This category contains articles related to subjects that existed in the PTR builds of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. They should probably not be indexed in other categories.
To place an article into this category, use {{removedfromptr|patch=9.x.x}} at the top of the page, and it will result in an informative banner stating that the subject had, in fact, not been implemented into the game.
For content that was never intended to go live and was only present in a PTR build for testing purposes, see Category:Testing-only content.
Pages in category "Removed from Shadowlands testing realms"
The following 153 pages are in this category, out of 153 total.
- Captive Jiro
- Cartel Appropriator
- Cartel Battlemancer
- Cartel Brightcaster
- Cartel Grandcaster
- Cartel Manifestor
- Cartel Neophyte
- Chain Reactor
- Common Chair
- Core Vine Cluster
- Corrupted Reclamator
- Creation Codex: Animate
- Creation Codex: Automa
- Curious Green Vial
- Curious Green Vial (Alliance)
- Curious Green Vial (Horde)
- Curious Green Vial (quest)
- Curiously Corrosive Concoction
- Soa Elo
- Empowered Torturer
- Engraved Card
- Engraved Stone
- Enlightened Hearthstone
- Ensemble: Forsworn Aspirant's Regalia
- Ensemble: Garb of the Twilight Grove
- Ensemble: Radiant Court Attire
- Ensemble: Redeemed Inquisitor's Vestments
- Ensemble: Rogue Necromancer's Vestments
- Eternal Curio
- Ethereal Key
- Exploited Explorers
- Schematic Reassimilation: Patient Bufonid
- Schematic: Patient Bufonid
- Seal of Death's Unity
- Severed Engineer
- Severed Scavenger
- Shattered Relic
- Silver Gearglider
- Sinful Aspirant's Greatcloak
- Sinful Gladiator's Cape
- Site Oeth Circuit
- Soulborn Socket Matrix
- Soulborn Socket Matrix (item)
- Spring Wilderling Harness
- Starved Horror
- Stolen Research: Conduit Index
- Stolen Research: Soulborn Sockets
- Sturdy Korthian Bones
- Stygian Steel Nugget
- Stygian Steel Setting
- Super Cool Dragon Head
- Surplus Protector
- Suspicious Badge