Bread
- Tough Ram Meat
- Tourmaline Phial
- Toxic Fogger
- Trachela's Carcass
- Tranquil Mechanical Yeti Costume
- Triage Bandage
- Tricky Treat
- Trogg Ale
- Tropical Sunfruit
- Truesilver Skeleton Key
- Tua'kea's Breathing Bladder
- Tuft of Yak Fur
- Tundra Berries
- Two of Beasts
- Two of Blessings
- Two of Chaos
- Two of Demons
- Two of Elementals
- Two of Embers
- Two of Furies
- Two of Lunacy
- Two of Mages
- Two of Nobles
- Two of Portals
- Two of Prisms
- Two of Rogues
- Two of Stones
- Two of Storms
- Two of Swords
- Two of the Winds
- Two of Undeath
- Two of Warlords
- Ultra-Electrified Reflector
- Unbestowed Friendship Bracelet
- Unconscious Dig Rat
- Underbelly Elixir
- Undercity Commendation Badge
- Underspore Pod
- Unfinished Headpiece
- Unfired Key Mold
- Unforged Seal of Ascension
- Unidentifiable Meat Dish
- Unsigned Field Duty Papers
- Unstable Flask of the Beast
- Unstable Flask of the Sorcerer
- Unstable flasks
- Untapped Dowsing Widget
- Unused Scraping Vial
- Unyielding Stone Chunk
- Uther Lightbringer's Gold Coin
- Veil Skith Prison Key
- Versicolor Treat
- Very Berry Cream
- Very Berry Pie
- Vial of Frost Oil
- Vic's Emergency Air Tank
- "VICTORY" Perfume
- Videre Elixir
- Vile Purple Fungus
- Violet Tragan
- Vodouisant's Vigilant Embrace
- Volatile Crimson Embers
- Volatile Rum
- Volatile Seaforium Blastpack
- Volcanic Potion
- Voltscale Shield
- Voodoo Skull
- Vrykul Amulet
- Wail of the Banshee
- Walter
- Wand of Arcane Imprisonment
- Wand of Death
- Wand of Grumpiness
- Wand of Lightning Shield
- Wand of Mana Stealing
- Wand of Neutralization
- Wand of Regal Bearing
- War Horn Mouthpiece
- Ward
- Warmaul Prison Key
- Warmaul Skull
- Warped Warning Sign
- Warsong Banner
- Water Bucket
- Water of the Seers
- Water of Vision
- Water Sample Flask
- Water Sapta
- Water Spirit
- Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern
- Weightstone
- Well Water
- White Smoke Flare
- Wicked Strong Fetish
- Widow Burst
- Wild Dragon Fruit
- Wild Ricecake
- Wild Truffle
- Wild Winter Pilsner
- Wildmane Cleansing Totem
- Wind Break
- Windblossom Berries
- Windle's Lighter
- Winner Caller's Warbler
- Winter Squid
- Winter Veil Eggnog
- Winter Veil Roast
- Winterhoof Cleansing Totem
- Witherbark Totem Stick
- Wizard Oil
- "Wizardry" Cologne
- Wolpertinger Net
- Wooden Key
- Worg Tooth Oatmeal Stout
- Worm Supreme
- Wrath of the Titans
- Wreath
- Writhing Mass
- Wu-Kao Dart of Lethargy