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MobCore Rager
Image of Core Rager
A Core Rager as seen in Hearthstone.
Race Core hound (Beast)
Level 32 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Molten Core
Status Killable
Pet family Core hound
Core Rager


Core Ragers are core hounds found in Molten Core as the pets of Golemagg the Incinerator; two will assist him in the fight. They cannot be killed while Golemagg still lives; once he dies, they will die too.


  • Ability druid disembowel Mangle — Inflicts 252 damage to an enemy every 2 sec. and slows its movement by 50% for 20 sec.


Two offtanks should fight the Core Ragers far away from Golemagg. The dogs can't die so there is no reason to DPS them, just keep them occupied. When they are out of range of Golemagg's buff, their horns will stop glowing red. Warlock curse weakness [Curse of Weakness] can be useful, as the two hounds are not killed themselves. The hounds also can provide a steady stream of health to warlocks via Spell shadow requiem [Siphon Life].

In Hearthstone[]

Hearthstone This section contains information exclusive to Hearthstone and is considered non-canon.

The Core Rager appears as a rare card for the Hunter class in the Blackrock Mountain adventure of Hearthstone. Two copies of the card are rewarded for defeating Highlord Omokk in the Blackrock Spire wing. The flavor text reads: "It takes a special kind of hunter to venture deep into a firey lava pit and convince a monster who lives there to come home and be a cuddly housepet."


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