The API is no longer being updated here until further notice. |
This page contains a comparison of CVars in Wrath Classic and Classic Era
CVar Name | Default | Category | Scope | Description | |||
Wrath only | |||||||
autoRangedCombat | 1 | Game | Character | If enabled, your character will automatically switch between auto attack and auto shot. | |||
consolidateBuffs | 0 | Game | Character | Consolidates buffs displayed for the player. | |||
equipmentManager | 0 | Game | Character | Enables the equipment management UI | |||
lfgNewPlayerFriendly | 0 | Game | Character | Stores whether this character wants their group finder listings to be flagged as New Player Friendly. | |||
previewTalents | 0 | Game | Character | Toggles the ability to preview talents before spending talent points. | |||
ShowAllSpellRanks | 1 | Game | Account | show either all spell ranks, or only the highest rank | |||
trackerFilter | 7 | Game | Character | filter option for the objectives tracker | |||
trackerSorting | 0 | Game | Character | sorting option for the objectives tracker | |||
watchFrameWidth | 0 | Game | Controls objectives frame width | ||||
Wrath & Vanilla | |||||||
alwaysShowBlizzardGroupsTab | 0 | Game | Account | Always show the Groups tab in the Social Frame, even when the player is not in a Group. | |||
bspcache | 1 | Graphics | BSP node caching | ||||
clampTargetNameplateToScreen | 0 | Graphics | Character | Clamps the target's nameplate to the edges of the screen, even if the target is off-screen. | |||
ColorNameplateNameBySelection | 0 | Game | Character | Color the unit names above nameplates based on the unit. | |||
floatingCombatTextAuraFade | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
fullSizeFocusFrame | 1 | Game | Character | Increases the size of the focus frame to that of the target frame | |||
GamePadEmulateEsc | PADBACK | GamePad button that should emulate the Esc key | |||||
graphicsSunshafts | 3 | Graphics | UI value of the graphics setting | ||||
groundEffectAnimation | 0 | Ground effect animation | |||||
heardChoiceSFX | 0 | Game | Whether or not the user has heard the special SFX for the first transition choice selection. | ||||
hideOutdoorWorldState | 0 | Game | Account | Whether to hide outdoor zone objectives. | |||
instantQuestText | 0 | Game | Account | Whether to instantly show quest text instead of fading it in. | |||
minimumAutomaticUiScale | 0.9 | Game | When to stop automatically scaling the UI down based on higher resolution. Only applied when useUIScale is 0. Classic used 0.9 for this value. Mainline uses 0.64, the same as the hard cap on scaling. | ||||
multiBarRightVerticalLayout | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to force the right action bars to always align horizontally instead of vertically | |||
nameplateCommentatorMaxDistance | 1000 | Graphics | Character | The max distance to show nameplates when in Commentator Mode. | |||
nameplateNotSelectedAlpha | 0.5 | Graphics | Character | When you have a target, the alpha of other units' nameplates (not used if value is negative). | |||
nameplateRemovalAnimation | 0 | Game | Character | When enabled, nameplates will play a brief shrinking animation when disappearing. | |||
raidGraphicsSunshafts | 1 | UI value of the raidGraphics setting | |||||
RAIDgroundEffectAnimation | 0 | Raid Ground effect animation | |||||
seenSoMNotification | 0 | Game | Whether or not the user has seen the Season of Mastery notification at least once. | ||||
seenTBCInfoPane | 0 | Game | Whether or not the user has seen the TBC Info Pane at least once. | ||||
showKeyring | 0 | Game | Account | Show the keyring button | |||
showLootSpam | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show full loot rolls in chat. | |||
showMinimapClock | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show the clock and time manager features below the minimap frame. | |||
showNewbieTips | 1 | Game | Account | Show extra explanations in tooltips. | |||
showPartyBackground | 0 | Game | Account | Show a background behind party members | |||
showUnactivatedCharacters | 1 | Game | Show unactivated characters on Character Select. | ||||
spamFilter | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to enable spam filtering | |||
spellClutterDefaultTargetScalar | 3.000000 | Game | Starting target scalar value (min 0.1) | ||||
spellClutterHostileScalar | 0.500000 | Game | Scalar we apply to the hostile creature spells (min 0.001) | ||||
spellClutterMinSpellCount | 1 | Game | Min spells on a target before we apply clutter logic (min 0) | ||||
spellClutterMinWeaponTrailCount | 3 | Game | Min weaponTrails in the scene before we apply clutter logic (min 0) | ||||
spellClutterPartySizeScalar | 20.000000 | Game | Scales the targetScalar by how different the party size is from this (min 1) | ||||
spellClutterPlayerScalarMultiplier | 1.666667 | Game | Increases number of effects on "interesting" targets multiplicatively (min 0.1) | ||||
spellClutterRangeConstant | 30.000000 | Game | The number of yards before the priority is doubled (min 1.0) | ||||
