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Inv misc food cooked springrolls20
  • Chun Tian Spring Rolls
  • Use: Restores 300000 health and (75000 / 5 * 20 sec) mana over 20 sec. Must remain seated while eating. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and gain 450 Stamina for 1 hour.
  • Requires Level 35
  • Sell Price: 14s

Chun Tian Spring Rolls is created with Achievement cooking masteroftheoven [Way of the Oven] (600); taught by Jian Ironpaw in the Valley of the Four Winds.

Materials required:
Inv misc bag 10 black 1x [Rice Flour] Inv misc fish 94 5x [Redbelly Mandarin]
Inv misc food meat rawtigersteak 5x [Raw Tiger Steak] Inv misc food vendor redblossomleek 25x [Red Blossom Leek]

This item is created 5 at a time.

As an ingredient[]


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See also[]

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