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Cooking WoW Icon update Cooking (Profession)
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Cooking Recipes

Outland Bc icon
Northrend Wrath-Logo-Small
Cataclysm Cataclysm
Pandaria Mists of Pandaria
Draenor Warlords of Draenor
Legion Legion
Battle for Azeroth Battle for Azeroth
Shadowlands Shadowlands
Dragon Isles Dragonflight

Recipes in Cooking are used to craft various types of consumables, most of which are food. Many of them are learned from Cooking trainers, but the majority is learned by using recipe-items. As an item, a recipe may be obtained as a reward for completing a Cooking quest, found as loot or purchased from a vendor. It is usually named in the format of [Recipe: <consumable>], such as Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Runn Tum Tuber Surprise]. Most cooking recipes use the picture of a scroll.

No cooking recipe is restricted to either the Horde or the Alliance, but some are much easier to obtain for one of them than the other. This has several reasons - a recipe may be sold by a single faction-aligned NPC, rewarded from a faction-aligned quest, or perhaps dropped in in a zone especially populated by a specific faction. Often, these recipes are available from a neutral auction house.

As of Pilgrim's Bounty (2009), the total number of recipes actually in the game was 169. With the recent implements of Cataclysm, the number of recipes increased to 202 with the additional three new recipes from Cooking Trainers, two Feasts from guild achievements, and 28 from new Cooking Dailies. For new players, however, the number of obtainable recipes is slightly less; not only were the quests yielding some recipes removed in 4.0.3a, some vendors selling recipes were also removed due to change to their location (some of these recipes returned in 4.0.6). In addition, one recipe turned out to be bugged and was removed shortly after the expansion launched to be worked on (it later returned in 4.0.6 as well). Some others were returned in 4.1.0. 4.2.0 removed another recipe and returned two more, which places the number of recipes currently available to new chefs (non-Rogues, see below) at 200. Also, keep in mind that some recipes are only available during seasonal events.

As of patch 4.2.0 - which removed one recipe - it's possible to know 202 cooking recipes at most. Non-Rogues are effectively limited to one less, since new copies of Inv scroll 03 [Recipe: Thistle Tea] have been BoP since patch 1.3.0.

Nearly every recipe in Cooking is classified as "Food and drink". Spell magic featherfall [Feathered Lure] is the only exception, being classified as "Other". The Cooking Fire is neither of them, being a separate ability.

Lists of Cooking recipes[]

  • Note: Recipes marked with IconSmall RaidCross are very difficult or impossible to acquire. It is unlikely that the player will be able to learn them. This may change for each individual recipe.

Classic Recipes (1 - 300)[]

Classic recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Outland RecipesBc icon (1 - 75)[]

Outland recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Northrend RecipesWrath-Logo-Small (1 - 75)[]

Northrend recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Cataclysm RecipesCataclysm (1 - 75)[]

Cataclysm recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Pandaria Recipes Mists of Pandaria (1 - 75)[]