spellClutterRangeConstantRaid | 30.000000 | Game | The number of yards before the priority is doubled (min 1.0) in a raid | ||||
twitterCharactersPerMedia | 23 | Game | Number of characters needed when attaching media to a Twitter post | ||||
worldEntityLinkMode | 1 | Graphics | Entity link mode | ||||
Mainline & Wrath | |||||||
calendarShowResets | 0 | Game | Character | Whether raid resets should appear in the calendar | |||
cameraFov | 90 | Account | Default camera field of view | ||||
enableSourceLocationLookup | 0 | Debug | Allows addon file name lookup for debugging help | ||||
fstack_showhighlight | 1 | Debug | 0: Hide Highlight, 1: Show Highlight (Default). | ||||
Sound_EnableDSPEffects | 1 | Sound | |||||
textureErrorColors | 1 | Graphics | If enabled, replaceable textures that aren't specified will be purple | ||||
threatPlaySounds | 1 | Game | Account | Whether or not to sounds when certain threat transitions occur | |||
threatShowNumeric | 0 | Game | Account | Whether or not to show numeric threat on the target and focus frames | |||
threatWarning | 3 | Game | Character | Whether or not to show threat warning UI (0 = off, 1 = in dungeons, 2 = in party/raid, 3 = always) | |||
threatWorldText | 1 | Game | Account | Whether or not to show threat floaters in combat | |||
Mainline & Wrath & Vanilla | |||||||
ActionButtonUseKeyDown | 1 | Game | Account | Activate the action button on a keydown | |||
actionedAdventureJournalEntries | Game | Account | Which adventure journal entries flagged with ADVENTURE_JOURNAL_HIDE_AFTER_ACTION the user acted upon | ||||
activeCUFProfile | Game | Character | The last active CUF Profile. | ||||
addFriendInfoShown | 0 | Game | Account | The info for Add Friend has been shown | |||
advancedCombatLogging | 0 | Game | Whether we want advanced combat log data sent from the server | ||||
advancedWatchFrame | 0 | Game | Account | Enables advanced Objectives tracking features | |||
agentUID | Game | The UID provided by to be passed to Agent | |||||
AIBrain | 0 | ||||||
AIController | 0 | ||||||
AIControllerEventLog | 0 | ||||||
AIEventLog | 0 | ||||||
allowCompareWithToggle | 1 | Game | Account | ||||
alwaysCompareItems | 0 | Game | Account | Always show item comparison tooltips | |||
alwaysShowActionBars | 0 | Game | Account | Whether to always show the action bar grid | |||
animFrameSkipLOD | 0 | Graphics | animations will skip frames at distance | ||||
AreaTriggerEventLog | 0 | ||||||
AreaTriggers | 0 | ||||||
assaoAdaptiveQualityLimit | .45 | Graphics | ASSAO Adaptive Quality Limit [0.0, 1.0] (only for Quality Level 3) | ||||
assaoBlurPassCount | 2 | Graphics | ASSAO Blur Pass Count [ 0, 6] Number of edge-sensitive smart blur passes to apply. Quality 0 is an exception with only one 'dumb' blur pass used. | ||||
assaoDetailShadowStrength | 0 | Graphics | ASSAO Detail Shadow Strength [0.0, 5.0] Used for high-res detail AO using neighboring depth pixels: adds a lot of detail but also reduces temporal stability (adds aliasing). | ||||
assaoFadeOutFrom | 50.0 | Graphics | ASSAO Fade Out From [0.0, ~ ] Distance to start start fading out the effect. | ||||
assaoFadeOutTo | 300.0 | Graphics | ASSAO Fade Out To [0.0, ~ ] Distance at which the effect is faded out. | ||||
assaoHorizonAngleThresh | 0.4 | Graphics | ASSAO Horizon Angle Thresh [0.0, 0.2] Limits self-shadowing | ||||
assaoNormals | 1 | Graphics | Use Normals for ASSAO | ||||
assaoRadius | 1.85 | Graphics | ASSAO Radius [0.0, ~ ] World (view) space size of the occlusion sphere | ||||
assaoShadowClamp | .98 | Graphics | ASSAO Shadow Clamp [0.0, 1.0] | ||||
assaoShadowMult | 1.1 | Graphics | ASSAO Shadow Multiplier [0.0, 5.0] Effect strength linear multiplier | ||||
assaoShadowPower | 1.34 | Graphics | ASSAO Shadow Power [0.5, 5.0] Effect strength pow modifier | ||||
assaoSharpness | .98 | Graphics | ASSAO Sharpness [0.0, 1.0] (How much to bleed over edges; 1: not at all, 0.5: half-half; 0.0: completely ignore edges) | ||||
assaoTemporalSSAngleOffset | 0.0 | Graphics | ASSAO Temporal Super Sampling Angle Offset [0.0, PI] Used to rotate sampling kernel; If using temporal AA / supersampling, suggested to rotate by ( (frame%3)/3.0*PI ) or similar. Kernel is already symmetrical, which is why we use PI and not 2*PI. | ||||
assaoTemporalSSRadiusOffset | 1.0 | Graphics | ASSAO Temporal Super Sampling Radius Offset [0.0, 2.0] Used to scale sampling kernel; If using temporal AA / supersampling, suggested to scale by ( 1.0f + (((frame%3)-1.0)/3.0)*0.1 ) or similar. | ||||
assistAttack | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to start attacking after an assist | |||
asyncHandlerTimeout | 100 | Debug | Engine option: Async read main thread timeout | ||||
asyncThreadSleep | 0 | Debug | Engine option: Async read thread sleep | ||||
auctionDisplayOnCharacter | 0 | Game | Account | Show auction items on the dress-up paperdoll | |||
audioLocale | Game | Set the game locale for audio content | |||||
AuraDebugger | 0 | ||||||
AuraEventLog | 0 | ||||||
autoClearAFK | 1 | Game | Account | Automatically clear AFK when moving or chatting | |||
