Achievement reward[]
The following companions are only available to players who have met a certain achievement criteria. Companions related to a specific world event are excluded from this list.
Companion Rewarded | Required Achievement | Notes |
[Reeking Pet Carrier] | [Shop Smart, Shop Pet...Smart] | A skunk, received through in-game mail. |
[Little Fawn's Salt Lick] | [Lil' Game Hunter] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Perky Pug] | [Looking For Multitudes] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Kirin Tor Familiar] | [Higher Learning] | from Archmage Vargoth on completing the Higher Learning achievement |
[Pebble] | [Rock Lover] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Nuts' Acorn] | [Petting Zoo] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Brilliant Kaliri] | [Menagerie] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Celestial Dragon] | [Littlest Pet Shop] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Feral Vermling] | [Going to Need More Leashes] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Jade Tentacle] | [Time to Open a Pet Store] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Micronax Controller] | [Glory of the Tomb Raider] | Received through in-game mail. |
Mr. Bigglesworth | [Raiding with Leashes] | Received through in-game mail. |
Stunted Direhorn | [Deadly Pet Brawler] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Tito's Basket] | [Raiding with Leashes II: Attunement Edition] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Venus] | [That's a Lot of Pet Food] | Received through in-game mail. |
[Singing Cricket Cage] | [Pro Pet Mob] | Received through in-game mail. |
Hog's Studded Collar | [That's Whack!] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Holy Chime] | [Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Race MiniZep Controller] | [Big Rocketeer: Gold] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Royal Peacock] | [Draenor Safari] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Trunks] | [An Awfully Big Adventure] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Stormwing] | [So. Many. Pets.] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Amalgam of Destruction] | [Raiding with Leashes V: Cuteaclysm] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Felclaw Marsuul] | [Family Fighter] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Mailemental] | [Priority Mail] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Mining Monkey | [Pet Battle Challenge: Deadmines] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Zoom] | [Zoom!] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Nightmare Treant] | [Family Familiar] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Rescued Fawn] | [Broken Isles Safari] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Son of Skum | [Pet Battle Challenge: Wailing Caverns] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Happiness | [Raiding with Leashes VI: Pets of Pandaria] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Rooter | [Pet Emporium] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Brutus | [Toybox Tycoon] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Hearthy] | [Master of Minions] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Large Honeycomb Cluster] | Let's Bee Friends | Received through in-game mail. |
[Burnout] | [Malowned] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Dreadtick Leecher] | [Battle Safari] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Kelpfin] | [Team Aquashock] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Thousand Year Old Mummy Wraps] | [How to Keep a Mummy] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Mini Spider Tank] | [Pet Battle Challenge: Gnomeregan] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Evil Wizard Hat] | [Pet Battle Challenge: Stratholme] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Reek] | [Reeking of Visions] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Wicker Wraith] | [Family Battler] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
[Death Seeker] | [Twisting Corridors: Layer 2] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Spriggan Trickster | [Family Exorcist] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Winterleaf Spriggan | [Abhorrent Adversaries of the Afterlife] | Automatically gifted in your Collection. |
Companion Rewarded | Required Achievement | Notes |
[Guild Page] | [Alliance Slayer] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Honored Guild Reputation |
[Guild Herald] | [Profit Sharing] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Exalted Guild Reputation |
[Armadillo Pup] | [Critter Kill Squad] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Exalted Guild Reputation |
[Dark Phoenix Hatchling] | [United Nations] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Exalted Guild Reputation |
[Thundering Serpent Hatchling] | [Challenge Conquerors: Gold - Guild Edition] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Revered Guild Reputation |
[Deathwatch Hatchling] | [Challenge Warlords: Gold - Guild Edition] | Purchased from Guild vendors at Revered Guild Reputation |
The following companions are learned from items that players may create with professions.
