This category contains example images of anything, that is not a screenshot, taken in-game.
Media in category "Example images"
The following 141 files are in this category, out of 141 total.
- 16px-ClassIcon demon hunter.png 16 × 16; 730 bytes
- 16px-Inv misc armorkit 17.png 16 × 16; 713 bytes
- Ambox overload mobile.png 1,080 × 1,920; 528 KB
- Ambox overload.png 1,081 × 471; 157 KB
- ArracheaPath.jpg 276 × 232; 12 KB
- Arugallich.png 224 × 424; 141 KB
- AshbringerWOglow.jpg 600 × 400; 74 KB
- AWD Silverpine.jpg 1,002 × 668; 408 KB
- Awowc.png 363 × 312; 89 KB
- Axe Crazy.PNG 346 × 367; 262 KB
- Axethrowers.JPG 400 × 184; 12 KB
- Azerite Armor tooltip example.jpg 345 × 349; 47 KB
- Azshara Realm Breakdown.png 482 × 465; 133 KB
- Beholder.jpg 227 × 237; 21 KB
- Black text on gray background.jpg 945 × 459; 87 KB
- Bolvar's smile.jpg 461 × 498; 227 KB
- Brother Crowley's Hat.png 152 × 113; 24 KB
- BtA Change Reason.jpg 657 × 311; 136 KB
- BuggedSkin.JPG 1,400 × 861; 202 KB
- Cat-Logo-Small.png 37 × 14; 4 KB
- Combatmissionsexamplearticle.jpg 1,695 × 736; 357 KB
- Cross Island, Fenris Isle and Dawning Isles.jpg 1,834 × 1,179; 941 KB
- DarkVector Fail.jpg 677 × 201; 23 KB
- Deadeyesarticle.jpg 999 × 361; 74 KB
- Demonstration.png 1,745 × 854; 50 KB
- Demonstration2.png 1,134 × 764; 70 KB
- DoublePageLoad.mp4 23 s, 812x540; 585 KB
- Draenei introduced - E3 - headshot.jpg 1,024 × 768; 120 KB
- Draenei introduced - E3 - questing.jpg 1,024 × 768; 122 KB
- Druidforms nightelf.jpg 1,429 × 1,908; 529 KB
- Druidforms tauren.jpg 2,584 × 1,446; 485 KB
- Easternplaguelandshiddenlake.png 118 × 149; 32 KB
- Edits to Localization need moderator update.png 548 × 301; 79 KB
- Elementalplane.JPG 243 × 260; 17 KB
- Elf eye comparison.png 2,563 × 2,030; 4.36 MB
- Elffemalemodels.png 737 × 375; 178 KB
- Evidence1.jpg 552 × 398; 41 KB
- Evidence2.png 456 × 380; 277 KB
- Evidence3.png 535 × 336; 125 KB
- Evidence4.png 538 × 375; 245 KB
- Factions.png 1,116 × 1,277; 118 KB
- Fel Orc Female.jpg 102 × 102; 22 KB
- Gilneas flightpath.jpg 419 × 517; 121 KB
- Gilneas Peninsula Comparative.gif 183 × 183; 921 KB
- Gilneas-example.jpg 714 × 546; 31 KB
- GlancingReduction.jpg 859 × 492; 122 KB
- Gromblademaster.JPG 404 × 78; 7 KB
- Harlan Hogan e-mail.jpg 664 × 1,425; 143 KB
- Haunted Isle location.jpg 217 × 202; 12 KB
- HeaderLine.png 656 × 321; 63 KB
- Human Expedition name.jpg 866 × 574; 546 KB
- HyjalBeforeAfter.jpg 1,468 × 404; 552 KB
- Icons3-1CH.jpg 500 × 971; 131 KB
- ImmolateChampion compared to Fordragon.jpg 600 × 400; 128 KB
- Index Error.png 1,280 × 720; 193 KB
- Juggernaughtspelling.JPG 997 × 532; 99 KB
- Juggernaughtspelling2.JPG 618 × 283; 26 KB
- Kael'thas Corrupted.jpg 365 × 541; 38 KB
- Kael'thasSunwell.png 512 × 666; 138 KB
- Kael-Layout-p1.jpg 700 × 752; 115 KB
- Kael-Layout-p2.jpg 700 × 752; 89 KB
- Kael-Layout-p3.jpg 700 × 752; 102 KB
- Kael-Layout-p4.jpg 700 × 752; 74 KB
- Kalimdor-old-topography.jpg 198 × 372; 21 KB
- Kguide HTML screenshot.png 1,036 × 473; 193 KB
- Killer guides 200px ad.png 1,041 × 661; 244 KB
- Kodo Skin Scroll.jpg 500 × 500; 64 KB