autoCompleteResortNamesOnRecency | 1 | Game | Account | Shows people you recently spoke with higher up on the AutoComplete list. | |||
autoCompleteUseContext | 1 | Game | Account | The system will, for example, only show people in your guild when you are typing /gpromote. Names will also never be removed. | |||
autoCompleteWhenEditingFromCenter | 1 | Game | Account | If you edit a name by inserting characters into the center, a smarter auto-complete will occur. | |||
autoDismount | 1 | Game | Account | Automatically dismount when needed | |||
autoDismountFlying | 0 | Game | Account | If enabled, your character will automatically dismount before casting while flying | |||
autoFilledMultiCastSlots | 0 | Game | Character | Bitfield that saves whether multi-cast slots have been automatically filled. | |||
autoInteract | 0 | Game | Account | Toggles auto-move to interact target | |||
autojoinBGVoice | 0 | Sound | Account | Automatically join the voice session in battleground chat | |||
autojoinPartyVoice | 0 | Sound | Account | Automatically join the voice session in party/raid chat | |||
autoLootDefault | 0 | Game | Character | Automatically loot items when the loot window opens | |||
autoLootRate | 150 | Game | Character | Rate in milliseconds to tick auto loot | |||
autoOpenLootHistory | 0 | Game | Account | Automatically opens the Loot History window when certain items drop | |||
autoQuestPopUps | Game | Character | Saves current pop-ups for quests that are automatically acquired or completed. | ||||
autoQuestProgress | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to automatically watch all quests when they are updated | |||
autoQuestWatch | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to automatically watch all quests when you obtain them | |||
autoSelfCast | 1 | Game | Character | Whether spells should automatically be cast on you if you don't have a valid target | |||
autoStand | 1 | Game | Account | Automatically stand when needed | |||
autoUnshift | 1 | Game | Account | Automatically leave shapeshift form when needed | |||
BeckonTriggerEventlog | 0 | ||||||
BehaviorTree | 0 | ||||||
blockChannelInvites | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to automatically block chat channel invites | |||
blockTrades | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to automatically block trade requests | |||
bodyQuota | 100 | Graphics | Maximum number of componented bodies seen at once | ||||
breakUpLargeNumbers | 0 | Game | Account | Toggles using commas in large numbers | |||
Brightness | 50.000000 | Graphics | Brightness adjustment. Range: [0 - 100] | ||||
buffDurations | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show buff durations | |||
cacaoBilateralSimilarityDistanceSigma | 0.01 | Graphics | CACAO Sigma squared value for use in bilateral upsampler giving similarity weighting for neighbouring pixels. Should be greater than 0.0. | ||||
calendarShowBattlegrounds | 1 | Game | Character | Whether Battleground holidays should appear in the calendar | |||
calendarShowDarkmoon | 1 | Game | Character | Whether Darkmoon Faire holidays should appear in the calendar | |||
calendarShowHolidays | 1 | Game | Character | Whether holidays should appear in the calendar | |||
calendarShowLockouts | 1 | Game | Character | Whether raid lockouts should appear in the calendar | |||
calendarShowWeeklyHolidays | 1 | Game | Character | Whether weekly holidays should appear in the calendar | |||
cameraBobbing | 0 | ||||||
cameraBobbingSmoothSpeed | 0.8 | Account | |||||
cameraCustomViewSmoothing | 0 | Account | |||||
cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraDistanceRateMult | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraDive | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraFoVSmoothSpeed | 0.5 | Account | |||||
cameraGroundSmoothSpeed | 7.5 | Account | |||||
cameraHeightIgnoreStandState | 0 | Account | |||||
CameraKeepCharacterCentered | 1 | Account | Motion sickness control to keep character's head at center of screen to act as motion reference point. Can override other cvar settings. | ||||
cameraPitchMoveSpeed | 90 | Account | |||||
cameraPitchSmoothMax | 23.0 | Account | |||||
cameraPitchSmoothMin | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraPitchSmoothSpeed | 45 | Account | |||||
cameraPivot | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraPivotDXMax | 0.05 | Account | |||||
cameraPivotDYMin | 0.00 | Account | |||||
CameraReduceUnexpectedMovement | 0 | Account | Motion sickness control to reduce camera movement without player input. Can override other cvar settings. | ||||
cameraSavedDistance | 5.55 | Character | |||||
cameraSavedPetBattleDistance | 10.0 | Character | |||||
cameraSavedPitch | 10.0 | Character | |||||
cameraSavedVehicleDistance | -1.0 | Character | |||||
