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NeutralCracks in Time
Start Chromie [59.6, 81.7]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
End Chromie [59.6, 81.7]VZ-ThaldraszusBlip
Level 68-70
Category Thaldraszus
Experience 10,250
Reputation +100 Valdrakken Accord
Rewards Inv glyph minormage [Highland Drake: Spiked Tail]
27g 62s
Previous N [68-70] Catching Up to Chromie
Next N [68-70] The Once and Future Team


Use the East and West crystals to further empower your Timewalker Staff.


When the temple locked down, the Wardens got sealed up with the temple doors. We need to pop that stasis bubble to get them out! Unfortunately, that'll need a fully empowered Timewalker staff...

I know! You can drain the crystals here on the platforms! That should power up your staff enough.

They have their own stasis fields, so just yank them out and absorb their energy with your staff.

And don't feel bad if they shatter--the power is still there, even if it's in pieces!


You will receive:


I've been meaning to order a new pair of crystals from Valdrakken anyway.


Excellent work!

You should be cooking with more than enough time juice to release the Wardens now!


On accept of both:

Andantenormu says: <Name>! I require your assistance as well!

He starts N [68-70] Quelling Causalities.

At the southwestern and northeastern extent of the quest area are Bronze Power Crystals, in time bubbles. Don't try to walk into one, as it'll knock the player away.

An Extra Action Button appears while near it:

Inv staff 1h drakonid c 01 Termporal Destabilizing Beam 10 yd range — Disrupts Bronze stasis bubbles. Channeled

Use it, and a tether appears:

Pull on the timestream to free the crystal!

Run away from the crystal to yank it off the stand it's on, but...

  • Chromie says: Whoops! Don't worry we can replace those crystals... At least, I think we can.
  • Chromie says: It's okay! Just use your staff on the shards instead!

It shatters into several Temporal Crystal Chunks, so loot them to continue.


  1. N [68-70] The Flow of Time
  2. N [68-70] Temporal Difficulties
  3. N [68-70] Haven't Got Time For the Pain
  4. N [68-70] Time is Running Out & N [68-70] Time in a Bottle
  5. N [68-70] Feels Like the First Time
  6. N [68-70] Times Like These & N [68-70] If We Could Turn Back Time
  7. N [68-70] Closing Time
  8. N [68-70] Catching Up to Chromie
  9. N [68-70] Time-Locked Timewalkers, N [68-70] Cracks in Time, & N [68-70] Quelling Causalities
  10. N [68-70] The Once and Future Team
  11. N [68-70] The Never-Final Countdown

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