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source of Recipe | Notes |
[Baby Crawg] | BoP | Transmute: Meat to Pet at Kul Tiran or Zandalar Skill 30 | Chance to be contained in [Grumbling Sac], created from [Quivering Sac] |
[Wind-Up Frog] | BoP | Transmute: Meat to Pet at Kul Tiran or Zandalar Skill 30 | Chance to be contained in [Grumbling Sac], created from [Quivering Sac] |
[Undulating Blue Sac] | BoP | Transmute: Meat to Pet at Kul Tiran or Zandalar Skill 30 | Chance to be contained in [Grumbling Sac], created from [Quivering Sac] |
[Ball of Tentacles] | BoP | Transmute: Meat to Pet at Kul Tiran or Zandalar Skill 30 | Chance to be contained in [Grumbling Sac], created from [Quivering Sac] |
[Transmutant] | BoP | [Transmute: Meat to Pet] at Legion Skill 20 | Chance to be contained in [Growling Sac], created from [Pulsating Sac] |
[Thaumaturgical Piglet] | BoP | [Transmute: Meat to Pet] at Legion Skill 20 | Chance to be contained in [Growling Sac], created from [Pulsating Sac] |
[Ridgeback Piglet] | BoP | [Transmute: Meat to Pet] at Legion Skill 20 | Chance to be contained in [Growling Sac], created from [Pulsating Sac] |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source of Recipe | Notes |
[Enchanted Lantern] | BoE | [Formula: Enchanted Lantern] from Agatian Fallanos in Dragonmaw Port, Twilight Highlands | Only craftable by Horde, but may be sold on the neutral Auction House. |
[Magic Lamp] | BoE | [Formula: Magic Lamp] from Senthii in Highbank, Twilight Highlands | Only craftable by Alliance, but may be sold on the neutral Auction House. |
[Enchanted Cauldron] | BoE | [Formula: Enchanted Cauldron] from Tigrid the Charmer in Stormheim | Formula is sold for 50 [Arkhana] |
[Enchanted Torch] | BoE | [Formula: Enchanted Torch] from Tigrid the Charmer in Stormheim | Formula is sold for 50 [Arkhana] |
[Enchanted Pen] | BoE | [Formula: Enchanted Pen] from Tigrid the Charmer in Stormheim | Must complete a small 3-Quest chain to unlock the formula |
[Enchanted Tiki Mask] | BoE | [Formula: Enchanted Tiki Mask] drops from King Rastakhan in Battle of Dazar'alor raid | Must be Skill 125 in Battle for Azeroth Enchanting to learn/create |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source of Recipe | Notes |
Chi-Ji Kite | BoE | Chi-Ji Kite at Pandaria Inscription Skill 75 | Companion only, Can not be caged once learned |
[Yu'lon Kite] | BoE | Yu'lon Kite at Pandaria Inscription Skill 75 | Companion only, Can not be caged once learned |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source of Recipe | Notes |
[Elekk Plushie] | BoP | [Pattern: Elekk Plushie] at Draenor Tailoring Skill 100 | |
[Imperial Moth] | BoE | [Imperial Silk] at Pandaria Tailoring Skill 45 | Chance to be contained in [Silkworm Cocoon] |
[Imperial Silkworm] | BoE | [Imperial Silk] at Pandaria Tailoring Skill 45 | Chance to be contained in [Silkworm Cocoon] |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source of Recipe | Notes |
[Jade Owl] | BoE | [Design: Jade Owl] at Pandaria Jewelcrafting Skill 75 | Chance to be contained in Serpent's Heart or Ancient Guo-Lai Caches |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source |
Leftovers | BoP | Chance to discover when cooking Draenor recipes |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source |
[Elementium Geode] | BoE | Rarely found withing Elementium Veins, minimum skill 475 required. |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source |
[Fel Lasher] | BoP | Rarely found within Fel-Encrusted Herb & [Astral Glory] nodes in Argus |
Companion | BoE/BoP | Source |
[Fossorial Bile Larva] | BoP | Rarely found when skinning Springstep Marsuul mobs in Argus |
Companion | Binds | Notes |
[Clockwork Gnome] | BoP | Dwarf archaeology |
[Fossilized Hatchling] | BoP | Fossil archaeology |
[Pterrordax Hatchling] | BoP | Fossil archaeology |
[Crawling Claw] | BtA | Tol'vir archaeology |
[Voodoo Figurine] | BoP | Troll archaeology |
[Ancient Nest Guardian] | BoP | Arakkoa archaeology |
[Intact Direhorn Egg] | BoP | Zandalari archaeology |
[Frostwolf Ghostpup] | BoP | Draenor Clans archaeology |
World events[]
The following companions are only available during the progress of certain world events. The Argent Tournament is excluded from this list.
