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For the normal version of this quest, see H [20-70P] Coldtooth Supplies.
HordeColdtooth Supplies
Start Frostwolf Quartermaster
End Frostwolf Quartermaster
Level 10-70
Type PvP
Category Korrak's Revenge
Reputation +25 Orgrimmar
Rewards 2x Pvecurrency-justice [Timewarped Badge]
11g 70s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-70P] Coldtooth Supplies.
Warcraft's Anniversary
The subject of this article or section is part of WoW's Anniversary, a seasonal event that typically lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.


Bring 10 Coldtooth Supplies to the Horde Quartermaster in Frostwolf Keep.


The Coldtooth mine to the north was once an ideal place to store extra supplies, but now that the fighting with the Stormpikes grows fierce, we do not always have the spare warriors to station at the mine and protect it. And so, control of the mine often falls to the Alliance, or to underground denizens...

But we still need our supplies, <name>! Go to the Coldtooth mine and bring me a load of them. And be wary of enemies as you go; the tides of battle shift quickly in that place...


You will receive:


Have you been to the Coldtooth mine, <name>? Do you have the supplies I asked for?


Ah, you got them. Good work, <name>! These supplies are a little musty from sitting in that dark mine for so long, but we'll make use of them nonetheless.

Thank you, <name>. Your deeds are vital to the maintenance of our fighting forces.

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