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Blacksmithing Blacksmithing (Profession)
Ingredients  •  Proficiencies  •  Quests  •  Plans  •  Trainers  •  Equipment
Blacksmithing plans

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Classic Blacksmithing proficiency can be trained as early as level 5, permits progression up to 300 skill, and access to the following plans:

Item Category Materials Skill Source
Orange Yellow Green Gray
Inv bracer 03 [Copper Bracers] Wrist 2x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 1 20 40 60 Trainer
Inv pants 03 [Copper Chain Pants] Legs 4x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 1 50 70 90 Trainer
Inv chest chain [Rough Copper Vest] Chest 4x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 1 15 35 55 Trainer
Inv stone sharpeningstone 01 [Rough Sharpening Stone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 06 [Rough Stone] 1 15 35 55 Trainer
Inv stone weightstone 01 [Rough Weightstone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 06 [Rough Stone]
1x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
1 15 35 55 Trainer
Inv mace 01 [Copper Mace] 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
15 55 75 95 Trainer
Inv axe 23 [Copper Axe] 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
20 60 80 100 Trainer
Inv boots 01 [Copper Chain Boots] Legs 8x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 20 60 80 100 Trainer
Inv sword 26 [Copper Shortsword] 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv fabric linen 01 [Linen Cloth]
25 65 86 105 Trainer
Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone] Crafting material 2x Inv stone 06 [Rough Stone] 25 45 65 85 Trainer
Inv sword 21 [Copper Claymore] 10x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
30 70 90 110 Trainer
Inv weapon shortblade 14 [Copper Dagger] 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
30 70 90 110 Trainer
Inv throwingaxe 02 [Copper Battle Axe] 12x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
35 75 95 115 Trainer
Inv belt 02 [Copper Chain Belt] Belt 6x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 35 75 95 115 Trainer
Inv chest chain [Copper Chain Vest] Chest 8x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
35 75 95 115 Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Copper Chain Vest]
Inv sword 25 [Heavy Copper Longsword] 10x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
35 75 95 115 Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Heavy Copper Longsword]
Inv gauntlets 04 [Runed Copper Gauntlets] Hands 8x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
40 80 100 120 Trainer
Inv pants 03 [Runed Copper Pants] Legs 8x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv fabric wool 02 [Fine Thread]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
45 85 105 125 Trainer
Inv gauntlets 05 [Gemmed Copper Gauntlets] Hands 8x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 03 [Malachite]
60 100 120 140 Trainer
Inv stone sharpeningstone 02 [Coarse Sharpening Stone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 09 [Coarse Stone] - 65 72 80 Trainer
Inv stone weightstone 02 [Coarse Weightstone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 09 [Coarse Stone]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
- 65 72 80 Trainer
Inv hammer 18 [Heavy Copper Maul] 12x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
65 105 125 125 Trainer
Inv throwingaxe 01 [Thick War Axe] One-Hand 10x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 03 [Light Leather]
70 110 130 150 Trainer
Inv belt 03 [Runed Copper Belt] Belt 10x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar] 70 110 130 150 Trainer
Inv chest plate03 [Runed Copper Breastplate] Chest 12x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
1x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate]
Inv bracer 03 [Runed Copper Bracers] Wrist 10x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv sword 14 [Heavy Copper Broadsword] 14x Inv ingot 02 [Copper Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv boots 01 [Rough Bronze Boots] Feet 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
6x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv chest plate05 [Ironforge Breastplate] Chest 16x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Ironforge Breastplate]
Inv misc key 03 [Silver Skeleton Key]
(Makes 2)
1x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv spear 05 [Thick Bronze Darts] 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv staff 01 [Silver Rod] Tools 1x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
Inv weapon shortblade 04 [Big Bronze Knife] 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 01 [Rough Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc gem opal 03 [Tigerseye]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv pants 03 [Rough Bronze Leggings] Legs 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar] Trainer
Inv chest chain 08 [Rough Bronze Cuirass] Chest 7x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar] Trainer
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Pearl-Handled Dagger] One-Handed Weapon 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Small Lustrous Pearl]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv mace 08 [Bronze Mace] 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv shoulder 05 [Rough Bronze Shoulders] Shoulder 5x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 17 [Bronze Axe] 7x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv bracer 07 [Patterned Bronze Bracers] Wrist 5x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv sword 04 [Bronze Shortsword] 5x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 02 [Weak Flux]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Deadly Bronze Poniard] 4x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv potion 95 [Swiftness Potion]
