Council o' Captains (the Council of Captains)[1] is the second boss of Freehold. This trio of bosses is a council encounter where they must be killed together.
The three leaders of Freehold's crews enter combat together. Joining one of the Captains and his or her crew prior to engaging with the Council willl earn you an ally, drastically improving your chances and negating the effects of Under One Banner.
Damage Dealers[]
Free allies disoriented by Blackout Barrel by destroying the barrels.
Keep allies at maximum health as Powder Shot deals significant damage to random players.
Free allies disoriented by Blackout Barrel by destroying the barrels.
Blackout Barrel — Raoul throws an empty barrel at a random enemy, disorienting them until the barrel is destroyed.
Barrel Smash — Raoul lifts his emptied barrel of grog and slams it to the ground repeatedly for 4 sec. All enemies within 10 yards suffer 15 Physical damage and are knocked back every second.
Tapped Keg — While allied with players, Raoul will tap a keg of his own personal supply, showering nearby allies with brew. Nearby allies inflict 15% more damage.
Powder Shot — Eudora fires a heavy powder shot at a random enemy, inflicting 40 Physical damage.
Grapeshot — Eudora leaps to a new location and fires wide blasts of grapeshot from her rifle across the arena. Each blast deals 26 Fire damage in a cone.
Chain Shot — While allied with players, Eudora loads her rifle with a chain bola and blasts it at her enemy target, stunning them for 6 sec.
Cutting Surge — Dashes to a player, inflicting 15 Physical damage to targets within 5 yds. Players struck are left bleeding for 7 Physical damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.
Whirlpool of Blades — Captain Jolly unleashes a whirling saber empowered by the seas that inflicts 37 Nature damage every second to all nearby enemies.
Trade Wind's Vigor — While allied with players, Jolly bends the trade winds to his will, increasing the movement speed of nearby allies by 40% for 10 sec.