- For the in-game titles, see [Centurion] and Centurion (Legacy). For the Shadowlands' Bastion race, see centurion.
Centurion is a military rank present in various organizations.
Name | Organization | Status |
Addisyn | Alive | |
Caza'rez | Thrallmar | Deceased |
Firescream | Durotar | Alive |
Kaga Warmstone | Highmountain Tribes | Alive |
Kaggrum | Warsong Offensive | Alive |
Tormmok (retired) | Gorian Empire | Alive |
Blugthol | Gorian Empire | Killable |
- Argent Centurion
- Bloodwarder Centurion
- Brushwood Centurion
- Crimson Hand Centurion
- Darkmaul Centurion
- Dragonmaw Centurion
- Eclipsion Centurion
- Faithless Centurion
- Flamewaker Centurion (Firelands)
- Flamewaker Centurion (Return to Karazhan)
- Gorian Centurion
- Illidari Centurion
- Imprisoned Centurion
- Lightforged Centurion
- Nerubis Centurion
- Queen's Centurion
- Scarlet Centurion
- Shattered Hand Centurion
- Splinterbone Centurion
- Sunfury Centurion
- Twilight Centurion
- Unbound Centurion
- Warspear Centurion
- Zanj'ir Centurion
This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
The Horde military ranks of Legionnaire and Centurion could have come from the historical traditions of the Gorian Empire as they both refer to the Roman Empire.