2x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard]
Inv shoulder 09 [Silvered Bronze Shoulders] Shoulder 8x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Silvered Bronze Shoulders]
Inv hammer 18 [Bronze Warhammer] 8x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone] Crafting material 3x Inv stone 12 [Heavy Stone] Trainer
Inv stone sharpeningstone 03 [Heavy Sharpening Stone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 12 [Heavy Stone] Trainer
Inv stone weightstone 03 [Heavy Weightstone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 12 [Heavy Stone]
1x Inv fabric wool 01 [Wool Cloth]
Inv mace 08 [Heavy Bronze Mace] 8x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv boots 01 [Silvered Bronze Boots] Feet 6x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv chest chain 09 [Silvered Bronze Breastplate] Chest 10x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Silvered Bronze Breastplate]
Inv sword 20 [Bronze Greatsword] 12x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv gauntlets 05 [Silvered Bronze Gauntlets] Hands 8x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 21 [Bronze Battle Axe] 14x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv hammer 05 [Iridescent Hammer] 10x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
1x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Iridescent Pearl]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Iridescent Hammer]
Inv chest plate15 [Shining Silver Breastplate] Chest 20x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
2x Inv misc gem pearl 02 [Iridescent Pearl]
4x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
Inv boots 01 [Green Iron Boots] Feet 6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Green Iron Boots]
Inv hammer 04 [Mighty Iron Hammer] 6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv potion 57 [Elixir of Ogre's Strength]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 05 [Medium Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer]
Inv misc key 13 [Golden Skeleton Key]
(Makes 2)
1x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv gauntlets 05 [Green Iron Gauntlets] Legs 4x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Small Lustrous Pearl]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets]
Inv staff 10 [Golden Rod] Tools 1x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv misc armorkit 12 [Iron Buckle] 1x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar] Trainer
Inv misc armorkit 01 [Iron Shield Spike] Shield enchantments 6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Iron Shield Spike]
Inv pants 05 [Green Iron Leggings] Legs 8x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv pants 04 [Silvered Bronze Leggings] Legs 12x Inv ingot bronze [Bronze Bar]
4x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Silvered Bronze Leggings]
Inv hammer 07 [Solid Iron Maul] 8x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
4x Inv ingot 01 [Silver Bar]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Solid Iron Maul]
Inv chest chain 14 [Barbaric Iron Breastplate] Chest 20x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Barbaric Iron Breastplate]
Inv shoulder 23 [Barbaric Iron Shoulders] Shoulder 8x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
4x Inv misc monsterclaw 03 [Sharp Claw]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Barbaric Iron Shoulders]
Inv shoulder 09 [Green Iron Shoulders] Shoulder 7x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Green Iron Shoulders]
Inv sword 20 [Hardened Iron Shortsword] 6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
3x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Hardened Iron Shortsword]
Inv bracer 06 [Green Iron Bracers] Wrist 6x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv misc orb 01 [Iron Counterweight] Weapon enchantments 4x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 02 [Coarse Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Iron Counterweight]
Inv hammer 04 [Golden Iron Destroyer] 10x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
4x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer]
Inv pants 04 [Golden Scale Leggings] Legs 10x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Golden Scale Leggings]
Inv helmet 03 [Green Iron Helm] Head 12x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
1x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv potion 12 [Green Dye]
Inv helmet 25 [Barbaric Iron Helm] Head 10x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc bone 08 [Large Fang]
2x Inv misc monsterclaw 03 [Sharp Claw]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Barbaric Iron Helm]
Inv shoulder 09 [Golden Scale Shoulders] Shoulders 6x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Golden Scale Shoulders]
Inv sword 36 [Jade Serpentblade] 8x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
3x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Jade Serpentblade]
Inv chest chain [Green Iron Hauberk] 20x [[Iron Bar
4x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv chest leather 08 [Green Leather Armor]
Inv boots plate 01 [Barbaric Iron Boots] Feet 12x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
4x Inv misc bone 08 [Large Fang]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Barbaric Iron Boots]
