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Holiday Icon Call of the Scarab
The subject of this article or section is part of the Call of the Scarab, a micro-world event, lasting a very short time.
MobColossus of Ashi
Image of Colossus of Ashi
Race Silithid colossus (Beast)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hive'Ashi, Silithus [47.6, 22.3]VZ-SilithusBlip
Pet family Aqiri

The Colossus of Ashi is a silithid colossus world boss found in Hive'Ashi in Silithus during the Call of the Scarab micro-holiday.

Ashi spawns relatively frequently, and is the objective of the world quest N [1-70EWQ] The Colossus of Ashi for players level 60 and above, which awards 500 Cenarion Circle reputation and 100 commendation tokens to the player's faction.

Like the other colossi, Ashi is no tap and will not regain health upon exiting combat.


  • Colossal Smash — Deals 5,625 to 12,375 damage to all enemies within range, knocking them back. 5 sec cast. Will knockback enemies several hundred yards!

Objective of[]

During the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj[]

The Colossus also appeared during the 10-hour war after the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj.

After the Colossus is killed, Neutral Colossus Researcher Nestor asks adventurers to take a piece of the Inv misc monsterscales 12 [Colossus of Ashi's Husk] to Neutral Oglethorpe Obnoticus on the quest N [60] Secrets of the Colossus - Ashi.




Colossus of Ashi breaks free of its cocoon beneath Hive'Ashi.
Colossus of Ashi lets loose a massive attack.

Patch changes[]

See also[]

External links[]

Original Call of the Scarab