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Introduced in World of Warcraft: Legion, players in their Class Hall can assign their followers to complete missions that vary in duration. Once assigned to a mission, followers become unavailable for its duration and proceed unaccompanied. At the conclusion of a mission, players can learn the outcome by returning to the Class Hall, where a mission report will be waiting. If successful, the report encloses a small reward that generally scales with mission duration and difficulty.


One of the main uses of followers is to send them on missions. Missions are special undertakings which the player can send groups of followers to fulfill, ranging from 2-minute quests to day-long raids featuring a full party of three followers. Successful missions can reward resources for developing the Class Hall, as well as actual player loot usable by the character. In addition, missions serve to earn followers experience, slowly increasing their level and improving their abilities.

Each mission has its own name, follower level (similar to player instances), specific duration, group size requirement, and other characteristics. Players can view available missions through the interface and choose which followers to send on a mission. Missions are specific to the Class Hall feature, and are not related to any playable content.

Mission types[]

Players can choose to send their followers on ? different types of missions:




To increase the likelihood of mission success, the player can select followers who are able to counter the abilities of the mission's target enemies. By default, followers can counter the specified threats. When hired or upgraded in quality, followers may gain additional counters.


Mission list[]

Stub Please add any available information to this section.

Mission Class Level Item Level Duration Followers Bonus Chest Reward
Campaign A Glade Defense Druid 100 760 8 hr 3 Spell nature resistnature [Inscribed Leaf of Wisdom]
Campaign Additional Accoutrements Demon Hunter 100 760 1 hr 3 Inv rod enchantedfelsteel [Mardum-Calibrated Balancer]
Generic Border Reinforcements 100 760 2 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Campaign Elemental Diplomacy Shaman 100 760 1 hr 3 Inv alchemy imbuedvial [Vial of Air]
Campaign Loramus, Is That You? Demon Hunter 100 760 1 hr 3 Ability demonhunter spectank [Loramus Thalipedes]
Campaign Morn Needs Help Shaman 100 760 2 min 1 Achievement dungeon halls of origination earthrager ptah [Summoner Morn]
Generic Plagued Bears 100 760 4 hr 3 Misc drogbartotem02 [Primitive Roggtotem]
Campaign Sampling the Nightmare Druid 100 760 1 hr 3 Spell nature thorns nightmare [Lasher Seed]
Campaign Sister Lilith Druid 100 760 2 min 1 Ability druid overgrowth [Sister Lilith]
Campaign Things Gaardoun Needs Demon Hunter 100 760 2 min 1 Ability demonhunter felblade [Used Felblades]
Generic Tip the Scales 100 760 4 hr 3 Inv misc book 09 [Brittle Spelltome]
Campaign Troops in the Field Death Knight 100 760 2 hr 3 Achievement character troll male [Archivist Zubashi]
Campaign Troops in the Field Hunter 100 760 2 hr 3 Passive monk teachingsofmonastery [Survivalist Bahn]
Campaign Troops in the Field Mage 100 760 2 hr 3 Passive monk teachingsofmonastery [Chronicler Elrianne]
Campaign Troops in the Field Shaman 100 760 2 hr 3 Passive monk teachingsofmonastery [Journeyman Goldmine]
Campaign Troops in the Field Warrior 100 760 2 hr 3 Trade archaeology vrykul runestick [Einar the Runecaster]
Campaign Troops in Training Priest 100 760 2 hr 3 Inv pet naaru [Archon Torias]
Campaign Troops in Training Warlock 100 760 2 hr 3 Warlock grimoireofservice [Archivist Melinda]
Generic Twisted Souls 100 760 2 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Generic Glittering Seas 101 760 2 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Generic Polluted Waters 101 760 2 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Shadows and Husk 101 760 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic To Arms! 101 760 4 hr 3 Archaeology 5 0 crackedmogurunestone [Cracked Vrykul Insignia]
Campaign Back in Black Demon Hunter 102 760 30 min 3 Inv jewelry amulet 04 [Broken Medallion of Karabor]
Generic Chill of the Grave 102 760 2 hr 3 Archaeology 5 0 crackedmogurunestone [Cracked Vrykul Insignia]
Campaign Gathering the Dreamweavers: Celestine of the Harvest Druid 102 760 1 hr 3 Item herbd [Moon Lily]
Campaign Gathering the Dreamweavers: Graham Silverclaw Druid 102 760 1 hr 3 Ability rogue restlessblades [Broken Eredar Blade]
Campaign Gathering the Dreamweavers: Matoclaw Druid 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv misc trophy argent [Battered Trophy]
Campaign Gathering the Dreamweavers: Thisalee Crow Druid 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv qiraj hiltspiked [Thisalee's Fighting Claws]
Campaign Gathering the Dreamweavers: Talza Druid 102 760 1 hr 3 Spell warrior sharpenblade [Draketaming Spurs]
Campaign Investigating Deepholm Shaman 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv ore eternium [Amethyst Geode]
