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AllianceCharles Davenport
Image of Charles Davenport
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Millstone Hamlet, Stormsong Valley
Status Alive
Relative(s) Marie Davenport (grandmother), Alexa Davenport

Charles Davenport is a human located in Millstone Hamlet in Stormsong Valley.

At some point, his grandmother Marie Davenport tried to teach him how to bake, but the effort was seemingly unfortunate.[1]

When the local ettins attacked the hamlet, Marie sent him to collect several items for her.[2] Preferring to return to simple things, like grinding wheat and drinking mead, he asked the adventurer to collect rats and spider silk for him.[3][4] Later, Marie sent the adventurer with cookies for Charles,[5] now found in the Sprucewood. He wanted to prove himself to grandma, but he got stuck under a cart in the forest. After collecting grain sacks, he gave the rats to the adventurer to deal with Grokkfist while he returned home.[6]


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



I don't want to let Grandma down, but I'm not cut for this... I just want things to get back to normal.

Main article: Wheat A Minute#Notes

Patch changes[]


  1. ^ A [50WQ] Let's Burn!
  2. ^ A [30-60] Be A Dear
  3. ^ A [30-60] Aww, Rats!
  4. ^ A [30-60] Basement Dwellers
  5. ^ A [30-60] Cookie Delivery
  6. ^ A [30-60] Mighty Grokkfist

External links[]