Companion | BoE/BoP | Event | Source | Notes |
[Green Helper Box] | BoE | Winter Veil | Gift during Feast of Winter Veil event | Requires [Snowball] to summon |
[Red Helper Box] | BoE | Winter Veil | Gift during Feast of Winter Veil event | Requires [Snowball] to summon |
[Jingling Bell] | BoE | Winter Veil | Gift during Feast of Winter Veil event | Requires [Snowball] to summon |
[Snowman Kit] | BoE | Winter Veil | Gift during Feast of Winter Veil event | Requires [Snowball] to summon |
[Clockwork Rocket Bot] | BoP | Winter Veil | Rare gift during Feast of Winter Veil event | Will fight other Clockwork Rocket Bots |
[Truesilver Shafted Arrow] | BoP | Love is in the Air | Permanent version of the companion. Rewards Perma-Peddle when learned | |
[Silver Shafted Arrow] | BoP | Love is in the Air | Creates a temporary companion for another player. Doing so ten times awards [Shafted!]. | |
[Spring Rabbit's Foot] | BoP | Noblegarden | Drops from [Brightly Colored Egg] |
[Turtle Box] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Rat Cage] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Piglet's Collar] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Snail Shell] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Elekk Training Collar] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Sleepy Willy] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Egbert's Egg] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Curious Oracle Hatchling] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Curious Wolvar Pup] | BoP | Children's Week | Quest Reward | |
[Captured Flame] | BoP | Midsummer Fire Festival | Costs 350 [Burning Blossom] | |
[Scorched Stone] | BoP | Midsummer Fire Festival | Drops from Lord Ahune | |
[Ice Chip] | BoP | Midsummer Fire Festival | Found inside [Satchel of Chilled Goods] (which was dropped by Lord Ahune in 2010) |
[Gold Medallion] | BoP | The Spirit of Competition | Battleground Reward during the 2008 Spirit of Competition event. | Asian dragon |
[Wolpertinger's Tankard] | BoP | Brewfest | Costs 100 [Brewfest Prize Token] | |
[Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderm] | BoP | Brewfest | Costs 50 in EU, or rewarded from [1-70] Catch the Wild Wolpertinger! in US | |
[Sinister Squashling] | BoP | Hallow's End | Drops from Headless Horseman | Needed for achievement [Sinister Calling] |
Generally available[]
The following companions are generally available to any player and, unless noted, the item from which they are learned is not soulbound. Once the item is used (to learn how to summon the companion), it is destroyed. Beforehand, however, the item may be freely traded to other players. Companions from world events and companions created by professions are excluded from this list, even though some of these may be traded freely to other players. Most of the companions on this list are the result of quests or random drops.
Some of the following companions are only sold by vendors from one faction, but they may be traded to the other faction via the Neutral AH if they are BoE.
No longer available
- [Vampiric Batling] – Dropped from Prince Tenris Mirkblood during the Scourge Invasion. No longer available.
Blizzard Authenticator Activiation[]
Sent as a thank you for linking a Blizzard Authenticator to your account.
Blizzard Pet Store[]
Some pets are available exclusively through purchase from the Blizzard Pet Store.
Companion | Added | Removed | Notes |
[Pandaren Monk] | November 4, 2009 | 2009 Charity Pet | |
Lil' K.T. | November 4, 2009 | ||
[Lil' XT] | April 15, 2010 | January 19, 2019 | |
[Lil' Ragnaros] | November 29, 2010 | ||
[Moonkin Hatchling] | November 29, 2010 | January 19, 2019 | 2010 Charity Pet |
[Cenarion Hatchling] | May 2, 2011 | January 19, 2019 | 2011 Charity Pet |
[Guardian Cub] | November 1, 2011 | June 18, 2014 | Was tradable after 24 hours. |
[Soul of the Aspects] | April 10, 2012 | ||
[Cinder Kitten] | December 4, 2012 | 2012 Charity Pet | |
[Blossoming Ancient] | June 14, 2013 | ||
[Alterac Brandy] | November 21, 2013 | 2013 Charity Pet | |
[Argi] | December 3, 2014 | 2014 Charity Pet | |
[Brightpaw] | December 2, 2015 | 2015 Charity Pet | |
[Mischief] | December 2, 2016 | 2016 Charity Pet | |
[Twilight] | August 2, 2017 | ||
Shadow | September 12, 2017 | 2017 Charity Pet | |
[Cap'n Crackers] | September 19, 2018 | ||
[Whomper] | November 2, 2018 | 2018 Charity Pet | |
Dottie | December 3, 2019 | 2019 Charity Pet | |
[Lucky Quilen Cub] | June 30, 2020 | Pet from MoP Collector's Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition | |
Daisy | August 2, 2021 | 2021 Charity Pet, Free to all players if $1 million donated to August 1, 2021 |
First available for purchase on Feb. 22, 2010 for a limited time, are two new plush toys: the Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub. These toys come with a matching "BONUS In-game Companion" of the same name, via a loot code card. The companions are Account-bound and are not faction-based.