cameraSmooth | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysFearFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysIdleFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysStopDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysStopFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysTrackFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothAlwaysTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverFearFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverIdleFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverMoveFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverStopDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverStopFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverStrafeFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverTrackFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothNeverTurnFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothPitch | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterFearDelay | 0.4 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterFearFactor | 10.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterIdleFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterStopDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterStopFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterTrackDelay | 0.4 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterTrackFactor | 10.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmarterTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartFearDelay | 0.4 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartFearFactor | 10.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartIdleFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartStopDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartStopFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartTrackDelay | 0.4 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartTrackFactor | 10.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSmartTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineFearFactor | 4.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineIdleFactor | 4.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineStopDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineStopFactor | 4.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineTrackFactor | 4.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothSplineTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothStyle | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothTimeMax | 2.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothTimeMin | 0.1 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothTrackingStyle | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysDistanceDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysDistanceFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysPitchDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysPitchFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysYawDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataAlwaysYawFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverDistanceDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverDistanceFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverPitchDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverPitchFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverYawDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataNeverYawFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartDistanceDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartDistanceFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterDistanceDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterDistanceFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterPitchDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterPitchFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterYawDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmarterYawFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartPitchDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartPitchFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartYawDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSmartYawFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplineDistanceDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplineDistanceFactor | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplinePitchDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplinePitchFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplineYawDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothViewDataSplineYawFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSmoothYaw | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraSubmergePitch | 18.0 | Account | |||||