Campaign Securing Mardum Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Achievement character bloodelf female [Ariana Fireheart]
Generic Stormscourge 102 760 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic Symphony of Ruin 102 760 6 hr 3 Inv misc book 09 [Brittle Spelltome]
Generic The Terror that Flaps in the Day 102 760 4 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Thing of Nightmares 102 760 2 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Campaign Thunderaan's Enemies: Alacris Shaman 102 760 1 hr 3 Ability thunderking balllightning [Bottled Lightning]
Campaign Thunderaan's Enemies: Mistius Shaman 102 760 2 hr 3 Inv jewelry amulet 03 [Gift of Al'Akir]
Campaign Thunderaan's Enemies: Tulmos Shaman 102 760 2 hr 3 Ability shaman condensationtotem [Whispering Totem]
Campaign Thunderaan's Enemies: Zeph Shaman 102 760 2 hr 3 Inv bracer 69 [Elemental Bracers]
Generic Weep for Water 102 760 10 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Fathnyr Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv misc starspecklemushroom [Glowing Cave Mushroom]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Isle of the Watchers Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Ability glaivetoss [Broken Warden Glaive Blade]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Mal'Dreth the Corruptor Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv scroll 09 [Legion Pamphlet]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Mellok, Son of Torok Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv archaeology 70 tauren drum [Tiny War Drum]
Campaign Working With the Wardens: Skul'vrax Demon Hunter 102 760 1 hr 3 Inv feather 08 [Swiftflight's Tail Feather]
Generic A Gooey Job 103 760 8 hr 3 Inv misc gem pearl 09 [Azsharan Manapearl]
Generic Broken Wings 103 760 2 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Let Sleeping Bears... 103 760 10 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Generic Unwelcome Visitors 103 760 2 hr 3 Inv misc book 09 [Brittle Spelltome]
Generic In A Time of Peril 104 760 2 hr 3 Gold
Generic Marsh Cleanup 104 760 4 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Generic More Than They Can Chew 104 760 8 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Munitions Testing 104 760 4 hr 3 Misc drogbartotem02 [Primitive Roggtotem]
Generic Rally the Nightwatchers 104 760 4 hr 3 Gold
Generic Soulstealing 104 760 3 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Weary Traveler 104 760 2 hr 3 Inv misc food pinenut [Dried Worldtree Seeds]
Generic A Thirst for Knowledge 105 760 6 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic On Dragons' Wings 105 760 4 hr 3 Xp icon [XP]
Generic Smashing Faces 105 760 4 hr 3 Misc drogbartotem02 [Primitive Roggtotem]
Generic A Bitter Wind 106 760 2 hr 3 Gold
Generic Colossal Purge 106 760 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic Ironbranch 106 760 8 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Undisputed Heavyweight 106 760 7 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic A Change of Pace 107 760 3 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Block the Rook 107 760 6 hr 3 Inv misc food pinenut [Dried Worldtree Seeds]
Generic Running in the Sun 107 760 2 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic An Apple a Day Keeps the Legion Away 108 760 7 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic No Matter How Many Times We Tell Them... 109 760 3 hr 3 Follower XP
Campaign Powering the Portal: Andu'talah Druid 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv enchanting wod crystal3 [Shard of Nightmare]
Campaign Powering the Portal: Ashenvale Druid 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv enchanting wod crystal3 [Shard of Nightmare]
Campaign Powering the Portal: Azsuna Druid 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv enchanting wod crystal3 [Shard of Nightmare]
Campaign Powering the Portal: Sylvan Falls Druid 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv enchanting wod crystal3 [Shard of Nightmare]
Campaign Powering the Portal: Val'sharah Druid 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv enchanting wod crystal3 [Shard of Nightmare]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Scouting their Hold Demon Hunter 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv jewelcrafting 70 gem02 green [Bracer Gemstone]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Ship-Shape Demon Hunter 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv engineering failure-detection-pylon [Safety Valve]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Snatch and Grab Demon Hunter 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Argussian Diamond]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Weapon Improvements Demon Hunter 108 760 1 hr 3 Tooltip crystallizedfel [Petrified Flame]
Campaign Preparations for Invasion: Where Are the Felsouls?! Demon Hunter 108 760 1 hr 3 Ability warlock whiplash [Repentia's Whip]
Treasure Reef Lord 108 760 10 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Campaign Return to the Firelands Shaman 108 760 2 hr 3 Inv artifact dragonscales [Fire Turtle Shell Fragment]
