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HordeCersei Dusksinger
Image of Cersei Dusksinger
Gender Female
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Class Warlock
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Silvermoon City
Location Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows
Status Alive

Cersei Dusksinger is a blood elf quest giver located at Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows. She can be found in the large building on the east side of the compound. She is a warlock and has a succubus minion.


Bc icon The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Burning Crusade Classic.



This is going to be such fun! Don't you think, my dear?

After Little Morsels

Oh, most excellent! That was great fun, was it not? Little by little I've been cursing more of those disgusting Lost Ones. Soon enough I'll be ready to try it on the draenei!

  • Would you stop checking your nails and whipping yourself for once? Really, no one cares!
  • Are you hungry? I'm hungry. I just can't stand the thought of cured ham steak from Thultash again. If only we could get some of that succulent roasted quail!
  • These orcs are fools! So much power nearby just waiting for be taken, and all they do is sit on their hands and watch while others plunder the riches!
  • I need some fresh air, not that there's any to be had in this swamp! I'm going out for a bit. Tidy up a bit while I'm gone, would you?
    • Must you follow me everywhere? <sigh> (to her succubus)
  • Hahaha! That fool will never find out what I'm up to! Or, if he does, it'll be too late for the draenei!
  • Avuun dares to oppose me? I will crush him! When I am done with the draenei, they'll wish that they were Lost Ones!
  • I cannot wait to see the results of this latest batch!

See Rogvar, Kartosh, or Greshka for the fight between them and Cersei.


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