cameraSurfacePitch | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTargetSmoothSpeed | 90 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTilt | 0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFallFactor | 0.75 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysFearFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysIdleFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysJumpFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysSwimFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTaxiFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTrackFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltAlwaysTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFallFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverFearFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverIdleFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverJumpFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverMoveFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverStrafeFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverSwimFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTaxiFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTrackFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltNeverTurnFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFallFactor | 0.75 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterFearFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterIdleFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterJumpFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterSwimFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTaxiFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTrackFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmarterTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFallFactor | 0.75 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartFearFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartIdleFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartJumpFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartSwimFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTaxiFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTrackFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSmartTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFallFactor | 0.75 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineFearFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineIdleFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineJumpFactor | -1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineMoveFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineStrafeFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineSwimFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiAbsorb | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTaxiFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTrackFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnAbsorb | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnDelay | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltSplineTurnFactor | 1.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltTimeMax | 10.0 | Account | |||||
cameraTerrainTiltTimeMin | 3.0 | Account | |||||
cameraView | 2 | Account | |||||
cameraViewBlendStyle | 1 | Account | |||||
cameraWaterCollision | 0 | Account | |||||
cameraYawMoveSpeed | 180 | Account | |||||
cameraYawSmoothMax | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraYawSmoothMin | 0.0 | Account | |||||
cameraYawSmoothSpeed | 180 | Account | |||||
cameraZoomSpeed | 20 | Account | |||||
cameraZSmooth | 1 | Account | Smooths camera vertical movement. 1 = only while moving, 2 = also while standing still | ||||
ChatAmbienceVolume | 0.3 | Sound | Ambience Volume (0.0 to 1.0) | ||||
chatBubbles | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show in-game chat bubbles | |||
chatBubblesParty | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show in-game chat bubbles for party chat | |||
chatClassColorOverride | 1 | Game | Whether or not class names are colored in chat. 0 = always color by class name (where applicable), 1 = never color by class name, 2 = respect the legacy per-channel class color settings | ||||
chatMouseScroll | 1 | Game | Account | Whether the user can use the mouse wheel to scroll through chat | |||
ChatMusicVolume | 0.3 | Sound | Music volume (0.0 to 1.0) | ||||
ChatSoundVolume | 0.4 | Sound | Sound volume (0.0 to 1.0) | ||||
chatStyle | classic | Game | Account | The style of Edit Boxes for the ChatFrame. Valid values: "classic", "im" | |||
checkAddonVersion | 1 | Game | Check interface addon version number | ||||
ClientCastDebug | 0 | debug client cast allocation | |||||
ClientMessageEventLog | 0 | ||||||
ClipCursor | 0 | Graphics | Lock the cursor to the game window | ||||
cloakFixEnabled | 1 | ||||||
closedInfoFrames | Game | Character | Bitfield for which help frames have been acknowledged by the user | ||||
CMAA2ExtraSharpness | 0 | Graphics | Set to 1 to preserve even more text and shape clarity at the expense of less AA | ||||
CMAA2Quality | 2 | Graphics | CMAA2 Quality Level. 0 - LOW, 1 - MEDIUM, 2 - HIGH, 3 - ULTRA | ||||
Collision | 0 | ||||||
colorblindMode | 0 | Game | Account | Enables colorblind accessibility features in the game | |||
colorblindSimulator | 0 | Graphics | Type of color blindness | ||||
colorblindWeaknessFactor | 0.5 | Graphics | Amount of sensitivity. e.g. Protanope (red-weakness) 0.0 = not colorblind, 1.0 = full weakness(Protanopia), 0.5 = mid weakness(Protanomaly) | ||||
colorChatNamesByClass | 0 | Game | Account | If enabled, the name of a player speaking in chat will be colored according to his class. | |||
combatLogRetentionTime | 300 | Game | Account | The maximum duration in seconds to retain combat log entries | |||