- Legz3.JPG 500 × 580; 37 KB
- LeperGnome.gif 448 × 475; 18 KB
- LordaeronQuelThalasWC3.jpg 706 × 632; 374 KB
- Mobile ambox issues.png 1,080 × 1,920; 245 KB
- Monk template234.jpg 389 × 269; 33 KB
- Nether afterlife.jpg 555 × 175; 20 KB
- Newman'slandingmap.jpg 150 × 200; 13 KB
- Option a venn.png 440 × 320; 8 KB
- Option b venn.png 440 × 320; 8 KB
- Option c venn.png 440 × 320; 9 KB
- Option d venn.png 480 × 480; 12 KB
- Orgrim Icon.jpg 35 × 36; 12 KB
- OSLayout.PNG 217 × 357; 3 KB
- Patch 0.7.1 build information.png 1,024 × 768; 1.07 MB
- Patch 0.7.1 build release.png 611 × 101; 3 KB
- Preview Default Skin 1.gif 812 × 821; 175 KB
- Preview Default Skin 2.jpg 812 × 821; 244 KB
- Proto drake skin.jpg 846 × 577; 96 KB
- Putricide-gas-cloud-calculation.jpg 123 × 90; 2 KB
- Q A header.png 778 × 95; 15 KB
- QuelThalasCataclysm.jpg 1,000 × 948; 565 KB
- Questlevelexamplecat.png 314 × 338; 9 KB
- Quote.jpg 1,644 × 709; 296 KB
- Reputation-Alliance.jpg 677 × 1,604; 332 KB
- Reputation-Horde.jpg 677 × 1,604; 397 KB
- Route to Yarrog Baneshadow.png 146 × 109; 13 KB
- Saberon 18x18.gif 18 × 18; 1 KB
- Saberon 32x32.gif 32 × 32; 2 KB
- Saberon 64x64.gif 64 × 64; 5 KB
- Screenshotcomparison.png 384 × 306; 173 KB
- Sitestats.png 816 × 658; 104 KB
- Spam-trivia.PNG 1,100 × 792; 148 KB
- Spawnspotsv2move.jpg 678 × 456; 76 KB
- Subzoneboxclip.jpg 1,715 × 216; 329 KB
- Thumbsize-loggedin.png 1,162 × 1,035; 240 KB
- Thumbsize-loggedout.png 1,266 × 1,013; 333 KB
- Thumbsize-new default-with upright.png 1,241 × 932; 300 KB
- Timelostprotodrakepaths.jpg 800 × 533; 105 KB
- Titanium5.jpg 383 × 51; 5 KB
- Troll boots.jpg 512 × 512; 26 KB
- Trollevo.png 1,209 × 516; 264 KB
- Trollpatrol.jpg 629 × 709; 186 KB
- Tyrandetiger.JPG 334 × 298; 16 KB
- UltraLeperGnome.gif 449 × 416; 23 KB
- Undead Demon Hunter.jpg 590 × 583; 75 KB
- Undercity balconies.jpg 578 × 287; 39 KB
- Upload multiple files example.jpg 1,058 × 467; 106 KB
- Utgardemapearlysketch.png 791 × 520; 188 KB
- Vereesa WindrunnerNW.png 1,366 × 757; 513 KB
- Video gallery layout.jpg 649 × 698; 164 KB
- Warcraft 2 channel islands screenshot by baggins.png 800 × 795; 641 KB
- WarglaiveofPandaria.PNG 592 × 185; 67 KB
- Wc2 channel islands with showpath cheat by kittymew .png 800 × 800; 803 KB
- WC3ScrnShot.png 182 × 58; 19 KB
- Weekly quests.jpg 1,200 × 743; 445 KB
- Wierd logo.png 494 × 404; 153 KB
- Wiki ads.JPG 1,280 × 936; 209 KB
- Winterfall intrusion.jpg 837 × 857; 186 KB
- Worldd.jpg 425 × 316; 77 KB
- WoW Icon Svg Example.png 345 × 315; 72 KB
- Wowhead Mankrik's Wife.jpg 772 × 515; 98 KB
- Wowwiki leftmenu.png 956 × 807; 148 KB
- WoWWikiNew.jpg 1,503 × 2,295; 1.04 MB
- Wpmob-ambox.png 640 × 960; 238 KB
- Wpmob-headers.png 640 × 958; 397 KB
- Wpmob-icons.png 640 × 960; 208 KB
- Wpmob-item.png 640 × 960; 122 KB
- Wpmob-mp-land.png 960 × 640; 109 KB
- Wpmob-mp.png 640 × 962; 107 KB
- Wpmob-quest.png 640 × 960; 222 KB
- Wyvernridertext.jpg 398 × 116; 18 KB
- Xal'atath (human).jpg 312 × 651; 33 KB
- Xp to level original and new.png 800 × 600; 20 KB
- ZaelaNoYellow.png 280 × 408; 173 KB