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Glinting Steel Dagger] One-Handed Weapon 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv ore iron 01 [Elemental Earth]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv sword 25 [Moonsteel Broadsword] 8x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
3x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
3x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Moonsteel Broadsword]
Inv gauntlets 31 [Barbaric Iron Gloves] Hands 14x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc bone 08 [Large Fang]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Barbaric Iron Gloves]
Inv throwingaxe 05 [Massive Iron Axe] 14x Inv ingot iron [Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
4x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Massive Iron Axe]
Inv boots 01 [Polished Steel Boots] Feet 8x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
1x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Polished Steel Boots]
Inv bracer 10 [Golden Scale Bracers] Wrist 5x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 06 [Edge of Winter] 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
1x Inv potion 20 [Frost Oil]
2x Inv potion 03 [Elemental Water]
2x Spell nature tranquility [Elemental Air]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Edge of Winter]
Inv helmet 36 [Golden Scale Coif] 8x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Golden Scale Coif]
Inv weapon shortblade 05 [Searing Golden Blade] 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
4x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
2x Spell fire fire [Elemental Fire]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Searing Golden Blade]
Spell frost chainsofice [Steel Weapon Chain] Weapon enchantments 8x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Steel Weapon Chain]
Inv chest chain 06 [Golden Scale Cuirass] Chest 12x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass]
Inv sword 05 [Frost Tiger Blade] 8x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
1x Inv potion 20 [Frost Oil]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Frost Tiger Blade]
Inv boots 01 [Golden Scale Boots] Feet 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
4x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Golden Scale Boots]
Inv axe 17 [Shadow Crescent Axe] 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Inv misc ammo gunpowder 01 [Strong Flux]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv potion 23 [Shadow Oil]
3x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe]
Inv chest plate05 [Steel Breastplate] Chest 16x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv misc key 11 [Truesilver Skeleton Key]
(Makes 2)
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 05 [Whirling Steel Axes] 5x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
2x Spell nature tranquility [Elemental Air]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
1x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv musket 01 [Inlaid Mithril Cylinder] 5x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Inlaid Mithril Cylinder]
Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone] Crafting material 4x Inv stone 10 [Solid Stone] Trainer
Inv stone sharpeningstone 04 [Solid Sharpening Stone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 10 [Solid Stone] Trainer
Inv stone weightstone 04 [Solid Weightstone] Weapon enchantment 1x Inv stone 10 [Solid Stone]
1xInv fabric silk 01 [Silk Cloth]
Inv staff 11 [Truesilver Rod] Tools 1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv gauntlets 29 [Golden Scale Gauntlets] Hands 10x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
4x Inv ingot 03 [Gold Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 03 [Heavy Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Golden Scale Gauntlets]
Inv gauntlets 27 [Heavy Mithril Gauntlet] Hands 6x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
Inv shoulder 22 [Heavy Mithril Shoulder] Shoulder 8x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv axe 14 [Heavy Mithril Axe] 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 07 [Heavy Leather]
Inv pants 03 [Heavy Mithril Pants] Legs 10x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Heavy Mithril Pants]
Inv pants 03 [Mithril Scale Pants] Legs 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] Trainer
Inv bracer 07 [Mithril Scale Bracers] Wrists 8x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Mithril Scale Bracers]
Inv misc armorkit 02 [Mithril Shield Spike] Shield enchantments 4x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Mithril Shield Spike]
Inv helmet 03 [Steel Plate Helm] Head 14x Inv ingot steel [Steel Bar]
1x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 03 [Blue Glittering Axe] 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Blue Glittering Axe]
Inv gauntlets 31 [Ornate Mithril Gloves] Hands 10x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
Inv pants 04 [Ornate Mithril Pants] Legs 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
220 240 250 260 Removed
Inv gauntlets 29 [Truesilver Gauntlets] Hands 10x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
8x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
3x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
3x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
1x Inv gauntlets 05 [Guardian Gloves]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv shoulder 09 [Ornate Mithril Shoulder] Shoulder 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
1x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