Pandaria recipes
Everyday pandaren cooking
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food vendor slicedpeaches [Sliced Peaches] 1xPandaren Peach 1 (5) 30 32 35 Trainer 1s 11c
Inv misc cookednoodles [Perfectly Cooked Instant Noodles] 1xInstant Noodles 30 (5) 60 62 65 Trainer 40s
Inv misc food vendor toastedfishjerky [Toasted Fish Jerky] 1xGolden Carp 60 (5) 90 92 95 Trainer 40s
Inv misc food vendor needlemushroom [Dried Needle Mushrooms] 1xNeedle Mushrooms 90 (5) 120 122 125 Trainer 40s
Inv misc food 168 ricecake01 [Pounded Rice Cake] 1xRice 120 (5) 150 152 155 Trainer 40s
Inv misc food vendor yakcheesecurds [Yak Cheese Curds] 1xYak Milk 150 (5) 180 182 185 Trainer 44s 44c
Inv misc leatherscrap 06 [Dried Peaches] 1xPandaren Peach 180 (5) 210 212 215 Trainer 44s 44c
Inv misc food vendor boiledsilkwormpupa [Boiled Silkworm Pupa] 1xSilkworm Pupa 210 (5) 240 242 245 Trainer 44s 44c
Inv misc food vendor roastedbarlytea [Roasted Barley Tea] 1xBarley 240 (5) 270 272 275 Trainer 44s 44c
Inv misc food cooked goldcarpconsomme [Golden Carp Consomme] 2xGolden Carp ? (5) ? ? 500 Trainer 44s 44c
Inv misc food cooked fishcake [Fish Cake] 2xGolden Carp ? (5) ? ? 500 Trainer 55s 55c
Inv misc food vendor blanchedneedlemushroom [Blanched Needle Mushrooms] 2xNeedle Mushrooms 330 (5) 360 362 355 Trainer 55s 55c
Inv misc food vendor redbeanbun [Red Bean Bun] 1xRed Beans 360 (5) 390 392 395 Trainer 55s 55c
Inv misc skeweredpeanutchicken [Skewered Peanut Chicken] 1xFarm Chicken 390 (5) 420 422 425 Trainer 2g 36s 66c
Inv misc food vendor greenfishbonescurry [Green Curry Fish] 1xRice 2xGolden Carp 420 (5) 450 452 455 Trainer 2g 36s 66c
Inv misc food vendor peachpie [Peach Pie] 2xPandaren Peach 450 (5) 480 482 485 Trainer 2g 36s 66c
Inv misc food vendor tangypeachyogurt [Tangy Yogurt] 1xYak Milk 1xPandaren Peach 480 (5) 495 497 500 Trainer 2g 36s 66c
Inv drink milk 01 [Pearl Milk Tea] 2xYak Milk 495 (5) 510 512 515 Trainer 3g 61s 11c
Inv misc food vendor needlemushroomsoup [Wildfowl Ginseng Soup] 1xGinseng 1xWildfowl Breast 510 520 522 525 Trainer 3g 61s 11c
Inv misc food vendor poundedricecake 1 [Rice Pudding] 1xRice 1xYak Milk 520 530 530 530 Trainer 3g 61s 11c
Inv misc food 124 skewer [Krasarang Fritters] 1xKrasarang Paddlefish 525 530 530 530 Vendor 3g 88s 88c (Anglers Friendly)
Inv misc food 64 [Viseclaw Soup] 1xViseclaw Meat 525 530 530 530 Vendor 3g 88s 88c (Anglers Friendly)
Inv misc food vendor poundedricecakes [Spicy Vegetable Chips] 25xJade Squash 25xPink Turnip 25xJuicycrunch Carrot 500 600 600 600 Vendor 77s 77c (Tillers Exalted)
Inv misc food meat cooked 06 [Spicy Salmon] 5xEmperor Salmon 25xWitchberries 25xStriped Melon 1xRice 500 600 600 600 Vendor 1g (Tillers Exalted)
Inv misc food mango ice [Mango Ice] 1xAged Balsamic Vinegar 5xFresh Mangos 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet general [Pandaren Banquet] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xJewel Danio 10xRaw Tiger Steak 50xPink Turnip 600 600 600 600 Vendor 10 Ironpaw Token
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet general [Great Pandaren Banquet] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xJewel Danio 20xRaw Tiger Steak 100xPink Turnip 600 600 600 600 Vendor 10 Ironpaw Token
Inv misc noodle cart base level [Noodle Cart Kit] 5xCharbroiled Tiger Steak 5xSauteed Carrots 5xSwirling Mist Soup 5xShrimp Dumplings 5xWildfowl Roast 5xGinseng Tea 600 600 600 605 N Cooking [35] Catch and Carry
Inv misc noodle cart intermediate level [Deluxe Noodle Cart Kit] 5xEternal Blossom Fish 5xTwin Fish Platter 5xBraised Turtle 5xFire Spirit Salmon 5xValley Stir Fry 5xJade Witch Brew 600 600 600 607 N Cooking [35D] Is That A Real Measurement?
Inv misc noodle cart epic level [Pandaren Treasure Noodle Cart Kit] 5xBlack Pepper Ribs and Shrimp 5xChun Tian Spring Rolls 5xMogu Fish Stew 5xSteamed Crab Surprise 5xSea Mist Rice Noodles 5xMad Brewer's Breakfast 600 600 600 611 N Cooking [35] The Secret Ingredient Is...
Way of the Grill
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked tigersteak [Charbroiled Tiger Steak] 1xRaw Tiger Steak 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked eternalblossomfish [Eternal Blossom Fish] 1xJade Lungfish 5xStriped Melon 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet grill [Banquet of the Grill] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xRedbelly Mandarin 10xRaw Crab Meat 50xWhite Turnip 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet grill [Great Banquet of the Grill] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xRedbelly Mandarin 20xRaw Crab Meat 100xWhite Turnip 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked golden black pepper ribs and shrimp [Black Pepper Ribs and Shrimp] 1xBlack Pepper 5xGiant Mantis Shrimp 5xMushan Ribs 25xGreen Cabbage 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food 06 [Fluffy Silkfeather Omelet] 1xAged Mogu'shan Cheese 5xFresh Silkfeather Hawk Eggs 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Way of the Wok
