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NeutralComponents of Importance
Start Bodley
End Bodley
Level 60 (Requires 58)
Type Group
Category Blackrock Mountain
Experience 9550
Previous N [60R] Three Kings of Flame
Next The Left Piece of Lord Valthalak's Amulet


Acquire Druidical Remains and return them to Bodley inside Blackrock Mountain.


<Class>, listen closely. Now that we have the brazier, and the means to light it, we still need another component to suffuse it with; something that will provide a focus strong enough to entice the spirit of my deceased, former comrade.

Mor Grayhoof, our most prominent druid, had many close friends amongst the Cenarion Circle, some of which have fallen to the silithid. I need you to retrieve some Druidical Remains from the silithid that inhabit the environs of Hive'Regal in southeastern Silithus.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9550 XP (or a 57s compensation at level 80)


Have you returned already then, <class>, with what I sent you out to gather?


A job well done, <name>. I will imbue the essence of the remains into the brazier.

Now all that is left is to go to the lower portion of Blackrock Spire, to the chamber where War Master Voone resides in Tazz'Alaor, and use the brazier to summon forth the corrupted spirit of my former cohort, Mor Grayhoof. He cannot rest until the amulet piece is taken from him.



  1. B [60D] An Earnest Proposition
  2. B [60] A Supernatural Device
  3. N [60] The Ectoplasmic Distiller
  4. N [60] Hunting for Ectoplasm
  5. N [60] A Portable Power Source
  6. N [60] A Shifty Merchant
  7. A [60] Return to Deliana / H [60] Return to Mokvar
  8. B [60D] Just Compensation
  9. B [60] In Search of Anthion
  10. N [60D] Dead Man's Plea
  11. N [60] Proof of Life
  12. N [60] Anthion's Strange Request
  13. N [60D] Anthion's Old Friend
  14. N [60D] Falrin's Vendetta
  15. N [60D] The Instigator's Enchantment
  16. N [60D] The Challenge
  17. B [60D] Anthion's Parting Words
  18. B [60] Bodley's Unfortunate Fate
  19. N [60R] Three Kings of Flame
  20. N [60G] I See Alcaz Island In Your Future...
  21. N [60R] Final Preparations
  22. N [60R] Mea Culpa, Lord Valthalak
  23. N [60] Return to Bodley
  24. B [60] Back to the Beginning
  25. B [60D] Saving the Best for Last

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