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NeutralCobalt Assembly
Theater of operations Azure Span, Dragon Isles
Quartermaster Steiz
Notable reward(s) Item level 389 rings
Dragonflight-level recipes
The Cobalt Assembly was once a place where blue dragons would conjure marvelous creations with arcane magic. Now it has fallen into the hands of the Sundered Flame who intend to use its magic for war.

The Cobalt Assembly is a group of blue dragons based out of the titular Cobalt Assembly in north-central Azure Span.


This is a throwback to classic reputation factions, where most of the standing comes from looting Sundered Flame mobs in the area, not just killing them. These are elites, so a decently-geared group working together can grind to maximum standing in a few hours.

There are five reputation ranks, but the standard reputation table does not apply:

Standing Rep
Empty 300
Low 900
Medium 2400
High 6400
Maximum n/a


While grinding mobs, they will drop Wild Arcana orbs, which function much like Anima Cells from Torghast, in that they provide options of short-duration stacking buffs.

Cobalt Assembly Arcana[]

Additionally, as players fill up arcana caches, they can speak with Xavin to fill out the arcana ability tree, which provides extra utility while grinding out the rep:

Cobalt Assembly Arcana
Rep Abilities
Empty Cobalt Cutthroat (50 Dragon Isles Supplies)
Low Cobalt Reputation (200 Dragon Isles Supplies) Extra Wild Arcana (100 Dragon Isles Supplies) Arcane Shield (200 Dragon Isles Supplies)
Medium Azure Arise (500 Dragon Isles Supplies)
High Arcane Instability (arcana) (500 Dragon Isles Supplies) Unhelpful Firworks (1 Dragon Isles Supplies)


Steiz is the primary quartermaster:

Steiz <Quartermaster>
Rank Item Cost Type
Medium Inv misc scrollrolled03b [Recipe: Transmute: Awakened Frost] 50 Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Alchemy (50)
Inv 10 inscription2 repcontracts 80 warscroll fortitude uprez [Pattern: Blue Silken Lining] 50 Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Tailoring (40)
Pattern: Frosted Armor Kit 50 Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Leatherworking (25)
Inv 10 inscription2 repcontracts 80 warscroll fortitude uprez color4 [Pattern: Frozen Spellthread] 50 Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Tailoring (50)
Inv 10 inscription2 scroll2 color2 [Technique: Highland Drake: Spined Head] 25 Dragon Isles Supplies Dragon Isles Inscription (25)
Assembly Guardian's Ring 266g 69s 82c Crit/Haste tank ring
Assembly Scholar's Loop 267g 69s 95c Crit/Haste DPS ring
Assembly Preserver's Band 265g 69s 69c Crit/Haste healing ring
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Cover] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail feet
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Bracers] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail wrist
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Belt] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail waist
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Pauldron] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail shoulder
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Leggings] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail legs
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Helm] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail head
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Grips] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail hands
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Hauberk] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail chest
Maximum Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Duelist's Saber] 5 Draconium Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Cutlass] 10 Serevite Ore 1 Glowing Titan Orb 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Defender's Wingglaive] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic warglaives
Inv staff 2h drakonid c 02 [Cobalt Bladewing Staff] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic staff
Inv staff 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Essence Weaver's Staff] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic staff
Inv offhand 1h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Essence Weaver's Scepter] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic off-hand frill
Inv polearm 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Wingguard's Polearm] 10 Serevite Ore 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic polearm
Inv polearm 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Stalker's Lancet] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic polearm
Inv misc questionmark [Steadfast Cobalt Bulwark] 1 Rainbow Pearl 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic shield
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Defender's Shredder] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic fist weapon
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Dragonwing Decapitator] 1 Rainbow Pearl 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic two-hand axe
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Dragonflame Blade] 1 Glimmering Malygite Cluster 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword

Meiz also sells Drakewatcher Manuscripts:

Meiz <Customization>
Rank Item Cost Type
Empty Inv glyph minorhunter [Windborne Velocidrake: Finned Back] 50 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
Low Inv glyph minordruid [Cliffside Wylderdrake: Finned Back] 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
Medium Inv glyph minormage [Highland Drake: Triple Finned Head] 200 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
High Inv glyph minormage [Highland Drake: Vertical Finned Tail] 400 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
Cliffside Drake: Finned Tail 400 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Cover] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail feet
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Bracers] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail wrist
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Belt] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail waist
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Pauldron] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail shoulder
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Leggings] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail legs
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Helm] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail head
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Grips] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail hands
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Hauberk] 1 Awakened Frost 100 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic mail chest
Maximum Inv glyph minordeathknight [Renewed Proto-Drake: Blue Hair] 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Drakewatcher manuscript
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Duelist's Saber] 5 Draconium Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Guardian's Cutlass] 10 Serevite Ore 1 Glowing Titan Orb 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Defender's Wingglaive] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic warglaives
Inv staff 2h drakonid c 02 [Cobalt Bladewing Staff] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic staff
Inv staff 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Essence Weaver's Staff] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic staff
Inv offhand 1h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Essence Weaver's Scepter] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic off-hand frill
Inv polearm 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Wingguard's Polearm] 10 Serevite Ore 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic polearm
Inv polearm 2h drakonid c 01 [Cobalt Stalker's Lancet] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic polearm
Inv misc questionmark [Steadfast Cobalt Bulwark] 1 Rainbow Pearl 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic shield
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Defender's Shredder] 10 Serevite Ore 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic fist weapon
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Dragonwing Decapitator] 1 Rainbow Pearl 10 Adamant Scales 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic two-hand axe
Inv misc questionmark [Cobalt Dragonflame Blade] 1 Glimmering Malygite Cluster 5 Tallstrider Sinew 600 Dragon Isles Supplies Cosmetic one-hand sword

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