A cooking trainer is an NPC that offers cooks the opportunity to train and learn recipes.
Landmass |
Trainer |
Location |
Coordinates |
Additional Information
The Maelstrom
KTC Train-a-Tron Deluxe
Town-In-A-Box Sky Falls Gallywix Docks |
The Lost Isles The Lost Isles The Lost Isles |
Teaches only up to Journeyman level.
Available only to starting Goblins.
Eastern Kingdoms
Gremlock Pilsnor
Kharanos |
Dun Morogh |
[54.6, 50.6]
Cook Ghilm
Gol'Bolar Quarry |
Dun Morogh |
[75.6, 52.6]
Goldshire |
Elwynn Forest |
[44.2, 66.0]
Fielding Chesterhill
Duskhaven |
Gilneas |
[36.6, 65.6] |
Available only to starting Worgen.
Crystal Boughman
Lakeshire |
Redridge Mountains |
[22.8, 40.6]
Stephen Ryback
Old Town |
Stormwind |
[77.2, 53.2]
Daryl Riknussun
The Great Forge |
Ironforge |
[60.1, 36.4]
Mrs. Gant
Booty Bay |
Cape of Stranglethorn |
[42.7, 72.7]
Falconwing Square |
Eversong Woods |
[49.0, 47.0]
The Chef
Brill |
Tirisfal Glades |
[61.2, 52.6]
Master Chef Mouldier
Tranquillien |
Ghostlands |
[48.0, 30.0]
Hammerfall |
Arathi Highlands |
[69.2, 34.4]
Grom'gol Base Camp |
Northern Stranglethorn |
[37.2, 49.2]
Eunice Burch
The Trade Quarter |
Undercity |
[62.8, 44.2]
Wayfarer's Rest Inn |
Silvermoon |
[69.5, 71.5]
"Cookie" McWeaksauce
Odesyus' Landing |
Azuremyst Isle |
[46.8, 70.5]
Dolanaar |
Teldrassil |
[56.6, 53.6]
Craig Nollward
Theramore |
Dustwallow Marsh |
[66.8, 45.2]
Craftsmen's Terrace |
Darnassus |
[50.0, 36.6]
Seat of the Naaru |
The Exodar |
[56.2, 27.6]
Henry Stern
Razorfen Downs |
Teaches [Goldthorn Tea] to players
with high enough cooking skill.
Dirge Quikcleave
Gadgetzan |
Tanaris |
[52.6, 29.0] |
Teaches [Clamlette Magnifique]
after completing quest.
Pyall Silentstride
Bloodhoof Village |
Mulgore |
[45.6, 67.6]
Thorn Hill |
Northern Barrens |
[55.4, 61.2]
Aska Mistrunner
High Rise |
Thunder Bluff |
[51.0, 53.0]
Borstan's Firepit, the Drag |
Orgrimmar |
[56.2, 51.6]
the Drag |
Orgrimmar |
[56.6, 62.6]
Zarbo Porkpatty
Goblin Slums |
Orgrimmar |
[39.0, 85.8]
Valley of Spirits |
Orgrimmar |
[57.5, 53.6]
Honor Hold |
Hellfire Peninsula |
[54.0, 63.6]
Celie Steelwing
Wildhammer Stronghold |
Shadowmoon Valley |
[37.2, 58.4]
Thrallmar |
Hellfire Peninsula |
[56.8, 37.4]
Cenarion Refuge |
Zangarmarsh |
[78.5, 63.0]
Jack Trapper
Lower City |
Shattrath City |
[63.5, 68.6]
Lower City |
Shattrath City |
[75.5, 32.6] |
Teaches 3 recipes to players
with high enough cooking skill.
Rollick MacKreel
Valiance Keep |
Borean Tundra |
[57.8, 71.6]
Brom Brewbaster
Valgarde |
Howling Fjord |
[58.2, 62.1]
Katherine Lee
A Hero's Welcome |
Dalaran |
[41.5, 64.6]
Orn Tenderhoof
Warsong Hold |
Borean Tundra |
[42.0, 54.2]
Thomas Kolichio
Vengeance Landing |
Howling Fjord |
[78.5, 29.4]
Awilo Lon'gomba
Sunreaver's Sanctuary |
Dalaran |
[70.0, 39.0]
Bethany Cromwell
Argent Tournament Grounds |
Icecrown |
[72.5, 20.8]
Dawn's Blossom |
Jade Forest |
[46.3, 45.2] |
Teaches "Everyday Cooking" Pandaren cuisine.
Sungshin Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[53.6, 51.2] |
Teaches "Everyday Cooking" Pandaren cuisine.
Anthea Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[52.8, 51.8] |
Teaches the [Way of the Wok].
Kol Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[53.0, 51.4] |
Teaches the [Way of the Grill].
Jian Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[53.2, 51.6] |
Teaches the [Way of the Oven].
Mei Mei Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[52.6, 51.6] |
Teaches the [Way of the Pot].
Yan Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[52.6, 51.6] |
Teaches the [Way of the Steamer].
Bobo Ironpaw
Halfhill Market |
Valley of the Four Winds |
[53.0, 52.0] |
Teaches the [Way of the Brew].
Master Chang
Peak of Serenity |
Kun-Lai Summit |
[50.6, 41.8]
Guy Fireeye
Brokenspear Tavern |
Warspear |
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