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked sauteedcarrots [Sauteed Carrots] 2xJuicycrunch Carrot 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked valleystirfry [Valley Stir Fry] 1xReef Octopus 1xWildfowl Breast 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet wok [Banquet of the Wok] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xGiant Mantis Shrimp 10xRaw Crocolisk Belly 50xRed Blossom Leek 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet wok [Great Banquet of the Wok] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xGiant Mantis Shrimp 20xRaw Crocolisk Belly 100xRed Blossom Leek 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked seamistricenoodles [Sea Mist Rice Noodles] 1xRice Flour 5xTiger Gourami 5xRaw Turtle Meat 25xScallions 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food vendor slicedpeaches [Seasoned Pomfruit Slices] 1xAncient Pandaren Spices 5xFresh Pomfruit 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Way of the Pot
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked swirlingmistsoup [Swirling Mist Soup] 1xJade Lungfish 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked braisedturtle [Braised Turtle] 1xRaw Turtle Meat 5xJuicycrunch Carrot 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet pot [Banquet of the Pot] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xReef Octopus 10xMushan Ribs 50xJuicycrunch Carrot 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet pot [Great Banquet of the Pot] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xReef Octopus 20xMushan Ribs 100xJuicycrunch Carrot 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked mogufishstew [Mogu Fish Stew] 1xBlack Pepper 5xEmperor Salmon 5xRaw Crocolisk Belly 25xMogu Pumpkin 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc herb frostlotus [Spiced Blossom Soup] 1xAncient Pandaren Spices 5xDelicate Blossom Petals 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Way of the Steamer
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked shrimpdumplings [Shrimp Dumplings] 1xGiant Mantis Shrimp 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked firespiritsalmon [Fire Spirit Salmon] 1xEmperor Salmon 5xScallions 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet steamer [Banquet of the Steamer] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xEmperor Salmon 10xWildfowl Breast 50xJade Squash 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet steamer [Great Banquet of the Steamer] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xEmperor Salmon 20xWildfowl Breast 100xJade Squash 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked steamcrabsurprise [Steamed Crab Surprise] 1xRice Flour 5xJewel Danio 5xWildfowl Breast 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food 117 heartysoup [Farmer's Delight] 1xAged Balsamic Vinegar 1xFresh Strawberries 2xFresh Shao-Tien Rice 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Way of the Oven
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked wildfowlroast [Wildfowl Roast] 1xWildfowl Breast 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked twinfishplatter [Twin Fish Platter] 2xKrasarang Paddlefish 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet oven [Banquet of the Oven] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 10xKrasarang Paddlefish 10xRaw Turtle Meat 50xMogu Pumpkin 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet oven [Great Banquet of the Oven] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 20xKrasarang Paddlefish 20xRaw Turtle Meat 100xMogu Pumpkin 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked springrolls [Chun Tian Spring Rolls] 1xRice Flour 5xRedbelly Mandarin 5xRaw Tiger Steak 25xRed Blossom Leek 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Spell druid wildmushroom [Stuffed Lushrooms] 1xAged Mogu'shan Cheese 5xFresh Lushroom 600 600 600 600 Ancient Guo-Lai Cache
Way of the Brew
Recipe Reagents Orange Yellow Green Gray Source
Inv misc food cooked ginsengtea [Ginseng Tea] 1xGinseng 525 550 552 555 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv drink 31 embalmingfluid [Jade Witch Brew] 5xWitchberries 5xJade Squash 550 (2) 575 575 575 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked pabanquet brew [Banquet of the Brew] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 50xGreen Cabbage 50xWitchberries 575 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked greatpabanquet brew [Great Banquet of the Brew] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 100xGreen Cabbage 100xWitchberries 575 (8) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv drink 32 disgustingrotgut [Mad Brewer's Breakfast] 1xBlack Pepper 50xPink Turnip 600 (5) 600 600 600 Trainer 3g 80s
Inv misc food cooked madbrewbreakfast [Four Senses Brew] 1x100 Year Soy Sauce 1xRice Flour 1xBlack Pepper 1xPandaren Peach 200xRed Blossom Leek 600 600 602 605 Inv misc stonetablet 05 [Tablet of Ren Yun] (Kun-Lai)
Inv drink 01 [Banana Infused Rum] 1xTel'Abim Banana 1xVolatile Rum 200xWitchberries 1xSilkworm Pupa 1xBlack Pepper 600 600 602 605 Inv misc book 02 [Recipe: Banana Infused Rum] (Krasarang)