225 245 255 265 Removed
Inv sword 10 [Wicked Mithril Blade] 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Wicked Mithril Blade]
Inv mace 15 [Big Black Mace] 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Black Pearl]
4x Inv misc gem amethyst 01 [Shadowgem]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv chest plate10 [Heavy Mithril Breastplate] Chest 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar] Trainer
Inv pants 03 [Orcish War Leggings] Legs 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv ore iron 01 [Elemental Earth]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Orcish War Leggings]
Inv chest plate10 [Ornate Mithril Breastplate] Chest 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv helmet 35 [Mithril Coif] 10x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
Inv boots 01 [Ornate Mithril Boots] Feet 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
5x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
5x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv hammer 18 [The Shatterer] 24x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
5x Inv misc gem opal 02 [Citrine]
5x Inv misc gem stone 01 [Jade]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv boots plate 01 [Heavy Mithril Boots] Feet 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv shoulder 12 [Mithril Scale Shoulders] Shoulders 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Mithril Scale Shoulders]
Ability rogue sprint [Mithril Spurs] Feet enchantments 4x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
3x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Mithril Spurs]
Inv sword 30 [Dazzling Mithril Rapier] 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
2x Inv misc gem crystal 01 [Lesser Moonstone]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 02 [Moss Agate]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
2x Inv fabric mageweave 01 [Mageweave Cloth]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Dazzling Mithril Rapier]
Inv sword 40 [Phantom Blade] 28x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Spell nature cyclone [Breath of Wind]
8x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
2x Inv potion 18 [Lesser Invisibility Potion]
6x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv chest plate04 [Truesilver Breastplate] Chest 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
12x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
2x Inv misc gem pearl 01 [Black Pearl]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv helmet 10 [Heavy Mithril Helm] Head 14x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
1x Inv misc gem crystal 02 [Aquamarine]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Heavy Mithril Helm]
Inv helmet 10 [Ornate Mithril Helm] Head 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
Inv hammer 17 [Runed Mithril Hammer] 18x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Runed Mithril Hammer]
Inv spear 07 [Blight] Two-Handed Weapon 28x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
10x Inv misc slime 01 [Ichor of Undeath]
10x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
6x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv chest plate08 [Thorium Armor] Chest 16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Armor]
Inv belt 30 [Thorium Belt] 8x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar] Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Belt]
Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone] 4x Inv misc stonetablet 07 [Dense Stone] Trainer
Inv stone sharpeningstone 05 [Dense Sharpening Stone] 1x Inv misc stonetablet 07 [Dense Stone] Trainer
Inv stone weightstone 05 [Dense Weightstone] 1x Inv misc stonetablet 07 [Dense Stone]
1x Inv fabric purplefire 01 [Runecloth]
Inv weapon shortblade 14 [Ebon Shiv] 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
2x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Ebon Shiv]
Inv bracer 13 [Thorium Bracers] 8x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar] Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Bracers]
Inv pants plate 17 [Earthforged Leggings] 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
Inv sword draenei 01 [Light Earthforged Blade] 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Inv stone 05 [Core of Earth]
Inv hammer 21 [Light Emberforged Hammer] 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv axe 67 [Light Skyforged Axe] 12x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
4x Spell nature cyclone [Breath of Wind]
Inv sword 19 [Truesilver Champion] 30x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
16x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
6x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Spell nature cyclone [Breath of Wind]
8x Inv stone grindingstone 04 [Solid Grinding Stone]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 08 [Thick Leather]
Inv pants mail 10 [Windforged Leggings] 16x Inv ingot 06 [Mithril Bar]
2x Spell nature cyclone [Breath of Wind]
Inv belt 11 [Radiant Belt] 10x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Radiant Belt]
Inv hammer 09 [Dark Iron Pulverizer] 18x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Pulverizer]
Inv belt 01 [Imperial Plate Belt] 10x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Imperial Plate Belt]
Inv shoulder 02 [Imperial Plate Shoulders] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Imperial Plate Shoulders]
Inv chest chain 12 [Wildthorn Mail] 40x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
4x Inv misc herb 03 [Wildvine]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Wildthorn Mail]
