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Night FaeCleansing the Forest
Start Lady Moonberry [66.6, 55.6]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
End Lady Moonberry [68.4, 65.1]VZ-ArdenwealdBlip
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Night Fae Campaign
Experience 10,200
Rewards 51g 48s
Previous N [60] Gathering The Hunt
Next N [60] Report to the Queen


Aid the Wild Hunt in their fight against the forces of Mueh'zala.


The Winter Queen has commanded us to drive Mueh'zala's forces out of Ardenweald.

This won't be an easy battle. The death loa's army is strong, and several of our hunters have been gravely injured.

Can we count on you to turn the tide in our favor, <name>?

Aid our fallen allies and vanquish Mueh'zala's minions!


You will receive:


The fight is far from over.


The Wild Hunt can handle pushing the rest of them out of the forest. Well done, <name>!


On accept:

Lady Moonberry says: Mueh'zala's forces are more entrenched than we expected. Help the Wild Hunt clear them out!

Kill a path south. Everything is worth 6%, including: Snarlthorn Trickster, Decaying Soldiers, Cursed Phantasms, Decaying Sorcerers, and Soulbound Spectres, and saving Wounded Hunters.

Among the forces of the Wild Hunt, the following are present: Droman Aliothe, Guardian Kota, Guardian Molan, Lady Moonberry, Vorkai Hunters, and Sylvari Rangers.

At 100%:

Lady Moonberry says: It looks like Dambala's here as well. Fighting a loa won't be easy, but I've got just the trick to help!

Cross the bridge to the Dusky Grotto. Inside, Moonberry grants the Maw Walker a bonus ability:

Lady Moonberry says: Quickly! Cast the spell!
Majestic Runestag — Transform into a Majestic Runestag. Instant

As a Runestag, players have the following abilities:

  1. Dreaming Charge — Perform a devestating charge that deals physical damage to an enemy target. 0.75 sec cast (2 sec cooldown)
  2. Anima Renewal — Replenish health. Haste increased by 15%. 1 sec cast (10 sec cooldown)
  3. Anima Rune — Carves an anima rune that explodes after 4 seconds, inflicting 12,009 Arcane damage to all enemies caught in the blast. 0.75 sec cast (4 sec cooldown)

Anima Rune is the real damage dealer here. Use it every cooldown. Finish off Dambala and Moonberry will fly in.

On complete:

Mueh'zala says: Bwonsamdi be lettin' mortals fight his battles? Me always knew he be a coward.


  1. N [60] On De Other Side
  2. N [60] Taking Inventory
  3. N [60] Following the Trail
  4. N [60] Minions of Mueh'zala and N [60] Stolen Loa
  5. N [60] Winter Be Comin'
  6. N [60] Gathering The Hunt
  7. N [60] Cleansing the Forest
  8. N [60] Report to the Queen

Beta version[]

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

It will only be a matter of time now before the rest of Mueh'zala's forces are driven from Ardenweald. Well done, <name>.

Patch changes[]

External links[]