No longer available[]
The following companions are no longer available in the game, except to those who received them previously. Common examples are rewards for purchasing the collector's edition of a game or participating in a real life event.
Collector's Editions[]
These companions are only available to players who bought the Collector's Edition of the game. They are not tradeable in any way. Players may only choose one companion, but each character on the same account can choose a different companion. As the item is bound to your account, it is now possible to have all three on one character.
These companions are only available to players that purchase the Collector's Edition of the Burning Crusade expansion pack. Only European players are able to obtain both companions for each character.
- [Netherwhelp's Collar]
- [Lurky's Egg] (European only)
This companion is only available to players that purchase the Collector's Edition of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.
This companion is only available to players that purchase the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Collector's Edition.
This companion is only available to players who purchase the Collector's Edition of the Cataclysm expansion pack.
The Murky companion is only available to people who attended the BlizzCon event and worked on both US and European realms. Another baby murloc was made available to European players through conventions and competitions.
- [Blue Murloc Egg] (BlizzCon 2005)
- [Pink Murloc Egg] (European events)
- [Heavy Murloc Egg] (BlizzCon 2009)
- [Smoldering Murloc Egg] (Blizzcon 2010)
Arena Tournament[]
The Murkimus the Gladiator pet was given to all players who entered the 2009, 2010, or 2011 Arena Tournament and played at least 50 (or 200 for 2009) rated arena matches with a 3v3 arena team.
World of Warcraft Trading Card Game[]
Available only to those players who receive a rare "loot" card in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game.
- [Hippogryph Hatchling]
- [Banana Charm]
- [Rocket Chicken]
- [Dragon Kite]
- [Soul-Trader Beacon]
- [Landro's Lil' XT]
- [Landro's Lichling]
Blizzard Worldwide Invitational[]
- [Fortune Coin] (appears to be only valid on Korean servers)
- [Tyrael's Hilt]
Country Specific Giveaways[]
- [Enchanted Jade] a housecat made of jade. Given out to players on Chinese realms who logged in between October 19 and November 24, 2009. Grants the Feat of Strength Jade Tiger.
- [Enchanted Onyx] a housecat made of onyx. Given out through the mail to players on Korean realms as part of a promotion. Grants the Feat of Strength Onyx Panther.
- [Competitor's Souvenir] blue and purple Chinese dragon – Reward available only in China, and only during the 2008 Summer Olympics Spirit of Competition event. There were samples of this companion in the Ironforge and Orgrimmar battle rooms during the 2008 Summer Olympics. On EU and US servers, this appears to have been due to a bug, and the item does not appear to even have a valid item id in the US and EU.
World of Warcraft Anniversary Pets[]
Mailed to all players as gifts for WoW's 4th and 5th anniversaries, one to every character. These pets bind to account, do not disappear once learned, and can be kept so that any new character can learn them by mailing one from an older character that has the item.
- [Baby Blizzard Bear] - 2008
- [Onyxian Whelpling] - 2009
Advertisements and Promotions[]
Available via the Mountain Dew Choose Your Side promotion website by redeeming using a account. Available only from June 9, 2009 - August 20, 2009.
- [Warbot Ignition Key] (US only) Account Conversion[]
Mailed as a thank-you gift, first sent on Oct. 15, 2009, to all early adopters of converting their World of Warcraft accounts to accounts, before Nov. 11, 2009 (Nov. 12, 2009 for EU Realms).