Draenor Recipes Warlords of Draenor (1 - 100)[]

Draenor recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Legion Recipes Legion (1 - 100)[]

Legion recipes
Note: This list is up to date as of Patch 10.1.5

Kul Tiran / Zandalari Battle for Azeroth (1 - 175)[]

Battle for Azeroth recipes
Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 grilledsnapper [Grilled Catfish] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Grilled Catfish]
5x Inv fishing greatseacatfish [Great Sea Catfish]
Trainer 30g
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 seasonedloins [Seasoned Loins] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Seasoned Loins]
10 Inv cooking 80 stringyloins [Stringy Loins], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
Revered Tortollan Seekers 1200g
- 50 75 100 Rank 1 only Inv holiday beerfestsausage03 [Heartsbane Hexwurst] 70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Heartsbane Hexwurst]
5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 5xInv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv misc food 49 [Cursed Haunch]
Drops from Raal the Gluttonous
75 100 117 135 Rank 1 only Inv cooking 81 honeypotpie [Honey Potpie] 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 5x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato] Trainer 45g
170 175 175 175 Rank 1 only
Inv misc food 86 basilisk [Unagi Skewer]
70 professions scroll 02 [Recipe: Unagi Skewer]

5x Inv fishing 82 viperfish [Viper Fish], 5x Inv fishing 82 mauvestinger [Mauve Stinger]

