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NeutralClaimant to the Throne
Start Wrathion
End Wrathion
Level 60-62
Category The Waking Shores
Experience 4,550
Reputation +50 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60-62] Restoring the Faith
Next N [60-62] Black Wagon Flight

Claimant to the Throne alongside N [60-62] Heir Apparent begin the final chapter of the Waking Shores storyline.


Speak with Wrathion's followers.


I have dedicated myself to saving Azeroth from destruction time and time again, and this fool thinks he can just swoop in and claim the title of aspect? I think not.

Talk to my people, <name>. See what they have to say about me and what I have done for this world.


You will receive:


Their loyalty is unquestionable.


Surely you back my claim, do you not, <name>?


Speaking with Talonstalker Kavia
Gossip What can you tell me about Wrathion?
Talonstalker Kavia says: He does what needs to be done. Honor and glory didn't help defeat the Sha or rid the world of mad dragons, Wrathion did.
Speaking with Left and Right
Gossip What can you tell me about Wrathion?
Right says: Wrathion's able to make the hard choices, the ones that no one else will, all for the greater good.
Left says: Setting Garrosh free started a war, but we needed that war to prepare for the Legion.
Speaking with Archivist Edress
Gossip What can you tell me about Wrathion?
Archivist Edress says: Despite some questionable methods, it is hard to deny Wrathion's results. He has worked tirelessly to protect all creatures of Azeroth from numerous threats.


  1. N [60-62] Heir Apparent & N [60-62] Claimant to the Throne
  2. N [60-62] Black Wagon Flight
  3. N [60-62] The Last Eggtender
  4. N [60-62] Egg-cited for the Future
  5. N [60-62] Life-Binder on Duty
  6. N [60-62] A Charge of Care

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