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HordeConfront The Val'kyr
Start Princess Talanji
End Bwonsamdi
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category The Shadow Hunter
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Zandalari Empire
+250 Darkspear Trolls
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous H [50] Eyir
Next H [50] Mysteries of Death


Escort the Spirit of Vol'jin to Eyir.


Vol'jin's spirit is growing in power. I should no longer have to maintain a ritual to keep him here.

Dis is fortunate, since Bwonsamdi warned me dat Eyir will likely not be pleased with my presence. Apparently she and Bwonsamdi have a past de loa was unwilling to discuss.

We can proceed when you are ready.


You will receive:


Val'kyr pulled many of da Horde heroes from da battle of the Broken Shore. Though somehow, I don't think dey were workin' for da same master.


Ah... Eyir. Lots of anger and pride in dat one. She not be speakin' ta me for centuries now. I thought for sure she be da one behind Vol'jin's return.


Speak with Talanji:

Dere are a lot of val'kyr between us and Eyir, and I suspect dey do not wish us to pass.
Gossip I am ready.

Escort Vol'jin to Eyir with Talanji and Baine Bloodhoof. Hostile Chosen of Eyir bar the path.

Eyir yells: Minions of the Banshee Queen, leave this place or die.
Eyir yells: Hold... you DARE bring a priestess of Bwonsamdi into MY halls?
Vol'jin walks to Eyir alone. Talanji and Baine go out of the hall gate.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Eyir, speak with me if da others not be to your liking.
Eyir says: Hmm. Very well. You and your champion may approach. But know that deception will be met with destruction.
Vol'jin stops in front of Eyir.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Queen of da val'kyr. My spirit was sent to da Other Side, den returned. Was dis your doing?
Eyir says: Shadow hunter, you are no longer a mere spirit. What you have become is something beyond my power to forge.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: Who be havin' such power? Could it be da same one who bid me ta name Sylvanas warchief?
Eyir says: You have been touched by the hand of valor. Such a noble force does not scheme for mortal thrones.
Spirit of Vol'jin says: So whoever whispered to me's not da same as who sent me back?
Eyir says: You have been granted all the knowledge I am willing to share. Leave now, and never return.

The Chosen Val'kyr are now neutral. Leave Skold-Ashil through Bwonsamdi's death gate.


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