Inv chest chain 16 [Dark Iron Mail] 10x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
2x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Dark Iron Mail]
Inv bracer 19 [Imperial Plate Bracers] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar] Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Imperial Plate Bracers]
Inv chest plate16 [Radiant Breastplate] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
1x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Radiant Breastplate]
Inv weapon halberd 02 [Dark Iron Sunderer] 26x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Sunderer]
Inv axe 05 [Dawn's Edge] 30x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv misc scrollrolled02c [Plans: Dawn's Edge]
Inv misc key 08 [Arcanite Skeleton Key]
(Makes 2)
1x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
Inv axe 12 [Ornate Thorium Handaxe] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Ornate Thorium Handaxe]
Inv misc armorkit 20 [Thorium Shield Spike] 4x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
2x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Shield Spike]
Inv staff 19 [Arcanite Rod] 3x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
1x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
Inv sword 30 [Blazing Rapier] 10x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
2x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
Inv misc scrollrolled02c [Plans: Blazing Rapier]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Blazing Rapier]
Inv hammer 05 [Enchanted Battlehammer] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
4x Spell nature astralrecalgroup [Powerful Mojo]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Enchanted Battlehammer]
Inv shoulder 09 [Dark Iron Shoulders] 6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
1x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Dark Iron Shoulders]
Inv weapon halberd 11 [Huge Thorium Battleaxe] 40x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
6x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Huge Thorium Battleaxe]
Inv boots plate 08 [Thorium Boots] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
8x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Boots]
Inv helmet 23 [Thorium Helm] 24x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Thorium Helm]
Inv chest plate08 [Dark Iron Plate] 20x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
8x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Plate]
Inv chest plate06 [Demon Forged Breastplate] 40x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
10x Inv misc rune 04 [Demonic Rune]
4x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Demon Forged Breastplate]
Inv mace 02 [Serenity] 6x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
4x Spell nature astralrecalgroup [Powerful Mojo]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
2x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Serenity]
Inv gauntlets 26 [Radiant Gloves] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Radiant Gloves]
Inv sword 07 [Corruption] 40x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
16x Inv misc rune 04 [Demonic Rune]
8x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
2x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Corruption]
Inv shoulder 20 [Dawnbringer Shoulders] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
2x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dawnbringer Shoulders]
Inv gauntlets 03 [Fiery Plate Gauntlets] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
2x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Fiery Plate Gauntlets]
Inv belt 11 [Girdle of the Dawn] 8x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Righteous Orb]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Girdle of the Dawn]
Inv belt 16 [Heavy Timbermaw Belt] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
3x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
3x Spell nature abolishmagic [Living Essence]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Heavy Timbermaw Belt]
Inv boots plate 03 [Radiant Boots] 14x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Radiant Boots]
Inv hammer 06 [Volcanic Hammer] 30x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
4x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
4x Inv misc leatherscrap 02 [Rugged Leather]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Volcanic Hammer]
Inv bracer 07 [Dark Iron Bracers] 4x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
2x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
2x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Dark Iron Bracers]
Inv belt 13 [Fiery Chain Girdle] 6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
3x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
3x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Fiery Chain Girdle]
Inv gauntlets 30 [Storm Gauntlets] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
4x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Storm Gauntlets]
Inv boots plate 01 [Imperial Plate Boots] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar] Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Imperial Plate Boots]
Inv helmet 22 [Imperial Plate Helm] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
1x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Imperial Plate Helm]
Inv crown 01 [Radiant Circlet] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
4x Spell fire lavaspawn [Heart of Fire]
Inv scroll 06 [Plans: Radiant Circlet]
Inv weapon shortblade 12 [Black Amnesty] 3x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