combatLogUniqueFilename | 1 | Game | Write combat log file with a timestamped name per client launch | ||||
comboPointLocation | 2 | Game | Location of combo points in UI. 1=target, 2=self | ||||
commentatorLossOfControlIconUnitFrame | 1 | Game | Account | 0: Off, 1: On. | |||
commentatorLossOfControlTextNameplate | 0 | Game | Account | 0: Off, 1: On. | |||
commentatorLossOfControlTextUnitFrame | 0 | Game | Account | 0: Off, 1: On. | |||
communitiesShowOffline | 1 | Game | Account | Show offline community members in the communities frame roster | |||
componentCompress | 1 | Graphics | Character component texture compression | ||||
componentEmissive | 1 | Graphics | Character component unlit/emissive | ||||
componentSpecular | 1 | Graphics | Character component specular highlights | ||||
componentTexCacheSize | 32 | Graphics | Character component texture cache size (in MB) | ||||
componentTexLoadLimit | 16 | Graphics | Character component texture loading limit per frame | ||||
componentTextureLevel | 0 | Graphics | Level of detail for character component textures. 0 means full detail. | ||||
componentThread | 1 | Graphics | Multi thread character component processing | ||||
ConsoleKey | ` | Console | Set key that opens the console | ||||
ContentTuning | 0 | ||||||
Contrast | 50.000000 | Graphics | Contrast adjustment. Range: [0 - 100] | ||||
countdownForCooldowns | 0 | Game | Account | Whether to use number countdown instead of radial swipe for action button cooldowns or not. | |||
currencyCategoriesCollapsed | 0 | Game | Character | Internal CVar for tracking collapsed currency categories. | |||
currencyTokensBackpack1 | 0 | Game | Character | Currency token types shown on backpack. | |||
currencyTokensBackpack2 | 0 | Game | Character | Currency token types shown on backpack. | |||
currencyTokensUnused1 | 0 | Game | Character | Currency token types marked as unused. | |||
currencyTokensUnused2 | 0 | Game | Character | Currency token types marked as unused. | |||
CursorCenteredYPos | 0.6 | 0-1 vertical position of centered cursor/targeting (0 at bottom) | |||||
CursorFreelookCentering | 0 | Center the cursor when using Mouse freelook | |||||
CursorFreelookStartDelta | 0 | Fraction of the screen the cursor must move to start freelook after mouse button goes down | |||||
cursorSizePreferred | -1 | Graphics | Size of cursor: -1=determine based on system/monitor dpi, 0=32x32, 1=48x48, 2=64x64, 3=96x96, 4=128x128 | ||||
CursorStickyCentering | 0 | Make the centered position stick after freelook; Don't restore previous cursor position | |||||
CustomDesignEventLog | 0 | ||||||
CustomWindowEventLog | 0 | ||||||
daltonize | 1 | Graphics | Attempt to correct for color blindness (set colorblindSimulator to type of colorblindness) | ||||
DamageCalculator | 0 | ||||||
dangerousShipyardMissionWarningAlreadyShown | 0 | Game | Character | Boolean indicating whether the shipyard's dangerous mission warning has been shown | |||
debugGameEvents | 0 | Debug | Show additional information about game events | ||||
DebugTorsoTwist | 0 | Debug | Debug visualization for Torso Twist: 1 = Player, 2 = Target, 3 = All | ||||
deselectOnClick | 0 | Game | Account | Clear the target when clicking on terrain | |||
digSites | 1 | Game | Character | If enabled, the archaeological dig site system will be used. | |||
disableAutoRealmSelect | 0 | Disable automatically selecting a realm on login | |||||
disableServerNagle | 1 | Net | Disable server-side nagle algorithm | ||||
displayedRAFFriendInfo | 0 | Game | Account | Stores whether we already told a recruited person about their new BattleTag friend | |||
displayFreeBagSlots | 0 | Game | Account | Whether or not the backpack button should indicate how many inventory slots you've got free | |||
displayWorldPVPObjectives | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show world PvP objectives | |||
doNotFlashLowHealthWarning | 1 | Game | Account | Do not flash your screen red when you are low on health. | |||
dontShowEquipmentSetsOnItems | 0 | Game | Account | Don't show which equipment sets an item is associated with | |||
doodadLodScale | 100 | Graphics | Doodad level of detail scale | ||||
DriverVersionCheck | 1 | Graphics | |||||
dynamicLod | 1 | Graphics | Dynamic level of detail adjustment | ||||
DynamicRenderScale | 0 | Graphics | Lowers render scale if GPU bound to hit Target FPS. Note this feature is in BETA. Known issues: May cause hitching. May behave poorly with vsync on. | ||||
DynamicRenderScaleMin | 0.333333 | Graphics | Lowest render scale DynamicRenderScale can use | ||||
EJDungeonDifficulty | 0 | Game | Character | Stores the last dungeon difficulty viewed in the encounter journal | |||
EJLootClass | -1 | Game | Character | Stores the last class that loot was filtered by in the encounter journal | |||
EJLootSpec | 0 | Game | Character | Stores the last spec that loot was filtered by in the encounter journal | |||
EJRaidDifficulty | 0 | Game | Character | Stores the last raid difficulty viewed in the encounter journal | |||
