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Inv misc trinketpanda 0750
  • Celestial Coin
  • Binds to Blizzard account
  • "Granted to champions of the Celestial Tournament. Speak with Master Li on the Timeless Isle to spend these coins."

Celestial Coins are awarded for winning the Celestial Tournament on the Timeless Isle. Master Li at the Celestial Court both starts the tournament for players, and redeems Celestial Coins in turn.


Coins are a quest reward from the weekly account-wide quest N [1-70W] The Celestial Tournament.

As currency[]

Master Li
Item Cost
Inv pet cranegod [Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji] 3 Celestial Coin
Inv pet yakgod [Zao, Calfling of Niuzao] 3 Celestial Coin
Inv pet tigergodcub [Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen] 3 Celestial Coin
Inv pet jadeserpentpet [Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon] 3 Celestial Coin
Icon upgradestone rare [Marked Flawless Battle-Stone] 3 Celestial Coin
Inv misc bandage 05 [Battle Pet Bandage] 1 Celestial Coin
Inv misc food 65 [Pet Treat] 1 Celestial Coin

Patch changes[]

External links[]