Campaign Trial of the Firelord Shaman 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv stone 15 [Obsidian Mirror]
Campaign Troubling Tremors Shaman 108 760 1 hr 3 Spell druid wildmushroom frenzy [Crimson Cavern Mushroom]
Campaign Twilight's Return Shaman 108 760 1 hr 3 Inv misc redsaberonfang [Sharp Twilight Tooth]
Generic A Shocking Confrontation 109 760 9 hr 3 Follower XP
Campaign Janai's Famous Flaming Omelettes Shaman 109 760 2 hr 3 Inv misc net 01 [Petrified Spiderweb]
Treasure Slippery When Wet 109 760 6 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure The Rocks Below 109 760 7 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure Bait and Switch 110 760 8 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure Candle in the Dark 110 760 4 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Generic Captain of the Damned 110 760 3 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Clearest Night 110 760 8 hr 3 Gold
Quest Darkfall Ridge Supplies 110 760 16 hr 3 Archaeology 5 0 wornmonumentledger [Krokul Hovel Chronicle]
Treasure Diggin' Song 110 760 4 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Generic Encounter at Krasus' Landing 110 760 8 hr 3 Follower XP
Special Reward Friends, Not Food 110 760 12 hr 3 Inv batpet [Firebat Pup]
Special Reward Glittering Treasure 110 760 12 hr 3 Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Barnacle-Encrusted Gem]
Generic Portal Disruption 110 760 8 hr 3 Artifact Power item
Generic Predator and Prey 110 760 12 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Reaving History 110 760 12 hr 3 Follower XP
Generic Roaring Matron 110 760 4 hr 3 Follower XP
Treasure Run Aground 110 760 5 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure Scrapping for Pieces 110 760 7 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure Scouting Faronaar 110 760 8 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Treasure Tempestuous Waters 110 760 5 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Treasure The Aspirant's Due 110 760 14 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Generic The Mountain Stirs 110 760 7 hr 3 Artifact Power item
Treasure Titan's Gaze 110 760 4 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Treasure Trophy Hunting 110 760 ? hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Generic What Lies Beneath 110 760 8 hr 3 Gold
Special Reward Win the Crowd 110 760 12 hr 3 Inv misc emberweavecloth [Tournament Favor]
Treasure Worse Than Death 110 760 6 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradegreen [Bulky Armor Set]
Generic Scour the Surface 110 Rare 760 6 hr 3 Inv chest mail 02 [Krokul Armor Set]
Generic Tools of Defiance 110 Rare 760 6 hr 3 Inv chest mail 02 [Krokul Armor Set]
Generic Bitterbrine Treasure 110 765 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic Queen of Stone 110 765 4 hr 3 Artifact Power item
Generic Giant Hoarders 110 770 12 hr 3 Gold
Generic Harping On About It 110 770 10 hr 3 Artifact Power item
Generic Inked 110 775 8 hr 3 Gold
Treasure Castles in the Sand 110 780 7 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Hide as White as Snow 110 785 5 hr 3 Inv stone weightstone 07 [Brulstone Fishing Sinker]
Generic That's One Big Pile 110 785 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic Mak'rana Menace 110 810 10 hr 3 Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis [Court of Farondis Insignia]
Generic Saber Matriarch 110 810 13 hr 3 Gold
Generic Lord of the Jungle 110 815 9 hr 3 Inv legion faction dreamweavers [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Generic Dragonblood 110 830 6 hr 3 Inv legion faction valarjar [Valarjar Insignia]
Generic Glowing Foundations 110 830 8 hr 3 Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis [Court of Farondis Insignia] or Inv misc book 08 [Rotten Spellbook]
Generic Oh, Deer 110 830 4 hr 3 Inv jewelry amulet 05 [Smolderhide Spirit Beads]
Generic Walking on Broken Glass 110 830 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic A Terrible Vintage 110 850 10 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Special Reward A Good Dust Up 110 850 16 hr 3 Inv letter 18 [Battle Report]
Treasure Dangerous Fields 110 850 6 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Keep Your Guard Up 110 850 12 hr 3 Gold
Generic Ripe for the Picking 110 850 16 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Stormy Skies 110 850 14 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic War Materiel 110 870 12 hr 3 Achievement faction legionfall [Legionfall Insignia]
Generic Power of Our Enemy 110 875 16 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Clear Skies 110 880 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic Fallen Ones 110 880 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic Feast of Crows 110 880 6 hr 3 Gold
Generic Grell to Pay 110 880 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic Hounds of Storm 110 880 12 hr 3 Gold