EmitterCombatRange | 900 | Game | Account | Range to stop shoulder/weapon emissions during combat | |||
emphasizeMySpellEffects | 1 | Game | Account | Whether other player's spell impacts are toned down or not. | |||
enableAssetTracking | 1 | Game | Whether to track which assets are least recently used | ||||
enableBGDL | 1 | Debug | Background Download (on async net thread) Enabled | ||||
EnableBlinkApplicationIcon | 1 | Game | Allows the client to blink the application icon in the taskbar in Windows, or bounce the application icon in the dock on macOS | ||||
enableFloatingCombatText | 0 | Game | Account | Whether to show floating combat text | |||
enableMouseSpeed | 0 | Game | Enables setting a custom mouse sensitivity to override the setting from the operating system. | ||||
enableMovePad | 0 | Game | Account | Enables the MovePad accessibility feature in the game | |||
enablePetBattleFloatingCombatText | 1 | Game | Account | Whether to show floating combat text for pet battles | |||
enablePVPNotifyAFK | 1 | Game | Account | The ability to shutdown the AFK notification system | |||
enableRuneSpentAnim | 1 | Adjust the time the rune fades after it flashes when you spend it | |||||
enableTwitter | 0 | Game | Account | Whether Twitter integration is enabled | |||
enableWowMouse | 0 | Enable Steelseries World of Warcraft Mouse | |||||
engineSurvey | 0 | Whether to send the engine survey to the servers | |||||
engineSurveyPatch | 0 | Game | Engine Survey Patch | ||||
entityLodDist | 10 | Graphics | Entity level of detail distance | ||||
entityLodOffset | 10 | Graphics | Entity level of detail offset | ||||
entityShadowFadeScale | 25 | Graphics | Entity shadow fade scale | ||||
ErrorFilter | all | Debug | |||||
ErrorLevelMax | 3 | Debug | |||||
ErrorLevelMin | 2 | Debug | |||||
Errors | 0 | Debug | |||||
expandUpgradePanel | 1 | Game | Controls whether the upgrade panel is expanded or collapsed. | ||||
farclip | 5108 | Graphics | Far clip plane distance | ||||
ffxAntiAliasingMode | 0 | Graphics | Anti Aliasing Mode | ||||
ffxDeath | 1 | Graphics | full screen death desat effect | ||||
ffxGlow | 1 | Graphics | full screen glow effect | ||||
ffxLingeringVenari | 1 | Graphics | full screen Lingering Cloak of Ven'ari effect | ||||
ffxNether | 1 | Graphics | full screen nether effect | ||||
ffxVenari | 1 | Graphics | full screen Cloak of Ven'ari effect | ||||
findYourselfAnywhere | 0 | Game | Account | Always Highlight your character | |||
findYourselfAnywhereOnlyInCombat | 0 | Game | Account | Highlight your character only when in combat | |||
findYourselfInBG | 1 | Game | Account | Always Highlight your character in Battlegrounds | |||
findYourselfInBGOnlyInCombat | 0 | Game | Account | Highlight your character in Battlegrounds only when in combat | |||
findYourselfInRaid | 1 | Game | Account | Always Highlight your character in Raids | |||
findYourselfInRaidOnlyInCombat | 1 | Game | Account | Highlight your character in Raids only when in combat | |||
findYourselfMode | -1 | Game | Account | Highlight your character. 0 = circle, 1 = circle & outline, 2 = outline | |||
flaggedTutorials | Game | Account | Internal cvar for saving completed tutorials in order | ||||
flashErrorMessageRepeats | 1 | Game | Account | Flashes the center screen red error text if the same message is fired. | |||
flightAngleLookAhead | 0 | Game | Enables more dynamic attitude adjustments while flying | ||||
floatingCombatTextAllSpellMechanics | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextAuras | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextCombatDamage | 1 | Game | Account | Display damage numbers over hostile creatures when damaged | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatDamageAllAutos | 1 | Game | Account | Show all auto-attack numbers, rather than hiding non-event numbers | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatDamageDirectionalOffset | 1 | Game | Account | Amount to offset directional damage numbers when they start | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatDamageDirectionalScale | 0 | Game | Account | Directional damage numbers movement scale (0 = no directional numbers) | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatDamageStyle | 1 | Game | Account | No longer used | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatHealing | 1 | Game | Account | Display amount of healing you did to the target | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatLogPeriodicSpells | 1 | Game | Account | Display damage caused by periodic effects | |||
floatingCombatTextCombatState | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextComboPoints | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextDamageReduction | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextDodgeParryMiss | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextEnergyGains | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextFloatMode | 1 | Game | Account | The combat text float mode | |||
