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30 June 2023

24 June 2023

  • curprev 10:5110:51, 24 June 2023‎ DragnogBot talk contribs‎ m 631 bytes +12‎ Wowpedia Template Generator: Adding random with value 192.
  • curprev 10:4010:40, 24 June 2023‎ DragnogBot talk contribs‎ m 619 bytes +21‎ Wowpedia Template Generator: Updating armor from 75 to 276. Updating stamina from 86 to 381. Updating agiint from 57 to 144. Updating ilvl from 250 to 350. Adding tinker-sockets with value 1.

23 October 2022

13 October 2022

  • curprev 09:3809:38, 13 October 2022‎ Morderi talk contribs‎ 585 bytes +585‎ Created page with "{{Stub/Df}} {{#data:Itemtip |name=Complicated Cuffs |quality=epic |icon=inv_mail_dragonquest_b_01_bracer |bind=bop |slot=Wrist |type=Mail |armor=75 |stamina=86 |agiint=57 |level=58 |ilvl=250 |sellprice=5000 |itemid=198332 }} '''Complicated Cuffs''' are created by Dragon Isles Engineering (50); taught by Schematic: Complicated Cuffs. ==Patch changes== *{{Patch 10.0.2|note=Added.}} ==External links== {{subst:el}} {{Elinks-item|198332}} Category:Engineering cr..."