This ability is a great helper while tanking, especially when something goes wrong. If Taunt was resisted, you can use Concussion Blow to both let the player who had aggro get away from the mob, as well as buy time, so that after the stun effect has run out, your Taunt will be ready to use again. When there are two mobs on another player, you can Taunt one, and use Concussion Blow on the other. Of course, mobs can't deal damage while they are stunned, making Concussion Blow an important tool for damage reduction, especially while tanking multiple mobs.
Concussion Blow also makes an effective combination with the [Slam] skill. While your opponent is helpless, a two-handed weapon can make effective use of the Slam ability to land several powerful hits. However, this combo requires a very large amount of Rage to successfully use.
It can also be used to buy time to get the correct distance away for an [Intercept] or [Charge](if they have [Warbringer], further stunning the target.
Concussion Blow, being a stunning attack, can also be used to interrupt spells.
You can also use this skill to give you time to escape or bandage yourself.