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NeutralChao of the Hundred Crabs
Image of Chao of the Hundred Crabs
Title <Crew of the Mist-Hopper>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) The Anglers
Occupation Vendor
Location Soggy's Gamble, Dread Wastes[55, 72.8]VZ-Dread WastesBlip
Status Alive

Chao of the Hundred Crabs is a pandaren food and fishing vendor located at Soggy's Gamble in the Dread Wastes.

Vendor information[]

Inv misc food vendor greenfishbonescurry 5x [Green Curry Fish]
2g 60s
Inv drink milk 01 5x [Pearl Milk Tea]
2g 60s
Inv misc food vendor toastedfishjerky 5x [Toasted Fish Jerky]
2g 40s
Inv misc food vendor roastedbarlytea 5x [Roasted Barley Tea]
2g 40s
Inv misc food cooked goldcarpconsomme 5x [Golden Carp Consomme]
2g 60s
Inv misc food 130 fish 5x [Tortoise Jerky]
23s 35c
Inv misc food 13 5x [Venison Jerky]
1s 25c
Inv misc leatherscrap 07 5x [Spiced Beef Jerky]
1s 25c
Inv misc food 16 5x [Tough Jerky]
Inv misc food 26 [Aquadynamic Fish Attractor]
2s 50c
Inv misc gem variety 02 [Bright Baubles]
2s 50c
Inv misc monstertail 03 [Nightcrawlers]
Inv misc orb 03 [Shiny Bauble]
Inv fishingpole 02 [Strong Fishing Pole]
9s 2c
Inv fishingpole 02 [Fishing Pole]
Achievement profession fishing outlandangler 5x [Oversized Bobber]
1g 76s

Patch changes[]

External links[]