floatingCombatTextFriendlyHealers | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextHonorGains | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextLowManaHealth | 1 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextPeriodicEnergyGains | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextPetMeleeDamage | 1 | Game | Account | Display pet melee damage in the world | |||
floatingCombatTextPetSpellDamage | 1 | Game | Account | Display pet spell damage in the world | |||
floatingCombatTextReactives | 1 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextRepChanges | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextSpellMechanics | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
floatingCombatTextSpellMechanicsOther | 0 | Game | Account | ||||
FootstepSounds | 1 | Sound | play footstep sounds | ||||
ForceAllowAero | 0 | Graphics | Force Direct X 12 on Windows 7 to not disable Aero theme. You are opting into crashing in some edge cases | ||||
forceEnglishNames | 0 | ||||||
forceLODCheck | 0 | Graphics | If enabled, we will skip checking DBC for LOD count and every m2 will scan the folder for skin profiles | ||||
ForceResolutionDefaultToMaxSize | 0 | Graphics | Force default resolution to the maximum supported size rather than the auto-detected size | ||||
FrameBufferCacheForceNoHeaps | 0 | Graphics | Disable use of texture heaps and force the fallback path | ||||
friendInvitesCollapsed | 0 | Game | Account | Whether friend invites are hidden in the friends list | |||
friendsSmallView | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to use smaller buttons in the friends list | |||
friendsViewButtons | 0 | Game | Character | Whether to show the friends list view buttons | |||
fstack_showanchors | 1 | Debug | 0: Hide Anchors, 1: Show Anchors (Default). | ||||
fstack_showhidden | 0 | Debug | 0: Hide Hidden (Default), 1: Show Hidden. | ||||
fstack_showregions | 1 | Debug | 0: Hide Regions, 1: Show Regions (Default). | ||||
fullDump | 0 | Debug | When you crash, generate a full memory dump | ||||
GamePadAbbreviatedBindingReverse | 1 | Display main binding button first so it's visible even if truncated on action bar | |||||
GamePadAnalogMovement | 0 | Enable analog movement in any direction, rather than just the 8 cardinal directions | |||||
GamePadCameraLookMaxPitch | 0 | Max pitch 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle | |||||
GamePadCameraLookMaxYaw | 0 | Max yaw 'Look' stick can adjust camera angle | |||||
GamePadCameraPitchSpeed | 1 | Pitch speed of GamePad camera moving up/down | |||||
GamePadCameraYawSpeed | 1 | Yaw speed of GamePad camera turning left/right | |||||
GamePadCursorAutoDisableJump | 1 | GamePad cursor control will auto-disable when you jump | |||||
GamePadCursorAutoDisableSticks | 2 | GamePad cursor control will auto-disable on stick input (0=none, 1=movement, 2=movement+cursor) | |||||
GamePadCursorAutoEnable | 1 | Auto enable GamePad cursor control when opening UIs that may need it | |||||
GamePadCursorCenteredEmulation | 1 | When cursor is centered for GamePad movement, also emulate mouse clicks | |||||
GamePadCursorCentering | 0 | When using GamePad, center the cursor | |||||
GamePadCursorForTargeting | 1 | Enable GamePad controlled cursor for spell targeting (1=enable, 2=start-at-target) | |||||
GamePadCursorLeftClick | PADRTRIGGER | GamePad button that should emulate mouse Left Click while controlling the mouse cursor | |||||
GamePadCursorOnLogin | 1 | Enable GamePad cursor control on login and character screens | |||||
GamePadCursorPushCamera | 1 | Rate for GamePad controlled cursor to push/turn camera when at edge of window | |||||
GamePadCursorRightClick | PADRSHOULDER | GamePad button that should emulate mouse Right Click while controlling the mouse cursor | |||||
GamePadCursorSpeedAccel | 2 | Acceleration of GamePad cursor per second as it continues to move | |||||
GamePadCursorSpeedMax | 1 | Top speed of GamePad cursor movement | |||||
GamePadCursorSpeedStart | 0.1 | Speed of GamePad cursor when it starts moving | |||||
GamePadEmulateAlt | none | GamePad button that should emulate the Alt key | |||||
GamePadEmulateCtrl | PADLSHOULDER | GamePad button that should emulate the Ctrl key | |||||
GamePadEmulateShift | PADLTRIGGER | GamePad button that should emulate the Shift key | |||||
GamePadEmulateTapWindowMs | 350 | GamePad buttons emulating Ctrl/Alt/Shift will be 'tapped' if released withing this time in MS | |||||
GamePadEnable | 0 | Whether GamePad input should be enabled | |||||
GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngle | 0 | Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around) | |||||
GamePadFaceMovementMaxAngleCombat | 180 | Max movement to camera angle to face movement direction instead of camera direction, in combat. 0 = always, 180 = never (115 allows using strafe with quick turn around) | |||||
GamePadFactionColor | 1 | Enable setting GamePad's led color to match current faction | |||||
GamePadSingleActiveID | 0 | ID of single GamePad device to use. 0 = Use all devices' combined input | |||||
GamePadStickAxisButtons | 0 | Enables virtual buttons for the GamePad stick cardinal directions | |||||