6x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
1x Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Blood of the Mountain]
4x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Black Amnesty]
Inv gauntlets 31 [Black Grasp of the Destroyer] 8x Inv stone 15 [Large Obsidian Shard]
24x Inv misc stonetablet 01 [Small Obsidian Shard]
8x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
1x Inv potion 41 [Flask of Supreme Power]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Black Grasp of the Destroyer]
Inv spear 08 [Blackfury] 5x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
2x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
16x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Blackfury]
Inv sword 39 [Blackguard] 6x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
6x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
10x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
12x Inv stone 02 [Guardian Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Blackguard]
Inv boots chain 08 [Dark Iron Boots] 3x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
3x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
4x Inv ammo firetar [Core Leather]
6x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Boots]
Inv gauntlets 22 [Dark Iron Gauntlets] 3x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
5x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
4x Inv ammo firetar [Core Leather]
4x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
2x Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Blood of the Mountain]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Gauntlets]
Inv helmet 22 [Dark Iron Helm] 4x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
2x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
4x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Dark Iron Helm]
Inv pants 04 [Dark Iron Leggings] 6x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
4x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
16x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Dark Iron Leggings]
Inv hammer 19 [Ebon Hand] 4x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
7x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
8x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
4x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Ebon Hand]
Inv shoulder 23 [Fiery Chain Shoulders] 5x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
4x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
16x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Fiery Chain Shoulders]
Inv bracer 07 [Icebane Bracers] 4x Inv misc rune 09 [Frozen Rune]
12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
Inv chest chain 11 [Icebane Breastplate] 7x Inv misc rune 09 [Frozen Rune]
16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
Inv gauntlets 28 [Icebane Gauntlets] 5x Inv misc rune 09 [Frozen Rune]
12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
2x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
Inv chest chain 07 [Invulnerable Mail] 30x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
30x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
6x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
6x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Invulnerable Mail]
Inv shield 22 [Jagged Obsidian Shield] 8x Inv stone 15 [Large Obsidian Shard]
24x Inv misc stonetablet 01 [Small Obsidian Shard]
8x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x [[Essence of Earth
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Jagged Obsidian Shield]
Inv helmet 36 [Lionheart Helm] 80x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
40x Inv misc monsterclaw 01 [Wicked Claw]
10x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
4x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Lionheart Helm]
Inv axe 12 [Nightfall] 8x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
5x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
10x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
12x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
4x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Nightfall]
Inv chest chain 17 [Obsidian Mail Tunic] 15x Inv stone 15 [Large Obsidian Shard]
36x Inv misc stonetablet 01 [Small Obsidian Shard]
12x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
10x Inv stone 02 [Guardian Stone]
4x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Obsidian Mail Tunic]
Inv hammer 08 [Persuader] 15x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
10x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
20x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
20x Spell shadow sealofkings [Dark Rune]
10x Inv misc pelt 03 [Devilsaur Leather]
2x Inv misc shadowegg [Skin of Shadow]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Persuader]
Inv sword 51 [Sageblade] 12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
2x Inv enchant shardnexuslarge [Nexus Crystal]
2x Inv potion 41 [Flask of Supreme Power]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Sageblade]
Inv gauntlets 30 [Stronghold Gauntlets] 15x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
20x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
10x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
4x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
4x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Stronghold Gauntlets]
Inv hammer unique sulfuras [Sulfuron Hammer] 8x Spell fire sealoffire [Sulfuron Ingot]
20x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
50x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