B [50] Drunk Angry Murlocs world quest
Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 kultiramisu [Kul Tiramisu] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Kul Tiramisu]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Spell misc drink [Major's Frothy Coffee]
Trainer 25g
Trainer 35g
World Quests N [50WQ] Work Order: Kul Tiramisu / N [50WQ] Work Order: Loa Loaf / N [50WQ] Work Order: Ravenberry Tarts / N [50WQ] Work Order: Mon'Dazi
Inv cooking 80 loaloaf [Loa Loaf] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Loa Loaf]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Inv cooking 80 ravenberrytart [Ravenberry Tarts] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Ravenberry Tarts]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildberries [Wild Berries]
Inv cooking 80 mondazi [Mon'Dazi] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Mon'Dazi]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Inv cooking 81 wildberrybread [Wild Berry Bread] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Wild Berry Bread]
10x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildberries [Wild Berries], 5x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 4x Inv cooking 80 powderedsugar [Powdered Sugar]
Trainer 25g
Trainer 35g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
Learn Yellow Green Grey Rank Food Recipe Source
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv cooking 80 honeyglazedhaunch [Honey-Glazed Haunches] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Honey-Glazed Haunches]
10x Inv cooking 80 meatyhaunch [Meaty Haunch], 5x Inv cooking 80 choralhoney [Choral Honey]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
World Quests N [50WQ] Work Order: Honey-Glazed Haunches / N [50WQ] Work Order: Sailor's Pie / N [50WQ] Work Order: Swamp Fish 'n Chips / N [50WQ] Work Order: Spiced Snapper
Inv cooking 80 sailorspie [Sailor's Pie] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Sailor's Pie]
10x Inv cooking 80 brinyflesh [Briny Flesh], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 4x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 4x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato]
Inv cooking 80 swampfishnchips [Swamp Fish 'n Chips] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Swamp Fish 'n Chips]
10x Inv fishing slimymackerel [Slimy Mackerel], 3x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour], 2x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato]
Inv cooking 80 spicedcatfish [Spiced Snapper] Inv recipe 70 -scroll3star [Recipe: Spiced Snapper]
10x Inv fishing lanesnapper [Lane Snapper], 5x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka]
Inv cooking 81 paleosteakandpotatoes [Seasoned Steak and Potatoes] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Seasoned Steak and Potatoes]
6x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 5x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 2x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Trainer 37g 50s
Trainer 45g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv holiday beerfestsausage01 [Boralus Blood Sausage] Recipe: Boralus Blood Sausage
5x Inv cooking 80 thickpaleosteak [Thick Paleo Steak], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 2x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil], 5x Ability malkorok blightofyshaarj red [Sanguicell]
Trainer 25g
Exalted Tortollan Seekers 1900g
Tortollan Seekers reputation turn-in - Inv bfa paragoncache tortollanseekers [Tortollan Seekers Supplies]
150 165 170 175 Rank 1 only Inv misc gear 01 [Mecha-Bytes] Recipe: Mecha-Bytes
25x Inv mechagon spareparts [Spare Parts]
Dropped by Operation: Mechagon mobs (mythic only)
Rank 1
Rank 2
Rank 3
Inv misc fish 18 [Abyssal-Fried Rissole] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Abyssal-Fried Rissole]
8x Inv cooking 82 moistfillet [Moist Fillet], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 5x Inv cooking 80 wildflour [Wild Flour]
R1 - Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 75g
R2 - Alliance Instructor Ulooaka /
Horde Rolm 85g
R3 - World Quests Work Order: Abyssal-Fried Rissole / Work Order: Bil'Tong / Work Order: Fragrant Kakavia / Work Order: Baked Port Tato
Inv misc food 48 [Bil'Tong] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Bil'Tong]
8x Inv cooking 82 rubberyflank [Rubbery Flank], 3x Inv cooking 80 foosaka [Foosaka], 1x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Inv misc food 159 fish white [Fragrant Kakavia] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star [Recipe: Fragrant Kakavia]
8x Inv fishing 82 mauvestinger [Mauve Stinger], 3x Inv cooking 80 brownpotato [Fresh Potato], 1x Trade alchemy dpotion e2 [Aromatic Fish Oil]
Inv misc food cooked fishcake [Baked Port Tato] Inv recipe 70 scroll3star