Generic Just Plain Creepy 110 880 8 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Generic Playing with Fire 110 880 2 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Generic Tainted Vintage 110 880 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic Totems Thunder 110 880 2 hr 3 Pet Charm
Generic Traitors Demise 110 880 4 hr 3 Pet Charm
Generic Bedeviled Bandits 110 885 12 hr 3 Achievement faction legionfall [Legionfall Insignia]
Generic Black Rook Holdings 110 885 8 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Break Their Garrison 110 885 6 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Generic Poisoned Waters 110 885 2 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Primal Payback 110 885 2 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Sooner Than We Thought 110 885 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction nightfallen [Nightfallen Insignia]
Generic Souls of the Vykrul 110 885 6 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Spoiled Brew 110 885 11 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Stirring the Swarm 110 885 4 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Time Tested 110 890 8 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Tomes of Yore 110 885 4 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Generic Traitors Below 110 885 6 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic A Giant Problem 110 890 10 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Don't Spill a Drop 110 890 12 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Endless Horde 110 890 11 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic From Helheim 110 890 7 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic High Value Targets 110 890 10 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Mead Indeed 110 890 8 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Prisoners of Value 110 890 7 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Shoot to Thrill 110 890 8 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Soar Among Them 110 890 8 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Tainted Trees 110 890 12 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Demons, Demons Everywhere 110 895 8 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Fel Deed 110 895 9 hr 3 Gold
Generic Grappling With the Situation 110 895 5 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Look, In the Sky! 110 895 9 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic The Breath of Undeath 110 895 8 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Thunder on the Tundra 110 895 4 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Turtle Soup 110 895 4 hr 3 Inv orderhall armamentupgradeblue [Spiked Armor Set]
Generic A Fel Journey 110 900 5 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic A Hefty Draught 110 900 8 hr 3 Gold
Generic A Scaly Situation 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction valarjar [Valarjar Insignia]
Generic A Worthy Tribe 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction hightmountaintribes [Highmountain Tribe Insignia]
Generic Bring Them Down! 110 900 11 hr 3 Artifact Power Item
Generic Deliverance 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Demons Graces 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction warden [Wardens Insignia]
Generic Dream On 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction dreamweavers [Dreamweaver Insignia]
Generic Friends In High Places 110 900 4 hr 3 Inv inscription trinket dragon [Curio of Neltharion]
Generic Instruments of War 110 900 20 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic Land of Broken Promise 110 900 12 hr 3 Achievement faction legionfall [Legionfall Insignia]
Generic Make It Rain 110 900 7 hr 3 Trade archaeology carved wildhammer gryphon figurine [Ancient Druidic Carving]
Quest Nath'raxas Breakout 110 900 16 hr 3 Inv infernalbrimstone [Smoldering Infernal Stone]
Generic Never Again 110 900 9 hr 3 Inv qirajidol life [Ancient Champion Effigy]
Generic Night's Blessings 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction nightfallen [Nightfallen Insignia]
Generic One Fine Evening 110 900 4 hr 3 Artifact Power item
Generic Provisioning Resistance 110 900 7 hr 3 Champion Equipment
Generic So Long, Farewell 110 900 7 hr 3 Item pyriumkey [Discontinued Suramar City Key]
Generic Stained Visions 110 900 3 hr 3 Inv misc treasurechest03b [Chest of Champion Equipment]
Generic The Legion Shall Fall 110 900 12 hr 3 Achievement faction legionfall [Legionfall Insignia]
Generic The Wilds of Azsuna 110 900 12 hr 3 Inv legion faction courtoffarnodis [Court of Farondis Insignia]
Generic Elite Strike: Legion Supply Cache 110 Rare 900 3 days 3 Inv misc summonable boss token [Legionfall War Supplies]
Generic Elite Strike: Lost Temple 110 Rare 900 3 days 3 Achievement dungeon heroic gloryoftheraider [Champion's Trophy]
Generic Elite Strike: The Sentinax 110 Rare 900 3 days 3 Inv datacrystal01 [Nethershard]
Treasure The Tomb of Sargeras 110 Rare 900 16 hr 3 Inv misc scales fishviolet03 [Encrusted Naga Scale]
Treasure Antorus, the Burning Throne 110 Rare 950 16 hr 3 Creatureportrait illidancrystal01 [Sanguine Argunite]

See also[]