25x Spell fire volcano [Essence of Fire]
10x Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Blood of the Mountain]
10x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
10x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Sulfuron Hammer]
Inv chest chain 17 [Thick Obsidian Breastplate] 18x Inv stone 15 [Large Obsidian Shard]
40x Inv misc stonetablet 01 [Small Obsidian Shard]
12x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
10x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
4x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Thick Obsidian Breastplate]
Inv pants 04 [Titanic Leggings] 12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
20x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
10x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
2x Inv potion 62 [Flask of the Titans]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Titanic Leggings]
Inv axe 12 [Annihilator] 40x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
12x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
10x Spell shadow shadetruesight [Essence of Undeath]
8x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Annihilator]
Inv sword 39 [Arcanite Champion] 15x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
8x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
1x Inv misc gem pearl 03 [Righteous Orb]
4x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
8x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Arcanite Champion]
Inv axe 09 [Arcanite Reaper] 20x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
6x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
2x Inv stone grindingstone 05 [Dense Grinding Stone]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Arcanite Reaper]
Inv chest chain 14 [Bloodsoul Breastplate] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
10x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
2x Inv misc herb 09 [Bloodvine]
2x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Bloodsoul Breastplate]
Inv gauntlets 31 [Bloodsoul Gauntlets] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
2x Inv misc herb 09 [Bloodvine]
4x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Bloodsoul Gauntlets]
Inv shoulder 15 [Bloodsoul Shoulders] 16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
8x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
2x Inv misc herb 09 [Bloodvine]
1x Inv misc gem ruby 02 [Star Ruby]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Bloodsoul Shoulders]
Inv axe 12 [Dark Iron Destroyer] 18x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
12x Spell nature earthquake [Lava Core]
2x Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Blood of the Mountain]
2x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer]
Inv sword 48 [Dark Iron Reaver] 16x Inv ingot mithril [Dark Iron Bar]
12x Spell fire flamebolt [Fiery Core]
2x Inv misc gem bloodstone 03 [Blood of the Mountain]
2x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Dark Iron Destroyer]
Inv chest plate06 [Darkrune Breastplate] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
10x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
10x Spell shadow sealofkings [Dark Rune]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Darkrune Breastplate]
Inv gauntlets 27 [Darkrune Gauntlets] 12x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
6x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
6x Spell shadow sealofkings [Dark Rune]
2x Inv misc rune 05 [Enchanted Leather]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Darkrune Gauntlets]
Inv helmet 10 [Darkrune Helm] 16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
8x Inv ingot 08 [Truesilver Bar]
8x Spell shadow sealofkings [Dark Rune]
1x Inv misc gem 01 [Black Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Darkrune Helm]
Inv chest plate08 [Darksoul Breastplate] 20x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
14x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Darksoul Breastplate]
Inv pants plate 21 [Darksoul Leggings] 18x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
12x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Darksoul Leggings]
Inv shoulder 01 [Darksoul Shoulders] 16x Inv ingot 07 [Thorium Bar]
10x Inv misc gem 01 [Souldarite]
1x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
Inv scroll 03 [Plans: Darksoul Shoulders]
Inv chest plate10 [Enchanted Thorium Breastplate] 8x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
24x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
4x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
2x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
2x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Enchanted Thorium Breastplate]
Inv helmet 02 [Enchanted Thorium Helm] 6x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
16x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
6x Spell nature strengthofearthtotem02 [Essence of Earth]
2x Inv misc gem opal 01 [Large Opal]
1x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Enchanted Thorium Helm]
Inv pants 04 [Enchanted Thorium Leggings] 10x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
20x Inv ingot eternium [Enchanted Thorium Bar]
6x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]
2x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
1x Inv misc gem emerald 01 [Huge Emerald]
Inv scroll 05 [Plans: Enchanted Thorium Leggings]
Inv sword 11 [Frostguard] 18x Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Arcanite Bar]
8x Inv misc gem sapphire 02 [Blue Sapphire]
8x Inv misc gem diamond 01 [Azerothian Diamond]
4x Spell nature acid 01 [Essence of Water]