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HordeCracking the Surface
Start Shrine of Storms
End Shrine of Storms
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Jewelcrafting
Experience 17,850
Rewards 23g 40s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Jewelcrafting [50] Cracking the Surface.


Go to the Windshorn Hills and gather 20 Shard of Golden Beryl.


<Upon your investigation you discover that the shrine has a couple locations where jewels appeared to have been located, but no longer exist.

Additionally, the center jewel appears to have several cracks in it as well.

Checking your notes, the earthen mentions having prospected the jewels from a nearby mountain to the northwest.

Perhaps you can prospect the earth in that area to find more of those jewels.>


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 17,850 XP


<The placement of the jewels on this shrine appear to be placed in a rather intricate fashion.>


Using your tools, you carefully shape the jewels and affix them into the empty slots on the shrine.

Using the remainder, you are able to fill in the cracks of the center jewel, giving it a flush surface.

As you place the final jewel, a similar pulse of energy radiates from the shrine as the light in the area seems to draw into it. A strange glow now emanating from the shrine leads you to believe it is once again active.




  1. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Rocky Start
  2. H Jewelcrafting [50] Digging Through the Past
  3. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Shrine of the Dawning
  4. H Jewelcrafting [50] Out With the Old
  5. H Jewelcrafting [50] A Promising Beginning
  6. Complete all of the following:
  7. H Jewelcrafting [50] The Missing Chapter

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